Sexual Discrimination and Violence: Changing women's attitudes

In all seriousness, how can we change the people? What can be done? I am all for any practical solution, not that it matters what I am "all for". And the serious part of your post would constitute "most" in "already take most of these precautions."
Except for adultery and cheating and lying and saying stupid stuff to women who are known to get angry. I don't think most men avoid these things.

Oh, there is so much that can be bettered.

Even a pathetic feminazi like me wants to help men not get hit by women.
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Mod Note: Quoted material refers to post struck for insulting content.

Education programs. Advertisements that are not sexually biased.

That's just for starters.

Now it is not "ok" for a woman to hit a man. Just as it is not "ok" for a man to hit a woman. Domestic violence does not solely apply to one sex.

If you wish to change the way the system works, start campaigning against it. Start pushing for educating men to not be ashamed or embarrassed of their plight. Start making the men in your society aware of the issue and the gravity of said issue. Instead of hiding behind the 'women have all the help, why don't we' argument, actually do something about it. Campaign against domestic violence as a whole, regardless of the sex of the victim and perpetrator. Encourage the males in your society to report any incidence of domestic violence they experience in their own homes (the same goes for female victims).

Contact the domestic violence prevention organisations in your own State.

I'll even give you the links to the one in Victoria if you like:

Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

Victorian Community Council against Violence ... which provide help and support as well as educate about domestic violence.

The Victorian Crime Prevention site can also be accessed in the link above.

You want to change attitudes amongst women? That's a start. You'll also need to change the attitude amongst men who are ashamed or embarrassed to come forward to report domestic abuse. You need to work to tell men that being beaten by a woman is inherently wrong and that it is also illegal. YOU need to help change the attitude amongst many men that men who are victims of domestic abuse are somehow weak or "pussy's". If you want to make a difference, contact your local State and Federal member.

Hope that helps.:)
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hey bells, thats what i said (though i do have to aplaud the amount of effort you put into your post compared to mine:p)
Mod Hat - Warnings and stuff like that

Mod Hat — Warnings and stuff like that

Warnings issued:


I'm honored. Really, I am.


I've tolerated this idiotic topic long enough to see you make a point by accident. Congratulations. Nonetheless, you've been through the routine long enough to know better than to try to make an insult into a proper argument. Easy enough? Good.

A piece of advice: Next time, try presenting your evidence (see #1897321/24) earlier in the discussion, like maybe in the topic post. People are more likely to take you seriously when your argument pertains to an issue and doesn't revolve around your dislike of any one specific member.

• • •​


Quit with the off-topic posts.
Education programs. Advertisements that are not sexually biased.

That's just for starters.

Now it is not "ok" for a woman to hit a man. Just as it is not "ok" for a man to hit a woman. Domestic violence does not solely apply to one sex.

If you wish to change the way the system works, start campaigning against it. Start pushing for educating men to not be ashamed or embarrassed of their plight. Start making the men in your society aware of the issue and the gravity of said issue. Instead of hiding behind the 'women have all the help, why don't we' argument, actually do something about it. Campaign against domestic violence as a whole, regardless of the sex of the victim and perpetrator. Encourage the males in your society to report any incidence of domestic violence they experience in their own homes (the same goes for female victims).

Contact the domestic violence prevention organisations in your own State.

I'll even give you the links to the one in Victoria if you like:

Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

Victorian Community Council against Violence ... which provide help and support as well as educate about domestic violence.

The Victorian Crime Prevention site can also be accessed in the link above.

You want to change attitudes amongst women? That's a start. You'll also need to change the attitude amongst men who are ashamed or embarrassed to come forward to report domestic abuse. You need to work to tell men that being beaten by a woman is inherently wrong and that it is also illegal. YOU need to help change the attitude amongst many men that men who are victims of domestic abuse are somehow weak or "pussy's". If you want to make a difference, contact your local State and Federal member.

Hope that helps.:)

Bells, why are you placing the burden on me and my fellow males? I mean, shouldn't the burden be on women to STOP HITTING MEN?
actually the burden is on you specifically. If we take it as shear ignorance on the behalf of the state and federal MP's then the burden is on you (because you are the one who noticed the deficancy) to present this evidence to the relivent members of parliment. This includes both the state and federal justice minsters and the state and federal health minsters (as it cuts across both areas of policy) and possably the comunity services minster. This is what advocasy is all about.

Also as bells sugested you can take your grevance to the relivent NGO's, start a pertion ect. The burden is on you to do something however because if you dont who will:p
Bells, why are you placing the burden on me and my fellow males? I mean, shouldn't the burden be on women to STOP HITTING MEN?

When women fought for laws to protect them in their homes, they took the fight to where it counted. You as males are quite capable of doing the same, are you not?

The fight is on men, as well as women, to spread the message that domestic violence of any sort is wrong. So get off your backside and get to work. If this issue means so much to you, then you should start telling men that if a woman hits them, then they need to contact the police straight away. That will spur the police and the law makers to ensure males are given the extra protection they need from their violent female and male partners.

So yes, to make sure the message gets out to the abused men out there, the burden is on you and your fellow males to stand up with your abused brothers and make their voices heard. Learn from the feminists who went up against the establishment and had their voices heard. Just be thankful women paved the way for you somewhat.:)

There is an inherent belief in society that men who let women hit them are "pussies" or weak. It is for you and every other man on this planet to counter that argument with reason. You need to counter it by making sure men know they will get the support from other men who won't judge them as being weak or a "pussy" if they are abused in the home. Get it?..
When women fought for laws to protect them in their homes, they took the fight to where it counted. You as males are quite capable of doing the same, are you not?

If we do that, women will loose, starting yet another sexist war.
Bells, why are you placing the burden on me and my fellow males? I mean, shouldn't the burden be on women to STOP HITTING MEN?
No. You can never change the opposite sex. You must just take it as a given that biology compels them to act this or that way. What you can do is strategize how to protect yourself.
i do have to agree with draqon there bells, will the war for true equality never end or are we stuck on a sea sore swinging from male to female discrimination and back again?
So it is OK to place some of the burden on rape victims?

No. The burden rests on the males in society who view abused men as being "pussies". They are the ones hindering the recognition of the plight of abused men. They need to change their attitudes so that men who are abused do not feel embarrassed or ashamed to come forward and force society to deal appropriately with their plight. The burden isn't on the shoulders of the victims of domestic abuse. The burden is on the rest of society who feel it necessary to belittle and insult victims of domestic abuse, regardless of their gender. It would start with not sexualising domestic abuse and making it solely a woman's issue. Domestic abuse affects men, women and children. It is those victims who are being further victimised by the roles assigned by society itself. That needs to stop.

Just as the burden rests on society to not judge and abuse rape victims.

Can you tell the difference?
its an advocasy roll lepustimidus, if you feel a wrong is being perpetuated then its is your duty to advocate for those who are being victomised. This is why we have protests, and lobby groups and pertitions
If we do that, women will loose, starting yet another sexist war.

As I have said before, domestic abuse is not solely a woman's issue. Women fought for their right to protection under the legal system. Men do not. Men who come forward to report domestic abuse are viewed as being sissies. They should not be. The laws are there to protect both sexes equally. Men need to be free from fear of persecution from other men if they come forward to report their domestic abuse to the authorities.

It is time for men to start standing up against other men who continuously attempt to sexualise domestic abuse as being solely a woman's problem.
bells i think its more broude based than this one issue though. The discrimination in medical funding for instance is astronomical. Yet for a long time it was the reverse with all resurch being done on men insted of women, the sole exception being related to reproduction. So as a sociaty are we destined to swing from opression of one sex to the other without ever finding the true middle ground?
bells i think its more broude based than this one issue though. The discrimination in medical funding for instance is astronomical. Yet for a long time it was the reverse with all resurch being done on men insted of women, the sole exception being related to reproduction. So as a sociaty are we destined to swing from opression of one sex to the other without ever finding the true middle ground?
This implies that you think society has swung to where men now suffer more oppression. Do you believe this?
in some area's which are most noticably public policy area's.

I already mentioned the alocation of health funding (especially in resurch), funding for domestic violance and sexual assult prevention is another. Also there are no treatment centers for male victoms of sexual assult (or treatment centers for potentual offenders eiter). Funding for homelessness also tends to be biased towards women as well which is compleatly odd as in general most women dont have a fixed address (ie they move from couch to couch) where as most men tend to sleep in there cars or on the streets. The last major area is surport for single fathers which just isnt there like it is for there female countaparts.

Some of this can be explained by distribution of resorces (ie the amount of women needing the services are higher than men) but this means that by case the amount of funding actually needs to be higher per case for males because of the fixed costs. Currently these services just arent being provided period, which is unfortunate
in some area's which are most noticably public policy area's.

I already mentioned the alocation of health funding (especially in resurch), funding for domestic violance and sexual assult prevention is another. Also there are no treatment centers for male victoms of sexual assult (or treatment centers for potentual offenders eiter). Funding for homelessness also tends to be biased towards women as well which is compleatly odd as in general most women dont have a fixed address (ie they move from couch to couch) where as most men tend to sleep in there cars or on the streets. The last major area is surport for single fathers which just isnt there like it is for there female countaparts.

Some of this can be explained by distribution of resorces (ie the amount of women needing the services are higher than men) but this means that by case the amount of funding actually needs to be higher per case for males because of the fixed costs. Currently these services just arent being provided period, which is unfortunate
This is not true in the US.
this could be because the goverment gets involved in a lot more area's in australia than they do in the US. State goverments are responcable for health services, victom surport services and low cost housing for low income earners. NGO's do have a roll in emergency acomidation but they are at least partially fundeded by the states. The federal goverment is mostly interested in distribution of tax's rather than direct service delivery (though they do deal with pentions and other direct monetry handouts) but it was the former federal goverment who ran the "vilonce against women campaine"
It is time for men to start standing up against other men who continuously attempt to sexualise domestic abuse as being solely a woman's problem.

Excuse me...but abuse comes from women as well and in great numbers.