Sexual Discrimination and Violence: Changing women's attitudes


Geez, visceral calm down. It is a legitimate topic, however, Tiassa does tend to generalize when it comes to males. We are all misogynists, rapists, etc., and we are insensitive because we have not been "penetrated". I think there are psychological issues in play here.

None the less, on topic (in this thread and others), what can people, as individuals, do to lessen the probability of sexual assault?

Changing attitudes is great, but how?
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Geez, visceral calm down. It is a legitimate topic, however, Tiassa does tend to generalize when it comes to males. We are all misogynists, rapists, etc., and we are insensitive because we have not been "penetrated". I think there are psychological issues in play here.

None the less, on topic (in this thread and others), what can people, as individuals, do to lessen the probability of sexual assault?

Changing attitudes is great, but how?

Changing attitudes about what, exactly? I'm still not getting it.
I don't think that it's sexist or petty to point out the fact that the vast majority of all domestic violence cases are man-on-woman

False. Numerous surveys demonstrate that domestic violence is equally perpetuated by both genders. In fact, some studies show that women are more likely to perpetuate non reciprocal violence. Which isn't a surprise, really, given society's attitude regarding women hitting men. Men probably don't report domestic violence (and don't retaliate) because they are told to 'take it like a man', and that it isn't 'a big deal'. "You were beaten by your wife, and now you're complaining? Hahahah!"


Which brings us back to my original point of contention. Are we going to institute any social programs to change this attitude amongst women? How should we convey to women that hitting men when they are angry or displeased is NOT appropriate? Advertising campaigns? Educational programs in public schools? Women's responsibility groups, where they are taught to deal with their anger, instead of lashing out at men?
Lepustimidus (based on something you said about melbourne) im assuming your in australia. Have you written to your federal member complaining about the lack of social services avilable to male victoms of domestic vilonce and sexual assult?

If so then what was the responce you recived?

If not then your just a whine little boy crying "its not fair" into the etha
Lepustimidus (based on something you said about melbourne) im assuming your in australia. Have you written to your federal member complaining about the lack of social services avilable to male victoms of domestic vilonce and sexual assult?

If so then what was the responce you recived?

If not then your just a whine little boy crying "its not fair" into the etha

Do you think that will do anything? :shrug:

By the way, you should have made the same comment in Tiassa's thread regarding the rape. Instead of whining into the ether, he can write to his representative in parliament to fix the 'epidemic' of rapes against women. Pff.
That's what Tiassa does as well. I don't see you calling him a whiner. Probably because pointing out that whining about rape is... well... whining, would be sexist!
he is having a generalised discussion were as you are complaining about a SPECIFIC flaw in federal and state policy . Federal in the focus of there advertising campaine and state in the provision of services. If you honestly feel those services are lacking and you have studies to back up your theory then sit down, take a deep breath and write a letter to your state and federal local members. Also CC' it to natasha stock despoia and the oposition health spokesmen. Then rip those letters up and re write them, then edit them and get someone else to read them. THEN you should send them (dated) asking for a responce in a reasonable time frame.

That way you might actually do something positive
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he is having a generalised discussion were as you are complaining about a SPECIFIC flaw in federal and state policy .

No I'm not? I'm complaining about an attitude that is prevalent amongst women. Much as Tiassa is complaining about an attitude (aka. rape culture) which is 'prevalent' amongst men. No difference whatsoever. We're two sides of the same coin.
When men are the aggressors, it seems like most men want to talk about what women can do to reduce the violence - see rape threads.
When women are the aggressors it seems like most men want to talk about what women can do to reduce the violence?

Just a thought: women might think they are either
1) the only ones with free will
2) responsible for all violence

since they are the ones who must change.

Come on Randwolf, help
Let's generate a list of suggestions to help men avoid being hit by women.

If only one man is saved from being hit, this will have been worth it.
to be fair i do agree with him that more public policy needs to be put in place for males who are the subject of sexual assult or domestic vilonce. As i said before i dont belive there is one suport center for males who have been raped (and this includes males who were the victoms of pediophila). This was a complaint by a unversity proffessor (i think) about a comment by the national party leader (not sure which state sorry) where he said pediphiles should all commit suicide.

The proffessors complaint was that there is no where for males to get help if they have those urges OR to get surport if they are the victom of sexual assult or rape
Come on Randwolf, help
Let's generate a list of suggestions to help men avoid being hit by women.

If only one man is saved from being hit, this will have been worth it.

Cute SA. :p

It's the same list, by the way. Sexual assault is very similar to any other assault in terms of prevention.
I think men who want to reduce their chances of being hit by women should

1) avoid women who have hit them in the past.
2) stand up and move away from a standing woman who is very angry
3) don't get drunk around women you do not know well or trust
4) don't live with women you intend to cheat on
5) don't call a woman who is already angry a cunt
6) take classes in not smirking
7) learn not to use clever arguments instead of actually listening
8) piss in the toilet not near it
9) don't say to a woman 'is this your period talking?'
10) if you are alone with many woman, consider calling a male friend to meet up with you.
11) take classes in dodging and evading
12) get married, wear a ring and make it clear to women you are not available. They will tend not to get so wrapped up in who you are if they know you are not theirs.
13) never touch a stranger womans' breasts without asking first
14) never ask a stranger (man or woman) if you can touch their breasts
15) don't say to a woman that all she needs is a good lay as the solution to whatever is bothering her
16) if you are getting little warning signals that a woman is angry don't turn your back on her
17) do not call out another woman's name during sex

These are some tips so that men who are being assaulted by women or are concerned abuot becoming another statistic can "make intelligent choices' that reduces their chances of being victimized.
How do we change the attitude that is prevalent amongst women, that contends that it is OK to hit a man if said man upsets you?
there is absolutely nothign we can do about the women. It is a biological thing. They know that some men only respond to shocks. Or they think this is true. WE cannot change women, just as we cannot reduce the number of men who rape.

What we need to discuss here is how you, lepustimidus, can make intelligent choices that prevent this from happening to you or reduce the chances.

You need to focus on you.
I think men who want to reduce their chances of being hit by women should

1) avoid women who have hit them in the past.
2) stand up and move away from a standing woman who is very angry
3) don't get drunk around women you do not know well or trust
4) don't live with women you intend to cheat on
5) don't call a woman who is already angry a cunt
6) take classes in not smirking
7) learn not to use clever arguments instead of actually listening
8) piss in the toilet not near it
9) don't say to a woman 'is this your period talking?'
10) if you are alone with many woman, consider calling a male friend to meet up with you.
11) take classes in dodging and evading
12) get married, wear a ring and make it clear to women you are not available. They will tend not to get so wrapped up in who you are if they know you are not theirs.
13) never touch a stranger womans' breasts without asking first
14) never ask a stranger (man or woman) if you can touch their breasts
15) don't say to a woman that all she needs is a good lay as the solution to whatever is bothering her
16) if you are getting little warning signals that a woman is angry don't turn your back on her
17) do not call out another woman's name during sex

These are some tips so that men who are being assaulted by women or are concerned abuot becoming another statistic can "make intelligent choices' that reduces their chances of being victimized.

Now this is progress. After reflection, I find that I already take most of these precautions as a part of daily life. By the way, SA, maybe you need a good lay as the solution to what is bothering you... :cool:
Of course you don't get it. You're a stupid feminist, and I've never met a feminist who was capable of reading more than a paragraph. So I'll spell it out for you.

How do we change the attitude that is prevalent amongst women, that contends that it is OK to hit a man if said man upsets you?

Ouch, why are you always so harsh with me. To be honest I think the only way to prevent women from hitting men is the same way that most men refrain from hitting women. To teach them as children. I constantly see parents yelling at their sons when they hit a girl. "You are never to hit a girl, understand?" sort of thing, but they are never as terse with their daughters. They say stuff like "its not okay to hit people" or "you shouldn't hit others" but thats about it, doesn't seem to me like it would really drive the message home. Parents should be just as forceful when speaking to their daughters as they are to their sons, but until that happens it might be hard for women to change the mentality that they already have. Which is "men are bigger than me so he should be able to take it" sort of thing. Which of course isn't fair.
Now this is progress. After reflection, I find that I already take most of these precautions as a part of daily life. By the way, SA, maybe you need a good lay as the solution to what is bothering you... :cool:
you cunt.;)
Actually the point is that until me no one reacted to lepid...etc. like this. Nor did they react this way on the Why are women attracted to assholes or whatever thread. When women do something bad the focus is on women. When men do something bad the focus is on women. How can we change the women.

I am not surprised that you pass my both serious and joking list. This was not my point.
How can we change the women.

In all seriousness, how can we change the people? What can be done? I am all for any practical solution, not that it matters what I am "all for". And the serious part of your post would constitute "most" in "already take most of these precautions."
Cute SA. :p

It's the same list, by the way. Sexual assault is very similar to any other assault in terms of prevention.

But so far all the good suggestions are coming from, well, me. Also perhaps the way men are dressed has less of an effect. (Can a man dress such that he is asking for a smack, polkadot shirt and plaid pants when meeting her parents for the first time) There are differences. This needs planning, brainstorming....

And let's help all the whiney guys who are lamenting about girls who aren't interested in them because they are nice. Rock and roll and rap have gotten so much milage out of this. Let's make a list to help these guys from being victims.
Evolulationary psychology shows that women cannot change. So any focus on women is wasted time. Come on, men. Let's change and stop whining about how women are.