Sexual Discrimination and Violence: Changing women's attitudes

That being said, I know from testimony that the breasts are about as sensitive as the testicles to being struck.

Um...they are?

I've taken sidekicks to the chest before, didn't really hurt me. More psychological shock from being hit than actual pain.

And no, Kadark, before you start up, I don't have pecs instead of boobs.
Visceral Instinct:

I've taken sidekicks to the chest before, didn't really hurt me. More psychological shock from being hit than actual pain.

Really? As like ten chicks told me it hurts like dick to get hit in the boobs.
actually your confused there. it doesnt matter what my partner does to my penis the actuall sharft doesnt hurt anymore than an equivlant done to my arm (ok if she pealed the forskin back and started doing stuff to the gland itself that would be different). Howeever a kick to the balls (or any even minor blow to them) is enough to leave me on the ground for a good couple of seconds (enough at least for an atacker to take there next kick straight to the head)
Visceral Instinct:

Really? As like ten chicks told me it hurts like dick to get hit in the boobs.

Maybe I'm just strange. Or possibly I don't notice it due to adrenaline, I've had a bloody nose before and not noticed anything until I suddenly wondered where the blood was coming from.
Visceral Instinct:

Maybe I'm just strange. Or possibly I don't notice it due to adrenaline, I've had a bloody nose before and not noticed anything until I suddenly wondered where the blood was coming from.

Possibly. Adrenaline dulls pain to almost unnoticing.
I cracked a rib in a mountain bike crash, went back up the track and rode it again.

And a guy I know had a broken shoulder and didn't know about it until he woke up in bed and his arm had dislocated.

Shit...this is the sexual violence thread, not the 'adrenaline and pain tolerance' thread. :D:D:D
bells and tiassa if your still botherining to read this thread:p

I was lissioning to an artical on the vilonce in Zimbubwie at the moment on the ABC and it got me thinking. Why is it that both the news and NGO's like amnisty and the red cross (and all the others) report physical assults against civilans in seprate lots?

Take this example (Disclaimer:, im making this up so PLEASE dont think this is a report on the state of zimbuwie)

"10, 000 civilans were killed overnight, 3000 of them women and children"

Now ok killing a child is an APARLING crime but who ever said that the 70 000 MEN were worth less than for argument sake the 2000 women (if we say the majority were women rather than children) because thats what THEY are saying but specifically pointing out those two groups. civilans killed= bad, women killed= as bad as children killed