Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

I'm still waiting on an opinion for 7-9 year olds. Do 7-9 have the rights of 10-12 year olds? How about 9.8 year olds? Do they?
I know the difference between marriage and sex in the east and west. Women have to struggle to express their sexuality or be free to not be forced into conventional settings no matter what the society is. I'm not talking about buying kids for trafficking. I'm talking about sexual freedom. Whether you're talking about having sex by choice at a young age or not getting married at all, there's always a big deal made out for girls. But not for men. It's a double standard
I'm still waiting on an opinion for 7-9 year olds. Do 7-9 have the rights of 10-12 year olds? How about 9.8 year olds? Do they?

I suggest you go ask a few of them and find out if they want to
I'm asking you your opinion. You seem to have a strong opinion about 10-12 years old, so what of 7-9?
SO, you are saying that if a bloody 7 year old thinks she or he wants to marry and sleep with an adult person it's OK ... simply because they want to?!?!?


Either you've lost your marbles, are completely religiously brainwashed, or simply have no idea about the mental capabilities of children and their decision making abilities, or are trolling.

What next, ask them if they want to eat their veggies? If they want to run around on top the roof of the house ? Hey they want to play on the highway - go for it? If they want to smoke, do crack, play with fire, .... Please...
Thanks for those links.. and the ages seem mostly fine. Im still trying to find the 12 yr old that married that swarm was talking about.

Trial court erred in holding that a 15-year-old girl's marriage to an adult man was void ad initio because they did not obtain judicial consent, the Colorado Court of Appeals held June 15. Pointing out that Colorado recognizes common-law marriage, the court noted that there is no statutory provision indicating that the state does not follow the common-law age of consent for marriage, which is age 12 for girls. Thus, it said that so long as all other elements of a common-law marriage are present, the couple's marriage is valid. In re J.M.H., Colo. Ct. App., No. 04CA0740, 6/15/06.

This was later upheld by the Colorado Supreme court.

Massachusetts has allowed girls to marry at 13 for a long time.
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No your wrong, the minimum age is 12 with parental consent so long as you marry someone in your age group.

There is no requirement about the maximum age of your consort. The law only addresses minimum ages for marriage.

Some states do have age bracket laws for sexual relations outside of marriage. Like in Texas if your partner is under age (<18), but older than 16, and you are within 2 years of their age you won't get hit with a statutory rape charge.
So SAM, do you think a 7-9 year old should allowed to legally marry a 55 year old man?

Several muslim countries allow marriage of women at age 9. So far as I know there are no countries currently which go below that age. 12 or later is far more common with 16 being very common.

In rural/tribal areas local customs generally trump official laws.
Look it's simply a sickish-embarrassment that a cleric of ANY denomination would condone marriage between 55 year old men with 10-12 children.

I guessing you are having the standard western provincial freak out that Mohammad's favorite wife was a child bride.

Get over it. At the time for those people there was nothing remarkable about it. She was in fact previously betrothed to a fellow before Mohammad who dumped her, making her used goods. I'm sure her dad was greatly relieved that Mohammad was willing to marry her.

Their marriage by all accounts was happy and successful. She seems to have been his favorite and genuinely mourned his passing and despite her position did not remarry.

As big a loon as I think Mohammad was, I can't fault him a perfectly legal and successful marriage, even if your sensitivities are offended.
Hey, SAM, should 10-year-olds be allowed to drive if they want to and can reach the pedals?

Should 9-year-olds be allowed to do drugs and drink alcohol?
Hey, SAM, should 10-year-olds be allowed to drive if they want to and can reach the pedals?

Should 9-year-olds be allowed to do drugs and drink alcohol?

You can get a farm equipment driver's lic at 13 in Nebraska.
So a gal can get married at age 12 in the US. Yet I don't hear the cries of out rage.

We also refuse to sign the conventions against using children in the military and combat because we recruit kids as young as 16, something most of the rest of the world has banned, well except for other "rouge" nations.
I guessing you are having the standard western provincial freak out that Mohammad's favorite wife was a child bride.

Get over it. At the time for those people there was nothing remarkable about it. She was in fact previously betrothed to a fellow before Mohammad who dumped her, making her used goods. I'm sure her dad was greatly relieved that Mohammad was willing to marry her.

Their marriage by all accounts was happy and successful. She seems to have been his favorite and genuinely mourned his passing and despite her position did not remarry.

As big a loon as I think Mohammad was, I can't fault him a perfectly legal and successful marriage, even if your sensitivities are offended.
I have said in the past, yeah, that was the culture back then. Mohammad was a man of his times. He also owned Slaves, which was culturally the norm as well. He also commanded that the heads be cut off from two singing girls who poked fun of him in a song. He was a polygamist.

Yes, Mohammad was your typical nomadic Arab.
Not remarkable man.
He magical book was copied Jewish and Xian stories.
It doesn't take a genius to copy a couple of stories.

My point is that IF mohammad were a forward thinking person THEN he'd have adopted the girl and not added her to his harem.

If mohammad had done this, THEN this idiot cleric wouldn't be calling for the marriage of 10-12 years olds, but instead for their care and adoption.
Trial court erred in holding that a 15-year-old girl's marriage to an adult man was void ad initio because they did not obtain judicial consent, the Colorado Court of Appeals held June 15. Pointing out that Colorado recognizes common-law marriage, the court noted that there is no statutory provision indicating that the state does not follow the common-law age of consent for marriage, which is age 12 for girls. Thus, it said that so long as all other elements of a common-law marriage are present, the couple's marriage is valid. In re J.M.H., Colo. Ct. App., No. 04CA0740, 6/15/06.

This was later upheld by the Colorado Supreme court.

Massachusetts has allowed girls to marry at 13 for a long time.
People in Colorado need to get out there and change the law. This girl was probably 12-13, maybe 14, when she started living with this man who was in his 30s. IMM, that's rape. Also where were the girl's parents?
Also, as the OP is about the actions of the Senior cleric it's obvious to me that this clerc's teachings are based on Mohammad's actions. Or those attributed to the Mohammad character at least.

Think about Slavery. Historically, Islam traditionally accepted the institution of Slavery and Mohammad bought, sold, freed, and captured slaves. Because of Mohammad, to this day, some Islamic cleric preach that Slavery is acceptable. Slavery is Islamic".

Mohammad didn't have to ban slavery outright and he didn't have to ban polygamy. He could have said: Well, as for me, I'm going to set a positive example and not own a slave and not be a polygamist and for very young girls "I" am going to adopt her, care for her, and help her.

In stead of walking up this high road, he dragged his knuckles down the low one.

IMM anyway,