Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

I'm pretty sure that only two young people (close to one another in age) can be married. That's the definition of consensual sex as well. Two young people can have sex and it's legal. I am 100% sure that you would NEVER EVER find it legally possible for a 55 year old pedo to marry a young person. It's just not, nor should it be, legal.

second, I don't know what SAM thinks she remembers form being a 12 year old, but, 12 year old children have not developed the mental faculties to make well informed decisions.
Hmm so if your 12 year old daughter got pregnant and wanted to keep her baby, what would you tell her?
I can't really say.

What would you do if you found out your 5 year old daughter was pregnant?
Lina Medina, a Peruvian girl from the Andean village of Ticrapo… Lina’s parents initially thought their daughter had a large abdominal tumor… but Lina was eventually transferred to a hospital in Lima, where she delivered a six-pound baby boy by Cesarean section on 14 May 1939.

I wonder, if Mohammad had fathered a child from a 5 year old, would you now say that such a thing was a sign of his being from God? A sign that he was The Last Prophet? Would you think that such actions are permissible? Would you waste two days defending a Clerc who condoned marriage between 55 year old men and 10-12 year olds girls?

Also, what was your idea's on a 55 year old woman marrying a 10 year old boy?
I'd ask her what she wanted and help her through it. Couldn't say about the marriage, it depends on the reason they want to get married.

I think westerners are extremely weird about sex which is probably why they have so many perversions. Asians get married for practical reasons

You haven't told me if you have a preference for young skinny and hairless girls. But it seems more and more obvious that you do; now we're down to 5 year olds!
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I'd ask her what she wanted and help her through it.
And if she didn't know? And if her father said it was OK to marry uncle so-and-so? You really think a 5 year old baby knows what being pregnant is? Believe it or not, children need to have a parent make decisions for them. What to eat, how to behave, when to go to bed, who to trust, ... geesh!

How young SAM?

You seem find with 10-12 year olds? How about 7-9 year olds?

So SAM, do you think a 7-9 year old should allowed to legally marry a 55 year old man? What if she loves him? She should make up her own mind?

You haven't told me if you have a preference for young skinny and hairless girls.
I already answered you with a no. As for fit waxed adult women, that's fine.

Couldn't say about the marriage, it depends on the reason they want to get married.
Suppose the 10 year old boy was in love with the 55 year old woman or so he thought. She was happy with the arrangement.

Happy with that one SAM? funny enough, you spend two days defending pedo's ability to get their hands on 10 year old girls, but now when it's a women, something the matter?


PS: I do want you opinion on the 7-9 year olds. Still fine with that?
Look it's simply a sickish-embarrassment that a cleric of ANY denomination would condone marriage between 55 year old men with 10-12 children.

Now, I assume this cleric is not a pedo, so then, the question becomes: WHY??? How on God's Green Earth did this dildo come to such a conclusion. After DECADES of deep religous study and meditation on the Qur'an this dipshit raises his head not to condem violence, fight for women's equality, etc... but to say he's had a deep revelation, of such profound importance he must announce this to the world: Hello World... Attention Attention, here's the revelation decades of Qur'anic study has brought me: MoMo is the Last Prophet and Dirty old rich men who can afford to do so can take dirt poor preteen girls as their fourth wives.

Just Paaathetic!
I'm sorry is there a reason your moral relativism should be imposed on me any more than the clerics should be imposed on you? Dirty old men? What's dirty about having sex with a younger person? How many grannies you got the hots for? Anyway many women prefer the older, richer man to the younger broke one. And plenty of old men get booty, like Hugh Hefner. I bet if social rules were relaxed you'd see a lot younger girls choosing to be the old mans darling over the young mans slave. Older men die faster too
I wanted your opinion on the 7-9 year olds. You fine with that low an age? If so then what of 5-6 year olds?

Please SAM, I'm not talking about an 18 year old adult choosing to marry Hugh Hefner, we're talking about 10-12 year old CHILDREN.
I wonder if Slavery is moral relativism? Is it wrong for me to suggest Slavery and Slave owners are wicked?
I bet if social rules were relaxed you'd see a lot younger girls choosing to be the old mans darling over the young mans slave. Older men die faster too

A over 50 year old man having sex with a 12 year old girls is taking advantage of the person. You can defend it here all you like but i cannot see you agreeing with it in reality.

No i would not want my daughter to be a toy servicing hugh heffner either but over 18 and that is their choice.
SAM..... How come we never hear of older Muslim women marrying younger guys? Is that taboo in the Islamic faith?
Two reasons; duh four

1. Not really common since biologically makes little sense

2. Usually it's by poor guys who cannot afford the large dowries that young women demand and no one cares about poor guys

3. Men are immature even into their thirties and women are not all that interested in the catch em young, watch em grow, so it rarely progresses to marriage

4. Even when you see it, most people don't realize it e.g. Osama's son marrying the 50 year old grandmother
Well there are 19-20'year olds who can get married but how will they support their wives?husbands have no right to their wife's money
Do the kids have any say in this or have you just decided it is just fine?...Fine for them of course but not you.
SAM, you went to college and have a career (supposedly) so which girls do you want this for?

For whoever chooses it. Sucks in some ways though. I know this very young girl married to an older guy and five years into the marriage he drops dead and she's left with three kids. Now she was besotted with the old man and did not want to marry some other guy, but after struggling for a few years she changed her mind. So it's not an easy choice; but she still mourns the old man.
Well she chose again at 24 and she still preferred the choice made at 12 or 13. And there's plenty of pregnant teens making those choices all the time. And plenty of 30 year olds who aren't. Everyone is not the same. I think women should be free to decide what they want.