Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

Sam, you don't know what bigotry is. You paint Americans and Western society with a pretty broad brush. Is that bigotry also? When you figure out what you're talking about - or just decide to be honest - let me know. In the meantime, don't call me a bigot, because it's slander, which is actually illegal.
When you stop regurgitating arguments from hate sites like Spencer and Memri, you'll be promoted to less than a bigot. If anyone who gets his information from $tormwatch and jewwatch is a bigot then so is anyone who gets theirs from Muslim haters. Note that my "broad brushes" are based on factual information, not hate sites.
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My arguments come from my own conscience, and from the media. You have yet to illustrate any problems with MEMRI at all.

I don't peruse storm watch, and never have. Meanwhile, you're all over the likes of MSA islamicity and othersuch supremacist sites. Your 'broad brushes' are based on your prejudices; witness your comment about child molestors.
Aren't you the one who justifies Israel's treatment of Palestinians based on what you think some Muslims have done hundreds of years ago or hundreds of miles away?

Nope. You have an apparently contagious comprehension problem. Seek help.

I merely point out that if they hadn't been so concerned with an idiotic supremacist version of jurisprudence, they wouldn't be in the fix they're in now. I do, however, sympathize with them, which you do not do - have never at any point in your life done - with Israelis or Jews. I think Palestine should have the West Bank back, and be joined with Jordan. Of course, those options never get mention by their "supporters" - you for instance. I wonder what it is they really support.
In India, children are "children" depending on socioeconomic class. Poor people have no childhood and rich people's childhoods appear to last forever.
I would believe poor children over the age of about 5 could be treated as little different than adults. But even though the rich (in India or someplace else) may not really 'mature' in the sense that we'd like them to, they do still go through a changed set of expectations. Including sexual ones and others.
In Saudi Arabia, while puberty does bring on differences in social behaviour [veil in girls, for example], children are much more precocious and adult like than in India or the west. Even 5 year olds will flash you.
And the veil is a very good example of changed expectations because of adulthood as distinct from childhood.
In the US, it seems quite strange but while even 5 year olds will wear low cut jeans and sexy clothes, courtesy of their parents, you can talk to 20 year olds and realise how immature they are.
There are immature people every, sam, and I refuse to believe that you don't understand that. I find the Chinese generally more immature at a given age than the Canadians. Part of this, when I first came here, was admittedly racism and ignorance. I initially failed to recognize even one aspect in which the people showed a different kind of maturity than Canadians, simply trying to match my old conception of the word with Chinese behaviour. As time goes on you realize you can't judge everyone by the same ruler - as nice and easy at it sounds. The same way I don't judge George Washington too harshly for owning slaves. It was a different time and place and you can't hold the same expectations. And like this, we can try to carry our expectations from one homeland to the next, but it is not intellectually fruitful.
I know about rights of passage, they generally herald puberty and ascent into manhood or womanhood, but the treatment of children before that, is vastly different in Eastern cultures. At least, as far as I have seen.
I agree. But what you originally said was that "childhood" is a Western idea. It's not. It's a universal idea. For that matter, a culture would have to be startlingly stupid to not have a conception of "childhood". Even if, as I said, poor Indians may start adulthood (or something similar to it) at such a low age as five or six, there is still obviously a period before hand, where the child cannot have sex (physically incapable) in any sense and most likely cannot really work. It just may be a shorter concept of childhood.

And in that case you can make the point that the world never had a 0 - 18 years old (or 16, or whatever you think we in the west pin it at) childhood. But I would just counter that this is a natural and, indeed, beneficial understanding in many respects. As the Jews made concrete so many years ago, a child cannot properly start understanding certain concepts until around thirteen*. Nowadays, there is much more to learn before work, and so the choosing stage of life (or settling stage) is pushed much later.

My point is that even if the Moslem world or Chinese had risen first in technology, social rights and political evolution to the point we've seen in the last 200 years, childhood would most likely have been extended so long anyway. Don't blame it on the west; blame it on modernization.
Btw, kudos on your post. All this is considered natural behaviour where I come from.
Thanks. I'm not so sure I think it's healthy behaviour. Humans have been known to do quite a far natural things that are not healthy. Sex with prepubescents may very well be one of them.

And as for sex between adults and those of 13, 14, 15 years age... Again, I see this as potentially being unhealthy simply because of the elongated period of childhood. No doubt a long childhood period changes psychological development, possibly to the point that with a short childhood, have sex at 13 may have no common ill effect, and yet with a long childhood, sex at 13 may be quite damaging. I think this may be a very promising point of research and wouldn't be surprised if there's a very direct link. In which case, again, blame it on modernization.

Sam, I think you may be guilty of one of my own faults living in China. I understand you think of yourself as open-minded, fair and just. I think of myself the same way. But once we become convinced of something - i.e. that the Chinese are socially less developed, or, that the West has destroyed natural systems and erected artificial ones - it becomes hard to view questions from another angle. I can take anything that annoys me in a given day and link it to my convictions on the Chinese. I'm sure you can do the same with what happens to you in America.

We have to remember that sometimes it's not the base answer. Sometimes there are other ways to approach the question and find a new, more thorough answer.


That said, I also think the West is highly repressed sexually and fully agree that a lot of the barriers put up are artificial. But only insofar as that cases should ideally be taken one by one, rather than lumped all into one massive pile. Frankly, I can't believe there aren't more people that realize that gays are massively repressed in America in a completely immoral way.
Thats not a paradox at all. Discipline is usually emphasised where freedom is given.
Good point. Though in China it also has to do with the fact that parents and children not discussing sex as much means that people go into the bedroom with no inhibitions. When you've never heard someone else say "ewwww, only dirty girls have anal sex", nothing makes you think anal sex is that dirty. When no one tells you that a guy coming on your face is degrading, you don't really see it as so degrading.

N.B. Since being in China this has caused me to find feminists like Dworkin absolutely hilarious. I don't think she ever realized that her taking about sex as a domination/servant relationship actually made it more like that!


*I know Moslems start learning the Quran by writ earlier in life, but I believe most clerics do not expect the child to understand the same meaning as an adult will - at least not most children. Either way, the child that can comprehend quantum mechanics at 12 is rare. In that sense, there will always be a divide between childhood understanding and adult in the general sense, and the Jews were one of the first people to place a very firm understanding between the type of information that can be understood in youth and that saved for later. Say what you will about the quality of the law (it's largely junk, frankly), but the Talmud is an advanced peace of legal framework and one of the earliest such examples.
My point is that even if the Moslem world or Chinese had risen first in technology, social rights and political evolution to the point we've seen in the last 200 years, childhood would most likely have been extended so long anyway

Of course. But the idea that labour or marriage is not meant for children is a purely western concept. Thats what I meant by "childhood". While children may not be considered "responsible" it is hard to find an eastern society or even a western one say just 100 years ago, where children being married or put to work would NOT be the norm.

Sam, I think you may be guilty of one of my own faults living in China. I understand you think of yourself as open-minded, fair and just. I think of myself the same way. But once we become convinced of something - i.e. that the Chinese are socially less developed, or, that the West has destroyed natural systems and erected artificial ones - it becomes hard to view questions from another angle. I can take anything that annoys me in a given day and link it to my convictions on the Chinese. I'm sure you can do the same with what happens to you in America.

I know some people are more intolerant than they let themselves appear here. Rest assured, I'm not one of them. :p
?? how do you arrive at that conclusion? I feel as responsble for the Kurds and Iranians that Saddam killed as I do for the Ethiopians killing the Somalians.

Sam, you deny that evil has a place in the heart of Islam. You spend most of your time here defending evil by denying its existence within your faith, either directly or indirectly, yet you are surrounded by sinners. To admit denial you would then be guilty by association so in essence, denial is the better of the choices.
Sam, you deny that evil has a place in the heart of Islam. You spend most of your time here defending evil by denying its existence within your faith, either directly or indirectly, yet you are surrounded by sinners. To admit denial you would then be guilty by association so in essence, denial is the better of the choices.

I think atheists should reconsider their stance of rationality

All this drama by the evolutionary rejects is so full of it
I think atheists should reconsider their stance of rationality

All this drama by the evolutionary rejects is so full of it

Maybe you're right SAM.... I should maintain the same stance you take...

God's favorite people are the Muslims, therefore Islam & its minions can do no wrong. Everyone else is the scum of the Earth, especially the evolutionary rejects.
Maybe you're right SAM.... I should maintain the same stance you take...

God's favorite people are the Muslims, therefore Islam & its minions can do no wrong. Everyone else is the scum of the Earth, especially the evolutionary rejects.

nah! We don't have the chosen people thingy. Anyone who is righteous has nothing to fear. :)
Anyone who is righteous has nothing to fear. :)

Ahhh. That rationale pertains to the young girls this thread is about. I see, I get it now.

The children in this case are righteous and even though they may become terrified when put in this position, they really have nothing to fear because Allah ordains it. It's all good.

I still see it as a form of denial. The process is good in your eyes and you'll expound on its virtues while deflecting worldwide disdain to keep the faith pure. I think deep down you're glad it never happened to you. If it had, would you still think the same way?
Ahhh. That rationale pertains to the young girls this thread is about. I see, I get it now.

The children in this case are righteous and even though they may become terrified when put in this position, they really have nothing to fear because Allah ordains it. It's all good.

I still see it as a form of denial. The process is good in your eyes and you'll expound on its virtues while deflecting worldwide disdain to keep the faith pure. I think deep down you're glad it never happened to you. If it had, would you still think the same way?

I've seen child marriages in India; the girl who cleaned our place was married early. She was not a muslim. My grandmother was married before puberty. I've seen young brides in Saudi Arabia who come with their older husbands. I've spoken to them, to my grandmother, to the cleaning girl. It doesn't matter what I think about it. It matters what they think about it, because they will influence their children. For some of them, this is socially normal behaviour and they would encourage their children to do the same. For others, it's time to explore other options. My opinions are pretty irrelevant. It would be more interesting to find out what changes their mind.
I've seen child marriages in India; the girl who cleaned our place was married early. She was not a muslim. My grandmother was married before puberty. I've seen young brides in Saudi Arabia who come with their older husbands. I've spoken to them, to my grandmother, to the cleaning girl. It doesn't matter what I think about it. It matters what they think about it, because they will influence their children. For some of them, this is socially normal behaviour and they would encourage their children to do the same. For others, it's time to explore other options. My opinions are pretty irrelevant. It would be more interesting to find out what changes their mind.

The old, if I had to do it then you have to attitude. How many wrongs have been perpetuated by that credo over the years.

This is the 21st century. We know more about a child's mental & physical makeup than ever before.

It's wrong, and you know it. Its a bloody shame. Time for some cultures to make the leap into the modern era. Kids know more than ever and even if they are forced into such roles I can see the newer generations fighting against it as time goes on. Interesting times ahead for those societies.
Now think about that.

SAM, trying to trap me with some word manipulation. You're sounding like one of the mothers in this case.

The prevailing attitude that 'if I had to suffer through it then you can too and you'll be a better person for it' is just wrong. There is no justification to prolong this ongoing misconception. So many religious customs are beyond archaic and to see modern day societies genuflect towards them is regressive.

Am I stupid to be an atheist?(there, I set you up) Am I too dumb to realize 50 year old men copulating with 8 year old children isn't wrong? SAM, life has been an endless sequence of distortion for you. Unfortunately you believe it to be gospel but you're not alone in that regard.

Be a leader and join the groups of women in these countries who fight openly against this immorality and injustice.