Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

I'm testing my theory, it's alright to say no if you don't
No, and you SAM, do you find young atheists, American, and Jewish boys attractive? You seem to have a lot to say about them!

NOTE: I think it's quite common to find most people think marriage to 10-12 year olds reprehensible.

As a women, it's hard to imagine you can defend such actions. Again, it must be religion and brainwashing. Polygamous Mormons who grow up in polygamous compounds think it's OK too. Well, they'd have to, just to survive and also not to live in fear for criticizing their Prophet and Gods Will.
Possibly. I've dated a Jewish boy without feeling kinky about it though. Was it depraved of me to consider it normal? You seem to have a lot of moralistic and religious baggage attached to sex and marriage. Sex is normal, not dirty or depraved. Marriage is wAaaay more than sex, its something that people in the west seem to have little understanding of. Waiting for either is a personal choice and should not be a social decision. The article is not really about the mufti's opinion, which is irrelevant since law is not decided by muftis. It's about a girl sold by her father for money and rescued by her mother with the help of social workers. Nothing to do with the mufti at all since marriage in Islam does not preclude consent and any dowry is the exclusive property of the girl.
You seem very very shocked at what is normal practice in many societies.
SAM SAM SAM, so was slavery. This is the thing. We are trying to improve society. One of those improvements is to realize that people are not slaves to be bought and sold. Another is that children should be children.

I wonder what you think about a 9 year old boy dating your 50 year old mother? Can you not see the absurdity in such a relationship?

This is a big problem, IMM, with prophet-driven drivel/religion.
Some people suggest Mohammad owned Slaves. And by owned I mean, they were his property. Actually, I think you'll find slavery in the Islamic world was "normal" and justified often because someone could say: Mohammad did it! Who can argue against this?

Do you think Slavery is ok? No you do not.

I don't see a difference. If a Cleric was on the news saying Slavery is OK and detailing, you'd think he was full of it. BUT if, if, you strongly felt MOhammad did own slaves, I mean as in property to be used as such, then you may think, yeah, it's OK.

And if slavery were normal? Then it IS ok?!?!?

Someone at some time has to say, no, it's not.

Marriage of 10-12 year olds is not OK.
According to some people here, democracy is a privilege of the educated, everyone else should just accept regime change and structural adjustment. Western society, with it's social mores is already failing. Come back when you have something other than words
According to some people here, democracy is a privilege of the educated, everyone else should just accept regime change and structural adjustment. Western society, with it's social mores is already failing. Come back when you have something other than words


monotheistic prophet-driven religion at it's finest
To that all I can say is that being a mufti is a job and it's not representative, like the office of President. They don't even write laws that lead to mass prison camps or waterboarding, let alone decide the age of marriage. Our idiots are not elected and let loose on the world with WMDs. But they still have freedom of expression
They have the freedom to say what they like and we have the freedom to criticize them.
Just because I'm a Yank doesn't mean I support Bush, I don't, and I criticize him too.
The biggest problem, in prophet-driven religion (and that's exactly what Islam is) is that IF the "prophet" did it, then such behavior is now "godly" and OK.

Well, I don't think slavery is godly or ok.
I note the mufti did not mention the prophet probably because he has a more educated notion of what sharia is. By his words, it would appear that he was cautioning against repressing desire in young girls as disadvantageous to their development. It seems then the obsession with other peoples sex lives with young girls is once again, all your own. Do you get graphic visions as you imagine it?
Hahahaa.... hahahaha..... too much. SAM is on here telling us marriage to 10 year olds is fine and dandy. Just too much.

Riyadh - Saudi Arabia's senior-most cleric said girls as young as 10 years old can be married, local media reported on Wednesday.

The powerful Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said in a speech late on Monday that Islamic Sharia law allows the practice of pre-teen girls getting married, and that critics of the practice were doing the girls "an injustice", reports said. "We hear often in the media about the marriage of minors. We must know that Sharia law is not unjust for women," the cleric is quoted as saying.

"If it is said that a woman below 15 cannot be married, that is wrong. If a girl exceeds 10 or 12 then she is eligible for marriage, and whoever thinks she is too young, then he or she is wrong and has done her an injustice."

Here's this twit's rational. Sharia Law allows it, ergo it's OK.

= In short, momo did it, ergo it's ok.

= In short: prophet-driven ideology at it's finest.

the magical bunghole said it, ergo it's OK :bugeye: please, the best thing Islam can hope for are more creative apologists that can rewrite most of Mohammad's actions into oblivion. I think it was Kadark who once wrote Mohammad was a monogamist, never had multiple wives, Aihsa was at least 18 years older (probably much older - maybe even 38) and his slaves were not real slaves, but just liked hanging around the guy.
On Monday a court in Taif allowed an 11-year-old girl to separate from her 75-year-old husband after the girl's mother petitioned the court, according to a report in Okaz newspaper. The girl's father had arranged the marriage in exchange for a dowry, it said.

In December a Saudi court at Unayzah, 220 kilometres (135 miles) north of Riyadh, rejected a plea to divorce an eight-year-old girl married off by her father to a man who is 58, saying the case should wait until the girl reaches puberty.
Hey Hey, the age difference between momo and his 9 year old was about the same. And in Prophet-driven cults it's monkey see monkey do.
Sharia law is precedent and he's hardly likely to have said anything as mundane as "sharia law allows it". He'd have to, at the very least, define who said it and what the legal arguments were in permitting such young girls to get married. In fact, I'm wondering if it has any connection to the other story at all. For all I know, it's two separate stories pasted together to give some kind of weird impression.
Hey Hey, the age difference between momo and his 9 year old was about the same. And in Prophet-driven cults it's monkey see monkey do.

Not surprising at all. I may be mistaken, but it's my impression that marriage in the kingdom is no more than the two parties putting together a contract and getting a judge to sign it. I don't believe they have the notion of "age of marriage" I've seen young men marry much older women too
and atheists don't believe in good and bad, only rational evidence of utility. By that criteria I'd say the high divorce rates in Jeddah in the last decade which mimic the western notions of sex and marriage sociologically do not bode well for a sustainable society when comapred to the several thousand years of Bedouin life.
I suppose 8 year olds might be reluctant or lack the wherewithal to start divorce proceedings.

Actually there is good in everything. Dowries paid, old guy gets his jollies, judge finds work, all kinds of stuff.
True, although as a base theist who has lived in both societies I find the difference in loneliness to be the most striking characteristic. No idea how it works though