Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

My point is that IF mohammad were a forward thinking person THEN he'd have adopted the girl and not added her to his harem.

Don't be ridiculous, the girl had a mother and father.

What makes you think he the least forward thinking?
People in Colorado need to get out there and change the law.

There is no written law to change. This is based on English common law and goes back to the twelfth century.

This girl was probably 12-13, maybe 14, when she started living with this man who was in his 30s. IMM, that's rape. Also where were the girl's parents?

Luckily nobody has to care much about your opinion. They just have to obey the law.
Don't be ridiculous, the girl had a mother and father.

What makes you think he the least forward thinking?
Well, it depends on what you think of as social progress. I understand, yeah, at one time we were monkey-like, then, slowly, we and adapted and developed and supposedly progressed. I'd like to think giving women equality with men is one of those progressions. Polygamy is not conducive towards female equality. If anything it possibly retards that particular social development. Possibly because when a man forms a monogamist relationship the chances are higher that he will eventually come to see his wife as his equal. In a monogamist society enough men will come to this conclusion and demand their partners be legally treated as equal with themselves. This is less likely to occur in polygamist societies. Chinese Communists banned polygamy for these very reasons.
Luckily nobody has to care much about your opinion. They just have to obey the law.
In the 12th century we also held slaves. There's nothing wrong with admitting this was not so great and moving forward - socially.

Also, I vote, so yes, you do have to care about my opinion because people like me vote in the laws. :)
Well, it depends on what you think of as social progress.

I think Mohammad was like Abraham, Moses, Saul, Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard: A huckster who had a scam take off and got caught up in it and did his best to milk the rubes for everything they had.

I'd like to think giving women equality with men is one of those progressions. Polygamy is not conducive towards female equality.

That's a nice pile of baseless speculation. I would say polygamy in a repressive society, like the Morons, is going to be repressive and polygamy in a nonrepressive society isn't.

While I don't know the current mix of his group, Scott has mentioned practicing polyamory, the preferred generic term. If he currently is the only male that would be polygamy, but I doubt his wives would let him get away with much repression.

In a monogamist society enough men will come to this conclusion and demand their partners be legally treated as equal with themselves.

Because a man has to do it for the woman, eh? Yep, the little women needs us men to demand their equality.

Isn't it nice we allow them to be equal? And all because of monogamy.

Yep, us monogamists showed the way by touging up womem's resolve by denying them basic civil rights, access to jobs, position in society, and treating them like the property of their husbands for several centuries.

This is less likely to occur in polygamist societies. Chinese Communists banned polygamy for these very reasons.[/QUOTE]
妻不如妾, 妾不如妓, 妓不如偷, 偷不如偷不到
"wife is not as good as concubine, concubine is not as good as prostitute, prostitute is not as good as secret affair, secret affair is not as good as the affair you want but can't get"

Thus is the nature of men.

Women were equal to men in Germania and England pre-Romanization. Also in Japan, pre-Confucianism. Perhaps pre-civilization, some societies are egalitarian, in this regards. I'd say, first and foremost is that the society not be patriarchal. Perhaps in a non-patriarchal polygamous society, it may be possible for women to be equal. Has this ever been the case? Can we say that this was the case in Arabia when Mohammad was around?

In the case of a patriarchal society, like Arabia, it'd be doubly important for Mohammad to set the positive example. Instead he did exactly the opposite. The man was famous for bragging he could slap the stick to each of "his" women every night. Many Muslims talk about Mohammad's sexual "energy" and conquests with admiration. Talk about knuckle draggers.

It's so base as to be pathetic.

Tell me, which societies have given women legal equality with men? Why?

Ancient Japan
Ancient Britain
Ancient Egypt?

It certainly wasn't Islam leading the way towards gender equality.
Exactly the opposite is true. Why is that do you suppose?
So a gal can get married at age 12 in the US. Yet I don't hear the cries of out rage.
Only within their own age group and in unusual circumstances in which the court can decide it best.

We also refuse to sign the conventions against using children in the military and combat because we recruit kids as young as 16, something most of the rest of the world has banned, well except for other "rouge" nations.
The US refuses to sign many things. You guys should work on cooperating more with the rest of the world.
What the hell is a 'rouge' nation ? A nation of prostitutes ? lol :D
No, it's has been outlawed as far as I know. I don't think it ever even became a legitimate party.

Are you sure?
In August 2007 the party decided to request the nickname anti-religion-party instead of the stigmatic nickname 'pedopartij' as they have many more items in their program to curb the influence of superstition and religion and say in the first paragraph of their statutes that their primary goal is to break dogmas.,_Vrijheid_en_Diversiteit
The name is Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit

Never heard of that one either, sorry :shrug:

Edit: Hmm ok it appears that is the real name of the 'pedoparty'. They never made it to the elections SAM, they never got enough autographs to be able to join.
But they do exist as a legitimate political party. Maybe their supporters are afraid to come out in the open?

Perhaps they can get more votes as an anti-religion party?:p
But they do exist as a legitimate political party. Maybe their supporters are afraid to come out in the open?

Perhaps they can get more votes as an anti-religion party?:p

Not really. They only have three public members so i would say they are definitely a fringe group. They want to make age of consent 12 and hard drug use 16, they are imbeciles.
It should be noted that while The Dutch Pedo Party has since been refuted and rejected as the pedophile douchebags that they most certainly are, the Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, is still the senior most Muslim cleric in KSA.

IF marriage to 9 years old girls is unenlightened THEN it appears Islam, in this regards, is unenlightened. This is because Islam is modeled as much on the actions of Mohammad himself as it is on what Mohammad supposed said.

- Other than plagiarizing the powerful religions in the region, Mohammad mainly acted like the typical Arab nomad that he was.
- Unlike Buddha, Mohammad isn't known for sitting around in deep thought, but, instead for hearing a voice in his head and poof *magically* another Xian story pops out of his mouth.
- Islamic nations all the way over to Morocco are still stuck in the mental year of about 680 while the rest of the world moved into the year 2009.

Here's a perfect example from last year:
A similar fatwa, or religious ruling, by Salafi preacher Sheikh Mohamed al-Maghrawi allowing girls as young as nine to marry was condemned by Morocco’s Supreme Scientific Council. The council said it lacked religious validity because it was based on only one case—the marriage of Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) to Aisha bint Abu-Bakr

Monkey See, Monkey Do
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So according to the Moroccan Supreme scientific council, the Prophets marriage to Aisha lacks religious validity?

And there is no other religious basis for it?

And you accept this?