Secret Technology

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Do that mean you would or could not post on my thread.
Then if so why not, i see most post of yours to others
are very alike all full of bad content toward others.

anyway get the cam oot time is runing oot noo

Regarding my links, okay lets hear what you got to say before that other nut shows whats on offer with cam.
Look it do not matter what two or three or more think of pictures or footage,as you only deny yourself the truth you can say you can not see anything in pictures at your lose deny all you want about the pictures/footage.
Thats what makes the world go round people who can see and ones who deny everthing sorry think we know what you lot are.

Anyway get a life, go out talk to others big world outhere.

Anyway, whether relativity is right or wrong, I would be intrigued to know which popularisers of the theory had the vested interest in the fossil fuel industry, and how they managed to pull the wool over the eyes of scientific community. In the case of Ponns and Fleischmann (with which I thought you might draw a parallel), even after the work was condemned by the world's most prestigious scientific institutes, research continues to be conducted and published. So how did Einstein's refinement of classical physics cause the true "secret science" to drop off the radar?

It was a large collaboration of rich men working together, aimed to keep you and I (the public) buying fuel from the gas station. Also, with lots of propaganda and hard work, they managed to silence the secret science... another motivation for this was the fact that believing in the theory of relativity automatically blocks your possibilities when it comes to the greatest and most secret technology of all.

I have seen secret technology in the skies, and since I knew what I was looking at, I didn't see a "UFO."

Hey, there have been thousands and thousands of eye witnesses who have seen secret technology in their skies, but since they didn't know what it was they were seeing, they are called "ufos." The top-secret flying saucer sightings reports by all these different witnesses who don't know eachother, happen to carry some consistency amongst the descriptions of the sightings. Which would indicate that what was reported, was actually seen. If you want to browse through the U.S. UFO sightings data base: CLICK HERE. Give them a serious study and see what you find.
lsufos said:

Regarding my links, okay lets hear what you got to say before that other nut shows whats on offer with cam.
Look it do not matter what two or three or more think of pictures or footage,as you only deny yourself the truth you can say you can not see anything in pictures at your lose deny all you want about the pictures/footage.
Thats what makes the world go round people who can see and ones who deny everthing sorry think we know what you lot are.

Anyway get a life, go out talk to others big world outhere.

Deny? Deny? What is there to deny? The videos and pictures are ambigous, they could be anything. I am denying nothing by inertpreting them as planes or helos, just as you deny nothing when you see them as strange machines not of this world. Helos and planes have, however, been proven to exist, unlike your "machines".

And "get a life"? In my opinion, that's a bit rich coming from someone who stays up all night to film (out of focus) lights.
Sill as sad as ever, no one ever said where these machines came from so stop trying to make out things that have never been said.
Past your bed time now bye.
Your opinion, is not worth anything to anyone just another asshole trying to get on the internet and think people will listen to you we been here with you before and you and the side kicks act so silly that its easy to see you have not much in your life other than on your computer trying to tell everyone nothing is real and you no so.
Go out your head wont fall off they are just winding you up there is a real worlds outhere with real machines all over the place.
Sorry forgot you live in that room four walls no sex thats true why you can not agree with yourself if it was real or not.
Dont worry you got a few in here like that but you can not meet them they like you can not make there mind up and there opinions like yours mean nothing to anyone.

Well, i love when you go and use your word doc to reply.
Dont be long i am going be up all night but not filming,

lsufos said:

Regarding my links, okay lets hear what you got to say before that other nut shows whats on offer with cam.

What, specifically, should I comment on? I'm still not sure what it is you are asserting with the pictures and movies at your site.

lsufos said:
Look it do not matter what two or three or more think of pictures or footage,as you only deny yourself the truth you can say you can not see anything in pictures at your lose deny all you want about the pictures/footage.

Again, what "truth" is available in the pictures or footage? Perhaps we've overlooked something. Which pictures and footage support what assertion?

lsufos said:
Thats what makes the world go round people who can see and ones who deny everthing sorry think we know what you lot are.

I'm not sure what you're going on about... I'm just asking questions.

lsufos said:
Anyway get a life, go out talk to others big world outhere.

Sage advice.
lsufos said:
Sill as sad as ever, no one ever said where these machines came from so stop trying to make out things that have never been said.
Where do you think these machines come from then?
lsufos said:
Your opinion, is not worth anything to anyone just another asshole trying to get on the internet and think people will listen to you we been here with you before
The same can be said of you.
lsufos said:
and you and the side kicks act so silly that its easy to see you have not much in your life other than on your computer trying to tell everyone nothing is real and you no so.
Ditto, vice versa
lsufos said:
Go out your head wont fall off they are just winding you up there is a real worlds outhere with real machines all over the place.
I will take your machines seriosuly when I see proof.
This is photographic proof of a helicopter:

This is not proof of a "machine" or indeed anything at all:

lsufos said:
Sorry forgot you live in that room four walls no sex thats true why you can not agree with yourself if it was real or not.
Dont worry you got a few in here like that but you can not meet them they like you can not make there mind up and there opinions like yours mean nothing to anyone.

Punctuation makes a difference to how easy it is to read, thus increasing the offense your insults would cause. However, insults are not a valid debate technique and add no credibility whatsoever to your argument. Kindly desist from commenting on the personal lives of those who disagree with your "proof".
Lsufos, I was out, doing something more interesting than filming dots in the sky last night, so you'll have to wait a while longer for my fake UFO footage.

Some of us have lives, and can't spend every hour watching the sky.

Also, could you learn to write? Everything about your prose sucks. You can't spell, your sentences run on, are missing punctuation, and you change direction part way through a sentence. Basically, you are the classic undereducated type that is attracted to UFOlogy. Just because you are a stereotype doen't mean you can't improve yourself however.
phlogistician, One you failed never got the footage sorry your oot, sad why say what you are going do and never do it.
So we are going have to wait untill you make fake UFO footage to compare with the real footage i took i think not you are still that same old asshole you have always been.
Never mind the spelling you get the message.

What a low life you are, going FAKE UFO FOOTAGE, hope you are not saying that my UFO FOOTAGE IS FAKE but would not put anything past you and those side kicks.
Some of us have lives, and can't spend every hour on the computer your MUM is shouting on you.
Bye, i will not talk with you anymore you are full of Deceit and lies sorry your OOT.
Communist Hamster,
It must be those buck teeth that you use for eating that makes you a asshole or are we talking to one of three who share the same house and joined this site to talk to them self sad get.
And ask first in future if you can use any of the pictures at
Your credibility is at stake your oot go get a life.
I am not going go there, stick with your thoughts on these pictures/footage you need eyes to see.

lsufos, I'm not saying that you fake footage, just that I can take footage that looks exactly like yours, but knowing what it is, mine is 'fake'.

I didn't 'fail' to get footage, I just didn't make any. You know, proving you to be a sad deluded loser isn't top of my 'things to do' list? Especially as you do a good enough job of that all by yourself!
Still as sad as ever boy,
You can make fake footage all you like, and take pictures from anyother site you like i can not stop you from doing that, it would have to be that site owner.
Anyway num nuts,carry on with your Deceit and lies,keep it up and shows what a real asshole you are.

What deceit and lies? All I have said is that you have a crap web site, and your web site is crap.

All you have is blurry out of context photographs, without supporting information, like, why you took the photo, why the dot got your attention, any info would be good, but no, you just post blurry dots, as if that proves something. I think you just have that website so your mum thinks your UFO hunting is genuine, while you are off giving your mentor blowjobs. It might fool your mum, but it doesn't fool us. You're the sucker, not us!
lsufos said:
Communist Hamster,
It must be those buck teeth that you use for eating that makes you a asshole or are we talking to one of three who share the same house and joined this site to talk to them self sad get.
Oh, insulting my username. Thats not a very good attack is it now? That's like saying to someone called "Robin" "Huur hurr you must be a bird LOL"
lsufos said:
And ask first in future if you can use any of the pictures at
lsufos said:
Your credibility is at stake your oot go get a life.
My credibility is at stake? You don't think that your credibility is totally ruined from your stunted posts and blurred, ambiguous "evidence"?

You still haven't answered my question anyway: what do you claim these things you film and photograph are?
I insulting your username,they say people look like the animals they keep and you must have buck teeth and small fat.
Sorry, if you think its insulting ITS JUST A THOUGHT OF YOU MAY BE WRONG BUT DO NOT THINK SO.
Sorry boys/girls you two LOL---------LOL you two think you are it you two should get to know each other what pair one small fat buck teeth the other small no hair fat and BIGEARS plug as they come one thing if you two where seen together it would be in the papers .
On second thought do not do that your credibility will be totally ruined.
Now shut up sqeek and BIGEARS


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