Secret Technology

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So the craft, that you can view the footage of on my home page is one of these a Nikola Tesla secret craft and was flying 100/200 feet above the the houses in my village.
And you say this is not alien technology,it is human, and a national security secret. (which it should not be)
It makes me wonder though why they where flying so low above the village.
"These high voltage pulses work because all matter is made of electric charges. Protons, neutrons, electrons. "

Slightly wrong, an Electric charge is a preportion to atomics, there is still Magnetics (Ergo Electromagnetics) at play. Otherwise simply being earthed would make matter disappear.

As for the Substance of the universe, I'm guessing you are refering to ZPE (Zero-Point Energy) that has had many people look for "Free Energy" and the likes within it. ZPE is considered to be the remenants of the energy from the Big Bang (along with static of an untuned television).

The problem with running a craft on ZPE would that you would have to travel at speed to gain it's benefits, since friction of nearby freefloating molecules is what you would be attempting to gain energy from. Of course the faster you travel the more force you have to imply, ergo the more energy you would use.

As for all these craft being "Nationally Secret", nobody ever seems to ask why? Simply it's understandible if these craft are suppose to be stealth, however with the modern age being more reliant upon money, it would suggest that NASA or the other space programs would have used such technologies if they were seen to work better. Working openly within such space programs would work to everyone advantage as more sophisticated equipment is made available to all and there is no "Developing world" problems caused by it.
Yes, "developing world" problems. Some think that if it were released to the public in detail that crime may shoot through the roof. But no one really knows what would happen, they can only speculate, negatively. (not refering to you stryder, but there are many people who would NOT want this technology to be released because it would destroy many LARGE corperations, but at the same time, ultimately get rid of the corperations we really don't need. We would keep the corperations that were positively needed.) This technology would blow alot of other technology out of the water, ultimately illiminated the need for the old techs.
Stryder said:
As for the Substance of the universe, I'm guessing you are refering to ZPE (Zero-Point Energy) that has had many people look for "Free Energy" and the likes within it. ZPE is considered to be the remenants of the energy from the Big Bang (along with static of an untuned television).

The problem with running a craft on ZPE would that you would have to travel at speed to gain it's benefits, since friction of nearby freefloating molecules is what you would be attempting to gain energy from. Of course the faster you travel the more force you have to imply, ergo the more energy you would use.

Stryder, you seem to be confusing a few concepts here. I believe that Zero Point Energy refers to the energy fluctuations of the vacuum, expressed by the creation and annihilation of virtual particles. This is not related to the cosmic background radiation (the tv static), nor is it related to the interstellar medium (the free-floating molecules).
I stand corrected, You can tell I just don't have the time or resources to source every bit of data. Thats the problem with being human, there is only so much you can fit through your tiny little filter of a mind.

Although it makes a change to be "Corrected" as apposed to just chewed out and abused for a misconception ;)

In any case the overall energy that Manmade is suggesting is in use in his craft just wouldn't be viable from any forms of background radiation. I'm sure (correct me if I'm wrong) but Thermal Dynamics dictates this.
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Squeak22 said:
"Woah! I totally created this like, totally awesome reaction that separates hydrogen from water for fuel!"
i suppose you did, using electricity no doubt
it's called electrolysis and its no big secret
leopold99 said:
i suppose you did, using electricity no doubt
it's called electrolysis and its no big secret

Of course it isn't, I was making fun of the movie Chain Reaction. (Notice the post above mine).
Squeak22 said:
Of course it isn't, I was making fun of the movie Chain Reaction. (Notice the post above mine).

It was obvious to anyone with a sense of humour, don't worry.

All we have to do now is go kill those evil us's.
I was actually refering to what is called "Zero Point Radiation" (Rapidly changing electrostatic forces of VERY high frequency and voltage) Of course this would refer to an "occult science" which explains the secret technology.

This ZPR gives equilibrium to an all pervading "liquid" which liquid is the vehicle of inertia, momentum, and gravity. This "liquid" (Ether) behaves as a liquid to mass, and a solid to light and heat. (and of course the ZPR)

The High Voltage Tesla Coils on the saucer set the Ether out of equilibrium, stretching this Ether and making the path in the desired direction of the flying machine the path of least resistence.

The Ether cannot normally be altered like this, except that the Tesla Coils access the Ether's positive mass.

The earth never slows in its rotation or revolutions, because the sun imparts momentum to it at the north and south poles. In much the same way our top secret flying saucers run today. (they are internally powered, BUT the ZPR does most of the work)
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
The earth never slows in its rotation or revolutions, because the sun imparts momentum to it at the north and south poles. In much the same way our top secret flying saucers run today. (they are internally powered, BUT the ZPR does most of the work)

Wait.... what? The earth's rotation speeds up and slows down all the time. It's due to weather pattern and earthquake's affecting the speed of rotation. El Nino alone accounts for 400-800 micro-seconds slow down each year it happens.

When the glaciers formed during the ice age, the poles of the earth flattened, and the equator bulged a bit, so the earth's rotation slowed down because the distribution of mass was further away from the center of mass. When the poles melted the ground became uncompressed, and the equator is slightly decreasing, so the earth is speeding up.

The Moon also affects the Earth's rotation due to tidal forces.

What the hell is the "Ether" anyway?
The earth gets its force imparted by the sun at the north and south poles.
YOU are at this very moment immersed in Ether. You can't see it, but when you feel your car accelerate or stop, you feel the Ethers effects, manifest as inertia and momentum. If you don't believe this then you don't suscribe to this secret science obviously.

Rather than explaning the whole damned science to you guys... You should see that many people have seen flying machines which "defy physics." When in reality there is a secret science which explains the facts of reality, and thus how these flying saucers or "UFOs" fly. (a flying saucer is a UFO only when its observer doesn't know what he is looking at)
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According to the Ether Theory I adhere to: Each "Ether unit" is charged electrically positive on the outer field, and the inner core is charged with a negative electric field. According to the theory, for a flying saucer (electropropulsive unit) to access the negative mass it must have a high voltage high frequency electric pulse, because the Ether moves at such high frequencies. When Ether moves through mass, it could be comopared in much the way air moves "through" a flock of geese. The Ether is so minuscule that it moves through mass. (Which mass is mostly "space")

To synthesize momentum with high voltage means, is MUCH more efficient than to create momentum with conventional means.
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manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Ok, I will explane your craft: The craft is the following: Invented by Nikola Tesla. Kept secret and made to look like aliens fly them (this is accomplished by propaganda.)

The craft flies by pumping the substance of the universe through its metal hull. It does this by high voltage pulses, which come from Tesla Coils mounted on the inside. These high voltage pulses work because all matter is made of electric charges. Protons, neutrons, electrons. The substance of the universe is also charged electrically, and thus it takes high voltage pulses to access its mass.

The craft you have seen (flying saucer) synthesizes momentum and keeps the passengers (human) inside quite alive because the resistence to movement which would normally occur has been elliminated. The reason there is no resistence on the craft is because the momentum is synthesized instantly, by high voltage electricity. This is not alien technology, it is human, and a national security secret. (which it should not be)

Squeak22 said:
What the hell is the "Ether" anyway?

the term was used in very very primitive sciences to explain the composition of the universe (ie: the stuff of creation). it was also used by theosophists in the late 1800's/early 1900's.

The source of this information goes way back, to around the time the flying saucer was invented, once the global fossil fuel enthusiasts got their hands on it, they gave society relativism to replace the science which perfectly explains the use of technology which synthesizes momentum.
Do like it when you all talk science theory,on how these crafts move i said it before and will again i can show this technology at first hand.
Not just pictures, footage and by the way none are faked real crafts in real time and thank you manmadeflyingsaucer for your feed back.

Makes you think
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