Secret Technology

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manmadeflyingsaucer said:
The source of this information goes way back, to around the time the flying saucer was invented, once the global fossil fuel enthusiasts got their hands on it, they gave society relativism to replace the science which perfectly explains the use of technology which synthesizes momentum.

Just to clarify, Manmadeflyingsaucer...
Are you suggesting that parties with an interest in the continued use of fossil fuels popularised Einstein's Theory of Relativity in order to prevent new energy technologies from being discovered within the existing scientific framework?
lsufos said:
Communist Hamster,

You go on like some small kid your fav sayings are that my website is crap now the footage is crap pictures are crap.
What a silly person you are now do not post a reply to me again.
I have never said your website is crap. Your footage is indeed crap, as are your pictures. Feel free to show us some non-crap footage/photos and I will of course recall my previous statements. Till then though, you have provided us with neither substance or even a coherent sentence.
Communist Hamster
Do you live with anyone, you must do there head right in.
Anyway now you worked out the way to site then i must
have your views on some more UFObject footage.
Do not know why i put up with this headcase.
Yep, none are fake here.
Anyway let page load there is no moon in this just three stars in background heard it all before about this clip.
Watch as craft moves in front of stars.
Are you suggesting that parties with an interest in the continued use of fossil fuels popularised Einstein's Theory of Relativity in order to prevent new energy technologies from being discovered within the existing scientific framework?
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
You should go read some Shakespeare instead of reveling in all this nonsense.

I see Shakespeare as nonsense. Science is the only true art, the only tool the human civilization should practice of using.
Yes exactly dragon! The flying saucer is a manmade top secret flying machine, believe my words without proof, because they are the truth!!

Yes Laika, Im saying there is a secret science which was replaced with a false science (relativity) to blind the people!

There is a HUGE criminal organization that is rooted in America, in the world, in government, in business, the parasite would have everyone as a slave if it could! But the Achilles Heel of this organization is this top-secret technology which they use to maintain control, and they do it in so many ways! Beware the Military Industrial Complex!

Here is just one example of the absolute EVIL that now reigns. Click Here!

Do this right NOW: go to and look up Alex Jones, and prepare to have your eyes opened, and if you don't let these videos open your eyes and mind, your eyes and mind will be sealed to damnation forever!
Hmm, for his latest in blurred videos, click clip1.mpg

And now, my analysis. It is filming a white, apparently moving thing against a black background (presumably the night sky). The camcorder cannot focus on this object, but from the slide with the best focus the light source would appear to be circular/spherical. At the end of the videio two lights are seen in a different place, apparently in formation or marking the ends of a structure.

I would say thet the first light is probably a helicopter, while the last two lights are warning lights for low flying aircraft on the top of some structure or other (but wothout knowing the area it is hard to say)

I recommend that you, lsufos, learn how to focus your camcorder on moving objects.
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Communist Hamster,

It is filming a white, apparently moving thing against a black background.
What do you get off on,background is night sky three stars orions belt.
When you use a camcorder trying to catch object moving at speed that
is what happens in real life.
At the end of the videio two lights are seen in a different place, apparently in formation or marking the ends of a structure.
Sorry, but there is only one light moving away in and out of focus and shows up in a different place.
Dont recommend that i learn how to focus your camcorder on moving objects as i said that is what happens in real life hand held cam.
And i would say about your thoughts as to what the craft is, full of crap you say copter or plane, with warning lights low flying aircraft on the top of some structure.
Your right about one thing it was low.
But was no craft i have ever seen before a UFObject anyway that was a clip and have many more.
lsufos said:
What you got there is the moon/goose out of focus.

It wasn't the moon. I know what it WAS, and it wasn't the Moon. This shows that you cannot tell the Moon from another object, and shows what a useless UFOlogist you are, if you can't tell the Moon from a Goose!

Sorry you did that it shows what a useless
skeptic you are never seen so much crap.

No, it shows that I am a very good skeptic, that I have taken a video, shown it to a UFOlogist, and he has stated it is something it is not! I have demonstrated that videos CANNOT be used for accurate identification! You have proven that your own videos are useless! But you are just too dim to see it!
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Yes Laika, Im saying there is a secret science which was replaced with a false science (relativity) to blind the people!

Manmadeflyingsaucer, I realise that there are 101 "Einstein was wrong!" threads in which you could have posted (maybe you did), but I'll keep on on this topic here anyway, if you don't mind. Relativity has been repeatedly shown to give a very good description of reality. The theory is validated daily by the Global Positioning System, by the number of muons reaching the ground, and by the precession of Mercury's orbit. Here, here and here are some popular science articles describing studies that have confirmed the theories.

Anyway, whether relativity is right or wrong, I would be intrigued to know which popularisers of the theory had the vested interest in the fossil fuel industry, and how they managed to pull the wool over the eyes of scientific community. In the case of Ponns and Fleischmann (with which I thought you might draw a parallel), even after the work was condemned by the world's most prestigious scientific institutes, research continues to be conducted and published. So how did Einstein's refinement of classical physics cause the true "secret science" to drop off the radar?
lsufos said:
By all means shag nasty, roll on tomorrow.

It'll be better than any of the shite you have posted, you idiot.

Oh, and I'm just calling you an idiot because all you ever do is hijack threads with your crap. Seems you aren't clever enough to start your own thread!
lsufos, all you've posted at this forum are some links blurry photos and movies. Which, specifically, do you assert are evidence for what, specifically? Furthermore, what assertions are you attempting to make? It would seem that you are saying that there are lights in the sky that, when photographed or filmed, are very difficult to identify.

Perhaps we've all been to harsh on you, so I offer this olive branch of query in attempt to mend the fence -nay- tear it down alltogether! Let us set aside the petty insults and get to the business of query.
lsufos said:
I hijack threads with your crap ON IT.

Hey Brainiac, I didn't start this thread, and most of my posts here have been about content YOU have posted. You even aren't as bright as the dots you film!
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