Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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That's easy. I know several atheists. They have explained to me their philosophies, and they are entirely self consistent. So the claim "atheists might not exist" is proven false.

It's one thing to profess atheism, but it's another thing to live the life. That is what is meant by "atheists might not exist". So it is not proven false, nor can it be, as "might" implies it may not be the case.

They are different aspects of God.

Yes, and you're pretty vague about which aspects you espouse. Is that because you don't know as much as you pretend to know? Or because you can't make up your mind? Or because, as Lincoln suggested, you can't remember all of the details of the story as you told it yesterday?
It's one thing to profess atheism, but it's another thing to live the life. That is what is meant by "atheists might not exist".

Atheists do exist; this is based on my personal experience talking to several atheists, who both profess atheism and live as atheists. Thus the statement "atheists might not exist" is proven false. A single case of an atheist shown to exist is sufficient to demonstrate that the statement is false.

Yes, and you're pretty vague about which aspects you espouse. Is that because you don't know as much as you pretend to know? Or because you can't make up your mind? Or because, as Lincoln suggested, you can't remember all of the details of the story as youi told it yesterday?

What do I know about your father, compared to what you know? I know certain aspects of your father, that is true. Yet you know other aspects of him, including what I know.
Is your father, purely what I know, or is there more to him, than I know? Would you think me foolish, if I professed, with religious conviction, your father is nothing more than what know of him? I think you would.

God Is more than the aspects of the beliefs of Pantheists, and Deists, and I accept that.

It's one thing to profess atheism, but it's another thing to live the life. That is what is meant by "atheists might not exist".
And that provides another indication of what's behind posts like the OP - we could, on this thread, have a discussion about the OP, in particular why theists post like that on science forums, and this post could be a useful example.

Note that billions of people have "lived the life" of atheism, world wide, for tens of thousands of years - from an intellectual perspective, a scientific perspective, the perspective of all that scientists have discovered about people, that is. But that - living "the life of atheism" - is not up for discussion. Instead, the OP asserts a falsehood - that science has discovered those people were and are, possibly, theists. Discussion blocked. So that was the first indication - now we see a bit of the prospective agenda, maybe.

As explicitly declared, there is no motive of intellectual discussion and no interest in science or philosophy underlying any of this - nothing intellectual is on the theistic agenda in this thread. The goal may be explicitly to defeat and frustrate all of that, or simply irrelevant to all of that, but does not include it.

That's an interesting discussion base, for the topic of why theists post things like that OP on science forums.
Atheists do exist; this is based on my personal experience talking to several atheists, who both profess atheism and live as atheists. Thus the statement "atheists might not exist" is proven false. A single case of an atheist shown to exist is sufficient to demonstrate that the statement is false.


It's not as simple as that billvon.
When you break it down, all you're doi g is asserting there is no evidence for God, therefore you are atheist. That's not a lifestyle.

When you break it down, all you're doi g is asserting there is no evidence for God, therefore you are atheist. That's not a lifestyle.
Correct. A lifestyle is living as an atheist - not attending church, not baptizing your children, putting down NONE on forms where religion is required, not engaging in the social conventions that many religious do (i.e. "God bless you" and the like.) That is what they do. They live as atheists.
What do I know about your father, compared to what you know? I know certain aspects of your father, that is true. Yet you know other aspects of him, including what I know.
Is your father, purely what I know, or is there more to him, than I know? Would you think me foolish, if I professed, with religious conviction, your father is nothing more than what know of him? I think you would.
But that isn't what you're doing. You're claiming to know about God and you're ridiculing people who don't believe in God, going so far as to say they don't exist. I'm just wondering if you're a smart crook or an honest fool.
But that isn't what you're doing. You're claiming to know about God and you're ridiculing people who don't believe in God, going so far as to say they don't exist. I'm just wondering if you're a smart crook or an honest fool.
Well, he does believe in Santa Claus.
What does one do to not believe in God?

What does one not do to not believe in the easter bunny? Or any made up fairey tale for that matter.

Its much the same to stop believing in God or never to start...grow up, get a life and start to think just a little about the fact that all you know about the mythical God has been made up by folk who were uneducated and could not explain the simplest of observations.
I like to watch that atheist show on utube and ateists call in who were once believers, Matt Delahunty grew up in a religious house hold and studied to become a pastor.
And many changed believers call in...a common theme is they started asking questions and began thinking about the nonsence they had been brain washed with over years ... in most all cases it seems that even a little critical thinking will bring down the house of cards which is unsupported unevidenced belief in made up stories from the bronze age.

The lack of evidence for a God is a good indicator.

Ask any theists for evidence or proof and they simply will not and can not produce evidence or proof.
They avoid evidence and proof and sidestep and bluster at times dishonestly to maintain their delussion. ..

Belief in a mythical God is a failure to be realistic and to choose an opition to believe fairey tales rather than reject superstition and realise you have been the victim of a cruel con job.

I am not being condecending I hope when I try to speak the truth.

What does one not do to not believe in the easter bunny? Or any made up fairey tale for that matter.

Nobody believes in the Easter Bunny. There's no need to form, or construct a philosophy, or a mindset, to not believe.

God Is. You can't change that. So you construct a believe that there is no God.
But that belief appears to be based on nothing. All you do is try and defend your your position.

Its much the same to stop believing in God or never to start...grow up, get a life and start to think just a little about the fact that all you know about the mythical God has been made up by folk who were uneducated and could not explain the simplest of observations.

Why don't you face it. All this spouting, is you defending your delusion. You have nothing of any worth to contribute.

You know it's not all made up.
You should know that people weren't stonage peasants, who had no knowledge, because they existed before modern science. If you don't, then do some research. You know stuff cannot create itself. And you know a whole lot of other stuff, you deny, to keep this pretense operative. But if you insist on it, I'll go along with you, for the practice.

I like to watch that atheist show on utube and ateists call in who were once believers, Matt Delahunty grew up in a religious house hold

That's hardly surprising. It's your inspiration. Matt is better at your bullshit than you are. You're bound to go to Matt, to build a taller house of cards. But bullshit, is bullshit, no matter how you dress it up.

The lack of evidence for a God is a good indicator.

What God is it that lacks evidence, in your opinion?

Ask any theists for evidence or proof and they simply will not and can not produce evidence or proof.

Prove to anyone that you came up with this response.

Belief in a mythical God is a failure to be realistic and to choose an opition to believe fairey tales rather than reject superstition and realise you have been the victim of a cruel con job.

I am not being condecending I hope when I try to speak the truth.

You're implying that your worldview is the standard, and you know that God is mythical, because God has never been shown to people for whom there is no God, due to their own desires.
You're in an endless loop, Alex.

If you want to convince anyone that you consciously, and subconsciously don't believe in God, stop the joking, learn about God, and explain properly why God does not exist. Otherwise, I don't believe you, and I doubt you believe yourself.

learn about God, and explain properly why God does not exist.
There is nothing to learn about God. Show the evidence that God exists at all and everyone will be glad to learn more.
This is why they call it belief. You think you know something about God but it is an uncontrolled hallucination, a subjective internal mental image created by your own mind and not accesible to anyone else.
There is nothing to learn about God. Show the evidence that God exists at all and everyone will be glad to learn more.
This is why they call it belief. You think you know something about God but it is an uncontrolled hallucination, a subjective internal mental image created by your own mind and not accesible to anyone else.
You have evidence for all this?
Or is it just your belief?
You have evidence for all this?
Or is it just your belief?
Don't try to turn this around. That only hurts your credibility.
For me to believe I need evidence, you don't. You are the believer in the existence of a God, but where is the evidence for coming to that conclusion? It's purely a construct from your imagination.
It's a subjective mental construct, unsupported by evidence. Also known as an hallucination.
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Don't try to turn this around. That only hurts your credibility.
For me to believe I need evidence, you don't. You are the believer in the existence of a God, but where is the evidence for coming to that conclusion? It's purely a construct from your imagination.
It's a subjective mental construct, unsupported by evidence. Also known as an hallucination.
I am just measuring your claims against what you term valid systems of understanding things. You made a whole host of claims, and I am just asking if you have evidence for them.
There's no need to form, or construct a philosophy, or a mindset, to not believe.
That is how I am with the God story.
It is so unbelievable, to me, that dismissing the story as make believe is the same as dismissing the easter bunny.
Both are made up with no evidence that takes them past being made up.
I know that is hard for you to accept but that is the way I regard the two..there is no difference between the eater bunny or God for me..just made up stories, just fiction. may not agree but hopefully you can understand how I think...not that you need to but I have at least tried to reveal my thoughts such that you can understand I dont see it as you do.
God Is. You can't change that.
God is..for you.
I get that but making a statement as you do does not create reality and clearly you find difficulty in that concept.
No worries Jan as I am happy you have something that gets you by...few in life can deal with the cold reality that we are not really as important as we would like to believe and that life has no grander purpose. You clearly need to find a purpose and even finding one that is fictional you are then able to manage.
I am fortunate as I dont need to crate a false reality to feel good about myself and others and indeed the world or the universe.
I am not arrogant and so I dont construct lies to make out a creator built it all for me.
I deal with only the truth I find that requires no abdication of critical thought to build a dubious reality unsupported with reasonable evidence.
All you do is try and defend your your position.
I probably do defend my position but of course I have no need.
Those who present their facts can do so ..and your fact is God is...well ok if I have to defend against that I have no need to even lock the door..the threat of rational thought taking me out seems way past remote.
I find it curious you can hold on to those words but you do..Do so I dont care your God has left the building if indeed he was ever here and you miss teal that I mean a life where you can think rationally and not be burdened with superstitions still haunting hu.anity from the bronze age.
You miss the fact they did not know where the Sun went at night.
They were so ignorant of how their world worked it makes all their stories about God most likely to be no more than superstitious determinations of reality.
That was ok for them but today we know stuff, we dont need superstition to guide us...well not all of us as you clearly are guided by superstition. .thats is your life and if you want to live in the bronze age go for it..make up any story you feel enables you to deal with modern existence.
You are stuck in the bronze age and so you will only see the world thru the eyes of a bronze age person.
You will get by I hope and be happy in your ignorance..and that is ok.
I guess some folk cant feel comfortable in the modern era where we deal with facts, testable theories and measurable predictions.
I can see passing over the mysyeries to God is easier for a mind stuck in bronze age thinking.
It takes all kinds so I accept that folk like you still exist.
It does not worry me unless you let them handle sharp things or put together a school learning program.
We have delussional people we just need to keep them in groups and let them think they count I guess.
They are still people and although a few sandwiches short of a picnic can contribute to the labour force performing tasks where thinking would make the task tiresome.
There is room for the believer even in this modern era.
You have nothing of any worth to contribute.
You are probably right Jan as far as you know.
You are a believer so how could I contribute to supporting your made up stories...I seek truth so my mission and yours have different objectives.
But let me ask where did you get this notion that I am defending my position...look run in try and trask my position..I will let you as there is no damage you can effect...sadley you have nothing to amount an attack that requires a defence.

Stop being silly...or should I say foolish....oh do what you want.
You ability to degrade yourself is a great start to becoming the fool a position only second to the king and where the real power of influence resides.

I however think of you highly and always believe you post your God is etc nonsence to give an old man like me something to grizzle about...that is a nice thing to do.

You have nothing of any worth to contribute.
If I had anything to contribute I would not be here...these threads are my opportunity to let my mind idle whilst I get ready for my next real life adventure.
So often I get on here whilst my camera is taking an hour exposure or while I wait for my bread to rise.
But I appreciate what you do for all of us allow us to stand up and battle nonsence, point out evasiveness and you let us think we are still clever when all we do is reject made up stories from the bronze age...rather easy but you do made it seem like it is a hard good on you.
You should know that people weren't stonage peasants,
I know what you mean...bronze age not stoneage...but unfortunately humans have held some crazy ideas as fact.
You mention research well I have...the things folk believe can be very odd...God made a man from mud is a good one...and even today folk are not all smart sadly...superstition has not left us but the fact remains back then they were very superstitious and it is those very superstitious folk who contributed to the scriptures and so they only had superstition to guide it any wonder they came up with a lot of need to defend any claim these bronze age folk were just simple folk..thats ok..I am not putting them down but one would not expect them to be able to manage life in the modern era.
I respect folk from the past but one must understand their limitations. ..offerring good cosmology was just out of their league..anf for you or anyone to turn to them as authority is hardly wise.
You know stuff cannot create itself.
I never said it did.
Look just because you teach a point where you can not come up with an answer that does not mean you make up a suitable story.
That is lieing.
Its like little kids inventing an invisable friend to blame for the missing cake.
You cant see that and I feel sorry for you.
You are getting to the point where you make believe world is fading and so you will fight harder to stop its inevitable collapse. .but there will come a point where you will tealise you have nothing to defend and all you believed was nust made up stuff.
You are not a fool and your own ability to think will dismantle this false reality you proclaim.
I wont have to do a thing as it will be your intellect that saves you.
The Sun will be brighter the air fresher and you will walk with your head high knowing that you are free of the nonsence and free at last to think rather than follow made up stories from the bronze age.
I dont know how the universe was created but from there I dont make up a story and then say that is how it happened.
I have said before I do t buy the big bang theory even though it is good science...I do like the idea that the universe has always been and that means no creation is required. ..could that be right well I dont know but you see I dont need to hold on as I just dont dont know either but delude yourself in the belief you do..well good luck.
Nothing from nothing sure I agree but a made up God is not your only answer.
But bullshit, is bullshit, no matter how you dress it up.
Absolutely and you have dressed yours up very nicely.
What God is it that lacks evidence,
All but Thor..he has a hammer and talks to me from a distance.
Prove to anyone that you came up with this response.
How could I offer such proof I mean you have always provided all the proof I have asked for.
Otherwise, I don't believe you, and I doubt you believe yourself.
Thanks Jan.
You are a decent person I know that.
It is so nice that you take your time to offer yourself as an easy target for old guys like me to argue with...I like you I feel we could be the best of friends if we could meet.
You believe in whatever you want ...good on you.
I am just measuring your claims against what you term valid systems of understanding things. You made a whole host of claims, and I am just asking if you have evidence for them.
Oh man, you are truly delusional and I would recommend professional help with your hallucinations. You are one sick puppy and have lost all connection with reality.

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