Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Really? 116 pages on this? The only thing an atheist like me do is shake my head and say is oh my God.
It is an iceauraism.
It may require a bit of reading of his generic responses to understand the purport.
It isn't.
Falsehood, followed by personal disparagement. No accountability, to reason or anything else. No engagement with any thread issue.
The overt Abrahamic theist posts on a science forum.

The question is why.

The immediate first guess would be a furtherance of the standard propaganda tactic of barrage - continual repetition of personal disparagement, constant pressure to defensive response, the net result an establishment of the desired frame of discussion and identity of opponent. That is of course a serious criticism - there is no approach more ethically bankrupt except outright hacking and abuse. So we search for other possibilities.
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It isn't.
Falsehood, followed by personal disparagement. No accountability, to reason or anything else. No engagement with any thread issue.
The overt Abrahamic theist posts on a science forum.

Is this an overview of your modus operandi?
It is an iceauraism.
It may require a bit of reading of his generic responses to understand the purport.
I am trying to understand logical fallacy.
Would your post qualify as an adhomen?

And you did not reply to my earlier post.

I suppose as I hold a view presumably different from yours you think that I dont matter or something but I really need you to spell out why you think my observations are not reasonable.

It seems to me the basic premise of theism has not been established and perhaps you can explain for me why it is not important to establish that a God does exists before folk start writing about his attributes and expectations.

You probably find my simplist approach niave because on your estimation I lack the education to understand the detail whatever.

What can you tell me that makes my approach unreasonable.

I read what I can but it really seems like God is made up and sure there are stories and religious philosophy but I can not find anything that would enable anyone to conclude a God exists and that it had a relationship with humans.

The concept seems to be the evolement of ideas with no solid basis to build on.

You present as educated and intelligent so you must be able to answer my question simply.

I have asked Jan what he sees as evidence and all he says is that there is plenty on the net and avoids naming something specific that establishes the God claim.

So the net search did not work out as it seems all I found were folk who had no evidence and their presentations would cause one to doubt their ability intellect and credibility.

There is so much to go thru and that makes it difficult to find that one piece of evidence that would take us past a mere claim.

I hope you understand what I see as the problem.

Using my eternal universe idea.
Now say that idea finds a following and after some time has huge volumes of work discussing the idea and why it must be right...then someone asks ..."upon what basis do you claim the universe is eternal" "why should we welcome the idea as reality when there is nothing to support your original premise"
"Why should it not be called made up and qualified as fiction?"

I dont see any difference to me claiming an eternal universe to others claiming I said the eternal universe can be supported by similar one sided logic as that employed by theists.

I dont propose to reject your evidence I merely want to hear how what I class as made up stories go from there in my case to a level of high acceptance in your case.

I look for the foundation stone upon which the whole thing is built as you see it.

iceaura said:
Falsehood, followed by personal disparagement. No accountability, to reason or anything else. No engagement with any thread issue.
The overt Abrahamic theist posts on a science forum.
Is this an overview of your modus operandi?
I see this as an accurate overview of theist modus operandi (112 pages of proof).
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'Bout as much as Jan, except she doesn't talk so damned much about inconsequential bullshit.

Silence is one gift from God that so many folks don't appreciate. Try lying on a mountaintop, so still that you can hear the wind over the vulture's wings as he investigates you.

See the world upside down at sunrise, then go whitewater canoeing.

Walk up on a coyote, a cougar or a bear, and ask them about gods.

Come back, and we'll talk.
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