Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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2018-08-31 19.14.30.jpg
The rest of your post is just the same old twiddle
It felt good to get it off my chest.
Creation is unestablished and therefore a creator can not be created which explains the absence of evidence of a creator.

The problem of where did God come from is solved.

It has always been.

No point of creation no creator fits the evidence.

No knowledge of history required.☺

Thank goodness I have found the answer.

So there is no need of the term theist of atheist as there is no Creator God to even imagine....the terms fall out of the language due to irrelevence.

An ethernal universe gets rid of all creation myths least there will always be a before from where the mythical cosmic egg can come from☺....does it mean there could still be a universe that has always been here and the Gods come and go appearing only to oversee the creation of an the Earth just a silar system at a the interest of a smaller work load...yes just a solar system at a time or one per God God per solar system yes thats logical there would be countless Gods...or none.

Which of none or billions appear more likely...none ...none at creators zip..that fits the evidence and the history☺

Making stuff up sure is fun☺ and thats what we deal with surely... but my point is the idea parrallels the pull it out of thin air approach for the current believers approach.

How annoying the idea wont support the op its not going help a case for humans who have no need to be qualified as theist or atheist...and so I am neither a theist or an atheist as i believe something that does not use those terms☺
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I am watching a tv show on traditional Jewish families, observing the Sabath, and the resulting up side for good food and family, getting the kitchen clean as which I like, definded role for all, plenty of structer plenty of celebrations and recognition of those who have been here before belief in God of course...all very nice and I must say I liked it.
Seemed to have something above christians they live it to the max...all good.
Great show wonderful look at how it works.
All in a room with their furry hats looked fun...a united.
But the girls did not get a dance...
Very interesting got to get back to it.
A person with real compassion feels the same about all life.

Ask yourself why you still beat your wife.


That's just the way you'll be remembered, completely void of compassion.

But hey, you've got a relationship with God, so if he too is completely void of compassion, you'll have found you're best friend.

So, the question remains, was Jesus compassionate? According to Jan's behavior and his alleged relationship, highly unlikely.
It is difficult to assess the approaches of theists and so I will work with my strawman constructed for the purpose of making this observation.

Believers seem to think science is the enemy, which is interesting given that science makes no claim that has not been tested and proved and it is happy to throw out a model if just one single aspect of the claim is only takes one problem and science rejects any idea that it may have carried for ages.

And religion holds on to stuff even when all followers have given up on a bad idea and moved on...stine your bad kid, slavery is good notion, kill non observers of the sabath...

Is that not so neat about science...everything it claims has evidence from observation and it calls upon all involved to review the claim and hold it to the strongest proof.

The moment it can determine something is wrong the whole model gets thrown out.

Yet science is seen as the enemy of the would think the environment nurturing truth would sppeal to the believer but clearly not.

However what believers fail to understand...If you defeat science in your own minds that defeat does not take your claims forward...reject science all you like but understand you still have not supported your claim at all.

Failure of the big bang or evolution does not prove God to exist...God has yet to be proven to exist and that has not yet been done.

So evolution is wrong ????...please tell me how that shows a God...big bang is wrong ????...please tell me how that shows a God.

Please tell me how unsupported supperstitious beliefs show a God.

I think the bible has a passage that points out that a house needs a solid foundation ...a claim needs a solid foundation and one that presents the notion of a creator needs absolutely hard evidence at least given the same burden of proof each of our scientific models require...if the God story has less it can never achieve status higher than just another superstition or story like bigfoot, visiting aliens, hobbits, fire breathing dragons, fairies, ghosts, demons, gobblins, zombies, and all the fictional characters in every book of fiction ever written.

The fact these folk think they can logically argue a God into existence simply shows their minds are less than still need evidence ...the evidence you do not have.
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It is difficult to assess the approaches of theists and so I will work with my strawman constructed for the purpose of making this observation.

Believers seem to think science is the enemy, which is interesting given that science makes no claim that has not been tested and proved and it is happy to throw out a model if just one single aspect of the claim is only takes one problem and science rejects any idea that it may have carried for ages.

And religion holds on to stuff even when all followers have given up on a bad idea and moved on...stine your bad kid, slavery is good notion, kill non observers of the sabath...

Is that not so neat about science...everything it claims has evidence from observation and it calls upon all involved to review the claim and hold it to the strongest proof.

The moment it can determine something is wrong the whole model gets thrown out.

Yet science is seen as the enemy of the would think the environment nurturing truth would sppeal to the believer but clearly not.

However what believers fail to understand...If you defeat science in your own minds that defeat does not take your claims forward...reject science all you like but understand you still have not supported your claim at all.

Failure of the big bang or evolution does not prove God to exist...God has yet to be proven to exist and that has not yet been done.

So evolution is wrong ????...please tell me how that shows a God...big bang is wrong ????...please tell me how that shows a God.

Please tell me how unsupported supperstitious beliefs show a God.

I think the bible has a passage that points out that a house needs a solid foundation ...a claim needs a solid foundation and one that presents the notion of a creator needs absolutely hard evidence at least given the same burden of proof each of our scientific models require...if the God story has less it can never achieve status higher than just another superstition or story like bigfoot, visiting aliens, hobbits, fire breathing dragons, fairies, ghosts, demons, gobblins, zombies, and all the fictional characters in every book of fiction ever written.

The fact these folk think they can logically argue a God into existence simply shows their minds are less than still need evidence ...the evidence you do not have.
There is a story in the babble claiming it is wise to build a house upon a rock & foolish to build upon the sand. I prefer neither but until recently, sand would be better. Strong water and/or wind would much more likely move the house on the rock. The house on the sand, at least, is settled in & could easier be rooted in. I do not know how deep sand usually goes but while surface sand can be loose, under that, sand is packed very densely. In case of an earthquake, the house would slide off the rock but not the sand unless the earthquake is close enough that there will be little difference between the 2. Now we have machines which can anchor the house into the rock which would make it better for wind & water. Above all tho, how well the house itself is designed & constructed is most important. I do not know how the heck so many could think that story is good. 1 need not be an expert to think it thru.

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There is a story in the babble claiming it is wise to build a house upon a rock & foolish to build upon the sand. I prefer neither but until recently, sand would be better. Strong water and/or wind would much more likely move the house on the rock. The house on the sand, at least, is settled in & could easier be rooted in. I do not know how deep sand usually goes but while surface sand can be loose, under that, sand is packed very densely. In case of an earthquake, the house would slide off the rock but not the sand unless the earthquake is close enough that there will be little difference between the 2. Now we have machines which can anchor the house into the rock which would make it better for wind & water. Above all tho, how well the house itself is designed & constructed is most important. I do not know how the heck so many could think that story is good. 1 need not be an expert to think it thru.

You have the luxury of a mind that is able to and capable of thinking and not boxed into a world view that has nothing going for it and in fact demands faith to establish that it should be followed.
Faith is of course the equivalent of saying " I have nothing to support the idea by way of evidence so I choose to believe it upon the basis that it feels good...great way to find truth.

Thanks for your interest and refreshing ability to present original ideas....something we never see with theists...have a great day.
Even though it's not clear what you want to discuss, it seems either way, that you require some degree of familiarity with the complexities involved in the "standard" version of early christian history.
The OP is still, and will remain, regardless of the complexities of early Christian history, a fundamentally dishonest misrepresentation of a piece of perfectly good scientific research.

And it has been defended now for 115 pages, by overt Abrahamic theists.

The question becomes: why and how do overt Abrahamic theists come to post like that on science forums?
The OP is still, and will remain, regardless of the complexities of early Christian history, a fundamentally dishonest misrepresentation of a piece of perfectly good scientific research.

And it has been defended now for 115 pages, by overt Abrahamic theists.

The question becomes: why and how do overt Abrahamic theists come to post like that on science forums?
The bullshit "is".
Did you miss the point I was making about the futility of expounding treatises that have flexible premises at their core?
It's easy enough to repeat again.

Yes I did miss your point.

What is your point and if it is easy to repeat please do so.

Perhaps make it so simple that I can grasp it easily.

Perhaps point out what you consider a flaw in my approach which at its core demands support for any claim that on the face of it has nothing by way of reasonable interpretation of reality.
You seem most assured you have the answers.
Well my main question is why should anyone believe there is a God when there seems to be none.

Anyways the op seems a ploy to stir up the atheists here who clearly would find the idea that scientists (which they did not find) claim that being atheist is beyond human ability.

And not withstanding being called out Jan remains unreasonably defiant.

No back down no sorry etc and a lie is not withdrawn.

Honestly how would this made up God punish Jans less than noble action.

Heck why the need to be tricky it does not make one appear smart it does however suggest a deep rooted dishonesty which one could think is not what a made up God expects from the pretenders playing lets believe make believe.

Atheists are alive and well Jan as you well know.

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