Scientific proof that God exists

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How does code travel?
What is code?
Would you care to post a few lines of code here?
Would you then explain how that code can travel?
ok, but I think by now you will have realised that my writing wont be easy to understand.

This process was all about trying to predict how a car will behave before during and after the moment of inertia. According to the laws of physics, just like in real life.

That was going along normally. Then the japanese cryptographer got involved. The physics model at that time had was circular. The car had a range of motion within this model but the inertia became an issue. The cryptographer incorporated these squares into this model. T

These squares were like 'photographs' of the contact areas and travelled in a chain so that the information at the contact areas would always be monitored. But they broke down before the weight transition.

As the testing went on, patterns between the inertia of the contact areas and the input in the steering wheel were found. Thats how my testing filled the squares with information. If you think about it, a car has four wheels, controlled by one steering wheel. Within the whole range of motion between all 5 wheels, a mountain of possible information was found.

I then proceeded to chop it down with the edge of my hand.

(like i have been saying, this will make for good viewing)
Once... many years ago, I was ascending the Himalayas with my Sherpa guide. We passed this one icy peak and I saw God. At the time I thought it might have been a mountain llama, but in retrospect, I'm quite certain that I saw God. He gave me a parchment which was inscribed

"The bearer of this document is My living representative on earth and will do My bidding as I see fit. God."

We were short on food at this late stage of the ascent and I was rationing my Twinkies... I accidentally used the parchment to wrap my remaining Twinkie and then misplaced it.

If anybody finds it... it was mine. I really miss that Twinkie.

p.s. There is as much proof/evidence in my post as there is/was in your OP.


Go with God... you really shouldn't be anywhere alone.
I really can't wait to read the text of your Nobel acceptance speech. By the way... you should really toddle on to your next class... recess is just about over.
I have been telling people this for 8 months. If just a small number of you had taken a chance back then you would have seen all of this already.

The fat, slow, weak, short sighted, self involved lump of shit that is the majority. No wonder nothing has worked out so far. Take a chance. There will never be a better opportunity. You will see God's image. That has to justify taking a chance and all you have to do is nothing.
which part are you having trouble at?
It was all normal until I brought the code to C. Thats when it all got a little outside the box and after that it gets hard to believe.
It will make sense when you watch it on a screen.
I was testing an open physics engine based on the real life laws of physics. I was not playing a video game. During one test, bringing this new code as fast as it could go, I made one decision at the speed of light and everything became light.

I later proved this and later created perfect light, so you can see exactly what I saw. You get to understand this properly when you see the proof, which is Japan, owend by Kazonori Yamauchi.
Combine my last reply with what I should have called this thread. 'Scientific proof that God exists, exists, but a sad, old and useless japanese thief stole it. You have a God-given right to all of it and if you want it, you have to tell the person who stole it, to give you whats rightfully yours.

Take a chance.
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