Science vs Religion


Science is based on illusions... it's why it's always changing. The Universe is allways changing. Why study something that is so unstable? It's lose time... as it will change tomorrow. The reality we have today will soon change... so why study it so much...?

Because there are certain constants, certain fundamental facts of the universe, that do not change. Studying that which does change allows us to see through to that which does not.

Poverty...? If everyone were Christian, everyone will help each other! Christians never let their brothers when they need their help! Christians are all very giving, very generous!

Er, no.

What the heck...
We can destroy the world with Nuclear Bombs and you are worried about what war?!?!?

And that's why we have to be careful not to start more! The Inquisition, the Crusades, the Witch Hunts........

God IS the Truth... READ my other posts please...

Yes, and how do you find this truth AND BE SURE IT IS TRUE?

Through EXPERIMENT! Through critical thinking! We have to be skeptical, or we are the prey of the first guru who says he has found the way!


Love your enemies!

Take a look around you Nelson! Does Jan? Does Tony? Look at Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who claimed that homosexuals caused the attacks of September 11th!

Hey, I like Tony, but he sure as hell does not love his enemies.

Whatever Christianity is based on, it is not going to have perfect followers!


We have!

Godless: What you say is correct, but idiot is not a proper adjective. Nelson is quite intelligent, if a bit naive. He thinks he's found the answer. Now put yourself in his shoes.....

Play nice, or I'll feed you to Cthulhu! :D

Edited because portions of my post were ritually sacrificed to Great Cthulhu. ;)
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I am a newcomer to this forum and am usually just a bystander, but I really felt constrained to respond.

The study of science is a beautiful reality given to us by the Master Scientist Himself. The reason for this is not for entertainment purposes. He created us in His image and the universe in the image of His Kingdom. Since He is a self-revealing God, He has given all these things for us to realize Him. He is no illusion, and neither is His Kingdom. While it is true that He created everything from nothing, He is the No-Thing--that which has no form that can be described, nor imagined. It is His character that He reveals, and Jesus is the express image of His person. Jesus continually used science (or nature if you prefer), to teach of His Father's Kingdom. He made it clear that the end would not come (no matter how bad things became) until the gospel of the KINGDOM was preached in the whole world.

Religion is not the study of truth. It is the study of man's interpretation of it. Christ IS the truth. Therefore, the study of Christ and his favorite subject (His father and His Kingdom) is the study of truth. God is LOVE. His love is not just a form of sentimentalism we feel. His love spoke forth this universe and He created it to be inhabited forever. Remember, we're coming back to this "illusion" after the thousand years is over. Since a thousand years is just a day to the Lord, we're just leaving for a day trip.

The Bible states that the heavens (that space where the birds fly and the space where suns reside) is where His THRONE is, and the earth (matter) is His footstool. That doesn't mean that He is in everything (pantheism). It means He is where everything is and His power upholds it all. Jesus said "I work and my Father works". You can read all kinds of things into this, and a proper understanding of it shows us what we will inherit and rule (before Abraham was, I AM (time). I hope I haven't sounded too pompous with this post. Our God is on trial(that's what the real object of the judgement is), and all knees will bow and all faces pale at His appearing. Peace to you all (believers and unbelievers alike).
Falwell said homosexuals were responsible for the WTC and Pentagon attacks? That silly fellow needs a coke enema.
*Originally posted by Xev
I have only formally been an athiest since September.

You mean there's a format to chucking your brains in the trashcan?

Besides, you're still not an atheist, since you worship the "Great Cthulhu."

*Silly, silly Tony. It's not my picture.*

I did say "if."

*I do believe that Nelson is safe from my feminine wiles.*

I don't know how long you've been posting in general, but I've seen guys fall in love online with somebody just because their nick ends in "a."
Nelson seems to be like one of those guys, and your nick ends in a "v."
It must be the icon.

*Polio is caused by a virus. What has it to do with the NT?*

Polio isn't caused by a virus, it is caused by the belief that the virus causes the disease.
Polio viruses are all over the place.

*Well, is religion testable? Hardly. So, this is really science's turf. *

Of course religion is testable, otherwise you couldn't get anyone to believe it.
It's science that isn't testable, but you're so used to thinking that it is that all of your thought processes are essentially backwards.

*No, it's not. The scientific method fails when applied to philosophy.*

We were talking about the scientific method presumably as it applies to science, where it fails most miserably, not having been validated even by its own standards.

*And would you please capitalize the 'c'?*

I'll capitalize the 'c' when it's on your name.
In the meantime, I notice that you are defending your god which belies your view that you are an atheist.

*Carbon dating. Do you want a link?*

Please, no.
I've played this link game into old age already.
What we need is not more dead-end links, but some evidence that there are 500,000 year-old bones around, such as 500,000 year-old bones, and that such bones belong to man, i.e. not that someone says they do, but that they actually do.

*I've not studied the discovery of austrailopithicus in detail.*

You can relax, Leakey didn't either.

*So then we agree that somtimes our wants are best left unfulfilled?*

Yours, but not mine.
Those animals are going to die, and those fruits and vegetables are going to be eaten alive, as long as I have some say in the matter.

*But then how can we know what the right thing is?*

...But we have the mind of Christ.
(1 Corinthians 2:16, KJV).

You can't know, but we do know, unless we wander off into some fairy-tale.

*Originally posted by Teg
I know that you as an egocentric being have invented rules to define a believer and the non. You've never mentioned those rules only vaguely hinted. I think you lack conviction to sit down and pound out these rules.

The rule is so simple that it looks like you missed it.
Believers don't get sick.

Simple, no?

*ignore the idea and add attempt at joke.*

It's called reductio ad absurdum.
Your idea in its simplest form is just absurd, i.e. it makes no sense; it goes nowhere.
I realize that it sounded great when it was just a thought in your head, but typed out it just doesn't look that great.

*The bible is the bible, no room for change. If this were not true then we should expect that text books would instead of changing, stay the same.*

Correct, but you're trashing your own point.
Since text books ARE changing, that means they are always WRONG.

*I argue that the "with polio" is superfluous informationin that last statement.*

I note the feeble attempt at humor.
I believe it is your first.

*Originally posted by Adam
You ask your god for the truth?

It beats asking you.

*Originally posted by Godless
fact, i've posted them here many, many times, I don't think I need to post them again.

The peculiar thing is that you repost ones that have been demonstrated not to be inconsistencies.
IOW, you don't listen.

*if were not for science chances are most of us would have not survived many desceases, traumas, accidents, births.*

After about three or four births, things start to get dangerous, plus stretched.
That's why I've limited my births to one in this lifetime.

*Science on the other hand, deals with facts, theories become realities, things change yes, there's no such thing as an absolute.*

The "fact" is that you could be believing something scientific, completely unaware that it has changed.
You could actually end up up being the only fool who believes it, only because you missed the memo that said it changed.

Let's hear it for science!
It's the only field of human endeavor where you can be 100% wrong 100% of the time while completely convinced that you are right.

*science is the ultimate search for facts!!*

Can you send us an email when it finds some?

*Originally posted by Xev
Because there are certain constants, certain fundamental facts of the universe, that do not change.

Which ones would those be?

*You think making a child feel like trash because her mother has to beg for food is charity?*

Is this a self-referential comment?

*Hey, I like Tony, but he sure as hell does not love his enemies. *

What's this?
Having a bad day?

Wow, I really liked your post. I should have read a little further before I posted my last message. Man, what passion! You are a true seeker for truth and I'd like to give you a little to whet your appetite. I'm not trying to convert you. I really felt like you did many years ago. I saw first-hand what religion can do to a person. Two of my brothers were molested by priests during my teen years and he tried to get me too. The result was two broken lives that never recovered and I lost my innocence and belief. Anybody trying to approach me with that religious garbage were met with violent rebuke.

When I got older, I studied the Bible purely as an intellectual pursuit. My mindset was: If there is really a God, then He should be able to tell me about science. Where is the physics, chemistry, the order of creation, etc. I wasn't interested in all this "spiritual stuff". That was for people with problems dealing with the real world. So I got myself a concordance and promptly left out anything that smacked of spiritualism. As you may have guessed, I came to the conclusion that most of what passes as religion is nothing more than spiritualism in disguise(belief in spirits both dead and alive). I also made a quite amazing discovery. What was left behind was pure science! The Bible is full of it. Check it out for yourself. Just one small example: Ezekial 1--whirlwind(electromagnic vortex), color of amber(polished spectrum metal which is translucent and diffuses the whole spectrum of light, radio, etc.), wheels inside wheels the color of beryl(short for berylium which has a nuclear symbol of four wheels), a fire infolding itself(black hole), and it goes on and on. The whole process of chemistry, crystallography, chromatic scale, and many other things are depicted and these are all in relation to the sanctuary which the prophets saw in vision. Check it out for yourself, even if it's to disprove it. At the very least, its intriquing. Keep on questioning man.
Originally posted by tony1

*Originally posted by Adam
You ask your god for the truth?

It beats asking you.

Just as well, as I would not presume to tell you what the truth is. I would, however, encourage you to cease being insulting and childish and go out to your local library. Read. Learn. Find your own truth. Not "my parents told me god made it all and I'm groovy with that, I won't bother thinking about it". But actually learn and search.
You mean there's a format to chucking your brains in the trashcan?

Well, it did involve spinning in a circle three times and renouncing God as a choir chanted the lyrics to 'Dear God' by XTC......

Besides, you're still not an atheist, since you worship the "Great Cthulhu."

You capitalized! Such a nice man.

And I don't worship Cthulhu.

I don't know how long you've been posting in general, but I've seen guys fall in love online with somebody just because their nick ends in "a."
Nelson seems to be like one of those guys, and your nick ends in a "v."

Under a year. And I think Nelson is in love with a Melissa.

(That does end in 'a'!)

It must be the icon.

Or perhaps it is that they need to increase the voltage on your electroshock.

Of course religion is testable, otherwise you couldn't get anyone to believe it.
It's science that isn't testable, but you're so used to thinking that it is that all of your thought processes are essentially backwards.

Que? backwards are processes thought my, mean you do what?

I'll capitalize the 'c' when it's on your name.
In the meantime, I notice that you are defending your god which belies your view that you are an atheist.

No, just clearing up misconceptions.

Yours, but not mine.

Okay, you have never wanted anything that would be detrimental to another. Okay.

You can't know, but we do know, unless we wander off into some fairy-tale.

Like Christianity?

The rule is so simple that it looks like you missed it.
Believers don't get sick.

You've never been sick? Nelson hasn't? Jan hasn't? I have a 'believer' friend who has been sick.

Is this a self-referential comment?

From me? Would you not expect Cthulhu-reverential comments from me?


What's this?
Having a bad day?

Perhaps I simply cannot understand the mindset. No offense intended.

Not really a bad day, thank you for asking. A bit worse than average, but not so bad.
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How does science discover the appearance of truth yet not truth itself?

According to the Nature of Science:

***Scientists share certain basic beliefs and attitudes about what they do and how they view their work. These have to do with the nature of the world and what can be learned about it...

Scientific Ideas Are Subject To Change... Scientists assume that even if there is no way to secure complete and absolute truth, increasingly accurate approximations can be made to account for the world and how it works.***

Note: Changing facts and approximations are not truth. They only appear to be true for the time being. Truth, on the other hand, is not temporary.

***...scientists reject the notion of attaining absolute truth and accept some uncertainty as part of nature...

Science Cannot Provide Complete Answers to All Questions...

There are many matters that cannot usefully be examined in a scientific way. There are, for instance, beliefs that—by their very nature—cannot be proved or disproved (such as the existence of supernatural powers and beings, or the true purposes of life)... Nor do scientists have the means to settle issues concerning good and evil...***

That is not to say that truth does not exist. It is simply outside the realm of science.

***Science Is Not Authoritarian... It is appropriate in science, as elsewhere, to turn to knowledgeable sources of information and opinion, usually people who specialize in relevant disciplines. But esteemed authorities have been wrong many times in the history of science. In the long run, no scientist, however famous or highly placed, is empowered to decide for other scientists what is true, for none are believed by other scientists to have special access to the truth... When someone comes up with a new or improved version that explains more phenomena or answers more important questions than the previous version, the new one eventually takes its place.***

Truth is illusive in science. Additionally:

***...scientists can seldom bring definitive answers to matters of public debate. Some issues are too complex to fit within the current scope of science, or there may be little reliable information available, or the values involved may lie outside of science. Moreover, although there may be at any one time a broad consensus on the bulk of scientific knowledge, the agreement does not extend to all scientific issues, let alone to all science-related social issues. And of course, on issues outside of their expertise, the opinions of scientists should enjoy no special credibility.***

Science is not the be-all, end-all. And, as we all know, consensus does not equate to truth. Truth lies outside the realm of science. We must look elsewhere for truth.

And then, how can we discover truth?

According to the Nature of Science:

*** tends to differ from other modes of knowing.***

There is more than one mode of knowing and it is important for us to be open to them. For example, we know that everything came from something else. It appears to be true scientifically. However, if we look more closely at this fact, it is really not the truth, it only appears to be true. How do we know it's not true? Because we know intuitively and logically that there has to have been an ultimate beginning. Here, we can use our logic and intuition to get at the truth. Everything came from something else "except" the one thing that must have always existed. An uncreated "source" of everything, if you will.
I'm no scientist

Quote Xev: "Godless: What you say is correct, but idiot is not a proper adjective. Nelson is quite intelligent, if a bit naive. He thinks he's found the answer. Now put yourself in his shoes.....

Play nice, or I'll feed you to Cthulhu!"

:D :D OOps a little of the Top!! agression never gets us anywhere your right Xev. Cthulhu already got me, im itching all over from allergies.

Quote sonofbabylon: "Wow, I really liked your post. I should have read a little further before I posted my last message. Man, what passion!"

Passion! perhaps, I was a little pist at the time I made the post, came a little too strong!!.

Quote 2: "I'm not trying to convert you. I really felt like you did many years ago. I saw first-hand what religion can do to a person. Two of my brothers were molested by priests during my teen years and he tried to get me too."

Everyday I grow older, I go the opposite direction of theology!!,
Sorry about your brothers, however it was not religion that caused their dilema, it was pedophiles under the disguise of the cloth!. Many pedophiles have jobs closely related to children, cops, teachers, priests, bus drivers and counselors. Fact is pedophilia is a mental problem. Unfortunate, that many find refuge in the cloth, and pray in the children of their church.

Quote 3: "What was left behind was pure science! The Bible is full of it. Check it out for yourself. Just one small example: Ezekial 1--whirlwind(electromagnic vortex), color of amber(polished spectrum metal which is translucent and diffuses the whole spectrum of light, radio, etc.), wheels inside wheels the color of beryl(short for berylium which has a nuclear symbol of four wheels), a fire infolding itself(black hole), and it goes on and on."

Interpretation, this is what happens when one wants to see things thier way, and relate every argument against the bible with different interpretations, however truth is the bible was written by many authors, and re-written for 100's of times, translated to different languages, mistakes are certain to have been made along the way!!.
A whirlwind could have been simply a "dust devil"
The coming of Jesus was revealed in a "dream"
Theology treats knowledge as evil!
The fruit of knowledge was forbidden.

See what I mean?, it's just interpretation. How I perceive reality, is of course not the same as anyone else may perceive thier reality, we all interpret stimulation, in different ways.

Quote Tony0:"The peculiar thing is that you repost ones that have been demonstrated not to be inconsistencies.
IOW, you don't listen."

If I recall correctly Tony0 you didn't answer anyofthem, you simply avoided the issue, and sarcastically cut everyone down.

I'm glad to see you've toned down a bit, what happened?
Other than that, glad to see ya man!!

Since I last seen you, I've lost another friend, he gave up on life Tony, took his own life in a hotel room hidding from all of us for about a week, until we heard the news, that he had blown his head off, with a handgun.

My girlfriend took it real hard, he was a good carpenter, and just previously he had done a job for her, I think once she might of saved, or prolonged his life a bit, she recalled he had not shown up for work, and she picked him up at his appartment, when he oppened the door, he hugged her and explained she just saved his life.

Why the hell I'm telling you all this?

I don't know, I kind of like you, and deep down, atheists, Catholics, or whatever may be your creedo, should stick together when it comes to coping with the loss of loved ones.

Quote: Truthseeker "Religion deals with faith... until what you believe turns out into a
fact... "

Faith has never ever turned out to be fact!!
"Faith is the shortcircuit to destrying your mind" Ayn Rand.
If you believe you can fly, and have faith that you can fly, you end up dead in the bottom!!.
Faith has not cured AIDS. Neither believe has.

Thruthseeker, funny name for someone who does not believe science!!.

Who said that? Have you ever read my scientific posts? I guess you base your knowledge in what you "think" it's real instead of the facts... ;)

Science on the other hand, deals with facts, theories become realities, things change yes,there's no such thing as an absolute.

I'll prove Science inconcistent and worthless with this quote. Why do you want to study something that is ever changing? If it'll change tomorrow, why bother with it? Better seek something that is allways true, an absolute Truth. Science was created to seek a Truth. This comes from the ancient Greek Philosophy. In fact, the Greeks were brilliant. They had an awesome philosophy an awesome Science way ahead from their times and an awesome Mithology.

Religion talks about the Truth. The Truth can only be within you because the Truth HAS to include you. If a Truth doesn't include you and you can't interact with it, how can this be woth studing.

Only now Science is concerned about including ourselves in the Universe because of Quantum Mechanics, which makes the interaction between us and the Universe crucial.

Read your history, find out what religion has done to the world, how many religious wars have their been?

"Holy" wars were cause by people that only seek money and power. If you read the Bible you will see it everywhere:



The "Holy" Wars were not caused by Religious people. They were caused by political and scientific ones... ;)

Yeah!! nice world this would be!! if churches ran countries!!

Totally agree...

Religious prosecution!!! Yo Idiot!!

There you go... if you read and followed the Bible you would never call me an idiot...


Because there are certain constants, certain fundamental facts of the universe, that do not change. Studying that which does change allows us to see through to that which does not.

Science still don't have those constants and facts...

If Christianism is based on Love and service, and everyone followed this, why not?

Through EXPERIMENT! Through critical thinking! We have to be skeptical, or we are the prey of the first guru who says he has found the way!

I TOLD you... follow YOUR Heart... not a guru...
I guess you forgot everything I told you...

Take a look around you Nelson! Does Jan? Does Tony? Look at Pat Robertson and Jerry...

Yes! That's why I'm talking with them about it...
They don't follow it. Look what's written in the Bible... They DON'T follow. Many "Christians" don't follow... It's written in Revelations that even the church would have many jerks... because the Word is not in their Hearts!

I'll continue later... this computer is too slow and I have no time to answer all this stuff...
School... :(

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Who said that? Have you ever read my scientific posts?

That's the reason why I can't get my head to stop shaking. :D

I'll prove Science inconcistent and worthless with this quote.

Hallelujah ! I can see !
Cthulhu already got me, im itching all over from allergies.

Oh that's the season, not Cthulhu. I recommend a little benadryl.

(I don't want to scare Tony!)

Since I last seen you, I've lost another friend, he gave up on life Tony, took his own life in a hotel room hidding from all of us for about a week, until we heard the news, that he had blown his head off, with a handgun.

I can only offer my sympathies.


Science is not the be-all, end-all. And, as we all know, consensus does not equate to truth. Truth lies outside the realm of science. We must look elsewhere for truth.

Ah, no. Science helps us discover and verify truth.

Absolute truth? Does it even exist?

Because we know intuitively and logically that there has to have been an ultimate beginning. Here, we can use our logic and intuition to get at the truth. Everything came from something else "except" the one thing that must have always existed. An uncreated "source" of everything, if you will.

Infinite regress is also possible.

I never claimed that science would reveal every truth. But, no alternatives are close to providing the accuracy it provides.

Truth changes.

There you go... if you read and followed the Bible you would never call me an idiot...

A: I don't think he follows it
B: Tony and Sir Loone call athiests 'fools'. They have read and follow the Bible.

Science still don't have those constants and facts...

Relativity, quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics....yes it does.

If Christianism is based on Love and service, and everyone followed this, why not?

A: Because everybody won't follow it
B: Because Christianity is not wholly based on love and service.

I TOLD you... follow YOUR Heart... not a guru...
I guess you forgot everything I told you...

The heart can mislead us as well.
When you say that science is always changing, and you would rather "seek after" something that is fixed, you are misunderstanding the goal of science. The goal of science is to increase human understanding of the universe. This is the opposite of most religions where the goal is God revealing Himself to humanity. And you can't really call it a goal with religion either. It's more of a statement, "this is how God revealed Himself to us".

You can take the statement or leave it. And you can test the statement for being reasonable, or having testable facts correct outside. But you can't really come up with a new God theory and put it up for peer review to be accepted by the church. People today seem to think that the church should be more like science or culture and change their doctrine with the times, but this idea basically assumes that the doctrines are false. If they are made up, then it changes at the convenience of the culture. If they are scientific theory (also made up, but more carefully), the theory can be replaced. But if they are true, the truth doesn't change.

You explain well things... but...

Wow, I really liked your post.

The guy call me idiot for Loving with all my Heart and you congratulate him!! Now I'm really hurt... :(


And I think Nelson is in love with a Melissa.

And those who are asking from where I got the Truth I talk about here...

I got it from years of study and after that I EXPERIENCED it with Melissa. That's how I affirm the Truth. I experienced it too... ;)

I said once and I say it again...

Love you Melissa!!!


And for God's sake... I don't Love her because of her name... or the way she looks... or the way she thinks...
I Love her Heart with all my Heart! And that's the Real Love. I'll even probably start a new thread on that...

Like Christianity?

Haven't I teached you the interpretation of the Bible? Why don't you still believe? Honestly, tell me, so then I can teach to you...

You've never been sick? Nelson hasn't? Jan hasn't? I have a 'believer' friend who has been sick.

We all have been sick... because we are not really believers. I'm now... though, I'm not sick. Those guys are not believers... I don't even know if they understand what they are talking about...

The Bible says that we can live in divine health. Once you confess with thy mouth and believe it in your Heart, you get it. But most Christians don't know how to do that... unfortunatly...


Good work... ;)


Faith has never ever turned out to be fact!!

Really...? I was actually waiting for you to say that...
I just got a tape here about an African guy being raised from the dead...
Unfortunatly, you can't see it...
But I'm thinking of posting the article...


That's the reason why I can't get my head to stop shaking.

Once someone told Einstein that he sucks in Math and he would never become a Scientist... ;)
Many Scientists with revolutionary ideas were stoned...
I just happen to be one of them... :(

Hallelujah! I can see!

No comments...
I proved it...


A: I don't think he follows it

Neither I...

B: Tony and Sir Loone call athiests 'fools'. They have read and follow the Bible.

Many atheists ARE fools...
And many people that call themselves religious are also fools...

Relativity, quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics....yes it does.

This constants don't explain the them. They are allways changing. Newtonian physics for example only works in our everyday life and don't explain things like emotions. If Classic Physics constants are absolute Truths, why don't they work in near light speed for example?

A: Because everybody won't follow it

Why not?

B: Because Christianity is not wholly based on love and service.

Yes it is... it's WRITTEN in the Bible.

The heart can mislead us as well.

How can your Essence, an absolute Truth, mislead you? Is like the Bible said... God will NEVER forsake you. Because God is within your Heart. He is The Truth, and He will never change. It's all WRITTEN.

The guy call me idiot for Loving with all my Heart and you congratulate him!! Now I'm really hurt...


Jesus loved with all his heart and was tender with the godless.
It didn't stop him from rebuke and exhortation either. Sorry, just trying to love without predjudice.
Why study something which is always changing? You eman like weather patterns? Maybe to work out better crop rotations to feed hundreds of thousands of starving people. Maybe to provide the best chances of avoiding natural disasters.

Or do you mean things like C and so on are constantly changing? If so, you are mistaken. C is a numerical constant which provides a base for working out actual speed of EM propagation through various media. It hasn't changed as far as I know. Maybe refined, add some more digits after the point now and then, that's about all. Pi has been used by various civilisations for thousands of years, often with different numerical values, but always with the same use. Does Pythagorean Theorum change? Does Force = Mass * Velocity change? Where does this idea come from?
Once someone told Einstein that he sucks in Math and he would never become a Scientist...

You are comparing yourself to Einstein?

Many Scientists with revolutionary ideas were stoned...
I just happen to be one of them...

Oh yeah, I figured it might be something you were smoking.
Nothing wrong with comparing yourself to Eistein. He was crap at maths. So am I. Someone has to invent new things, come up with new theories, refine older theories. Why the hell not someone who uses Sciforums? You do realise, don't you, that Einstein was NOT the smartest, the ultimate, intelligence ever?
What another Jesus?

Quote Truthseeker " Really...? I was actually waiting for you to say that...
I just got a tape here about an African guy being raised from the dead...
Unfortunatly, you can't see it...
But I'm thinking of posting the article...

Fact!! if he was resurrected, then reality, and logic would explain to us he was really not dead!!.

Had he had been blown by a bullet on his head, run over by a Jeep, and partially eaten by a lion, then died, then resurected, I would truly like to see the video!!. Otherwise is just a waste of time!!.


Sorry I'm not into loving those who cause massive deaths, Hitler, the culprits behind 9/11, Hiroshima, even though it was Americans that did it, I don't condone it!!. They guy who tried to kill me for cutting him off on the freeway!, love that idiot? you crazy!!.

The guy who rapped a 5 year old girl here in Houston Tx, love that idiot? you crazy?

Xev: Absolute truth? Does it even exist?

Yes baby!, when I see some one bite into lemons, my mouth waters, thats the truth!!.

It keeps happening, even if I see it next week, or the year after that!. My mouth still waters from lemons.

When I hear someone run their nails through shock boards, it makes the hair on my back stand from the screeching sound, it happens every time someone does it!, even if they do it next week or the year after, it still happens. Thats absolute truth!!. :D :D
You do realise, don't you, that Einstein was NOT the smartest, the ultimate, intelligence ever?

Who said anything about intelligence. I was referring to rationality.