sandy: answer these claims against Christianity

so explain why your loving Christian God supports slavery. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, your response should be humorous.

You know, why don't you start showing me some quotes from the bible and I'll deal with you myself? I care very little for trolls, and even more so on subjects that are actually relative to life itself. So, start providing how evil and demonic Yahweh is, and I'll be more than happy to dispel you disturbing claims.
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We can dispel them. But if the person is justifying their rebellion against God by their distorted view of him as being unjust then they will refuse to consider your explanation. The will dogmatically hold on to their views because anything else would put them into a very uncomfortable position. Only those open to the truth will seek it and be saved.

You can lead a person to the waters of eternal life but you cannot make them drink.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You can lead a person to the waters of eternal life but you cannot make them drink.

What if there is no water, it's actually just a desert mirage, (you're deluded)? You can try and lead all you like, never recognising that you're just a bit 'off' in the head.
We can dispel them. But if the person is justifying their rebellion against God by their distorted view of him as being unjust then they will refuse to consider your explanation. The will dogmatically hold on to their views because anything else would put them into a very uncomfortable position. Only those open to the truth will seek it and be saved.

You can lead a person to the waters of eternal life but you cannot make them drink.


I do not think that God can be unjust. And that is precisely why I think that much of the Bible must be falsely attributed to Him.

I do not think that God can be unjust. And that is precisely why I think that much of the Bible must be falsely attributed to Him.

Thou has hit thine proverbial nail on thine head!

Although people with fundamentalistic mindsets like what we see here will never accept that.Their minds are far too rigidily set.
If your sense of morality is offended by all these horrific actions you see attributed to God ,it is always explained away as "Gods will is a mystery" or "Gods morality is beyond our reasoning or more evolved" .
Well, if that's what you call evolution....Yikes!:eek:

Then of course,when you are presented with the salvation plan as such a person would hold to be true in their mind,all of a sudden Gods will becomes crystal clear.

People just fail to realize and I can't see why (except the own ignorance within them likes this concept of God) that Yahweh is simply one group of ancient peoples "take on God" ,with all the cultural habits and nature of the people involved factored in. Some of it good but obviously with what we see in the bible..much of it bad.
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What if there is no water, it's actually just a desert mirage, (you're deluded)? You can try and lead all you like, never recognising that you're just a bit 'off' in the head.

No. I am not deluded in the slightest. :) I have been blessed by God and have been shown things that make me know He is. I embraced the loving beauty of His Word and He blessed me with understanding beyond anything i could possibly understand by myself. He showed me my future and gave me dreams. He gave me peace of mind and compassion. He has given Sooo much and i have given Him nothing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No. I am not deluded in the slightest. I I have been blessed by God and have been shown things that make me know He is. I embraced the loving beauty of His Word and He blessed me with understanding beyond anything i could possibly understand by myself. He showed me my future and gave me dreams. He gave me peace of mind and compassion. He has given Sooo much and i have given Him nothing.
M*W: Adstar, don't you think that your own imagination might have given you those things you imagine to be blessings? This is a simple belief. You have thoughts of possibilities that may become dreams. Some may come true. Some not. When good things happen, you call them blessings from god. When bad things happen, you blame it on satan. But, in your own mind, you cannot differentiate between the two. You are in a constant battle between the blessings you create for yourself and the foilables you blame on darkness and evil.

That "loving beauty" you worship is a figment of your own imagination. Yes, it's true. You have given "Him" nothing. That's an impossible endeavor whatever the case. You need look no further than your own imagination to see your dreams come to fruition.
Because sandy loves to praise Jesus, the Christian God, believes the Bible and her religion fully, and usually shows no respect or interest in others, I would like for her to debate these claims. Tell me why your God says the repulsive things he says in the Bible.

Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests etc...

Christians believe God gave everyone life to start with. He gives and He takes away. If you don't like it -tuff. Everyone is going to die anyway.
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Christians believe God gave everyone life to start with. He gives and He takes away. If you don't like it -tuff. Everyone is going to die anyway.

Horrible answer.

I own my dog, but that doesn't make it morally acceptable to beat him.
You don't own your dog. God owns your dog. :) God owns the food you eat, the air you breath and the body that you experience this life in.

God owns you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You don't own your dog. God owns your dog. :) God owns the food you eat, the air you breath and the body that you experience this life in.

God owns you.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If God owns me, it is still not morally acceptable for God to torture me unnecessarily. What amount of trouble is a necessity can be quacked about for days on end, but we can assume there is some level at which God must be morally accountable, or the word "good" can not be applied - it doesn't matter whether God owns it all or not. God must act in the final benefit of his charges or be considered (by humanity) either a "bad" thing, or an uninvolved, unconcerned thing.

This idea that people have that God owning us makes it "ok" for God to act however God wants is not a valid answer about morality. That is simply might makes right - an idea which is morally unacceptable.
If God owns me, it is still not morally acceptable for God to torture me unnecessarily. What amount of trouble is a necessity can be quacked about for days on end, but we can assume there is some level at which God must be morally accountable, or the word "good" can not be applied - it doesn't matter whether God owns it all or not. God must act in the final benefit of his charges or be considered (by humanity) either a "bad" thing, or an uninvolved, unconcerned thing.

This idea that people have that God owning us makes it "ok" for God to act however God wants is not a valid answer about morality. That is simply might makes right - an idea which is morally unacceptable.

Your declare God imoral, thats your call.

I declare God Just and the justifier of those who aknowledge that God is Just. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Your declare God imoral, thats your call.
I said nothing about God being immoral - I only mentioned the possibility, and we will have to find out what was going on behind the scenes before we can ever make a judgement.

I declare as little as possible, and i don't think God would require more from a rational person. I don't think God expects me to make judgements on things I have no ability to judge, so I'm sure God doesn't mind me not knowing how or why God does anything. If God actually WANTED mindless approval, God would do things very differently, I'm sure.
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

this is so stupid, many holy people in the bible performed magic, moses for example when he split the red sea with his magic staff.
I said nothing about God being immoral - I only mentioned the possibility, and we will have to find out what was going on behind the scenes before we can ever make a judgement.

I declare as little as possible, and i don't think God would require more from a rational person. I don't think God expects me to make judgements on things I have no ability to judge, so I'm sure God doesn't mind me not knowing how or why God does anything. If God actually WANTED mindless approval, God would do things very differently, I'm sure.

People make decisions even those who claim not to make a decision have made one. God knows your decision.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
People make decisions even those who claim not to make a decision have made one. God knows your decision.

Imperfect beings make imperfect decisions, it is how they are "designed" to be, yet God condemns them all for being exactly who and what He created them to be?

I do not understand this.
An imperfect being has knowledge of good and evil and knows that they are imperfect. An imperfect being (who understands and acknowledges their imperfection) will seek the guidance of a perfect being. They will submit their thinking to the wisdom of the perfect being. Even when they cannot understand the wisdom of the perfect being. They trust in the perfection of the perfect being that the Perfect beings wisdom is correct and therefore superior to there own thinking. The greatest wisdom is to discover that you are a fool.

But those who have pride in themselves who refuse to acknowledge their imperfection will rebel against the concept of their imperfection and the concept of a perfect being because of the spirit of rebelliousness that is within them. Pride cometh before destruction, and the Meek shall inherit the earth. So true.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days