sandy: answer these claims against Christianity

Where/what is Gods niche ? There isnt one.

What niche? Well, sometimes I forget things like how old Gandalf and Sam were, so I'd have to go read the Bible again sometime and verifiy your answer.

Did you like the ending? Bit of a cliffhanger the Bible is. :D
1) Obviously he did not make satan 'good'.

Well the bible never makes the claim that angels or satan where made good. The bible deals with the creation of the universe and Human kind. It says nothing about how or when the angels came into being.

2) Obviously god was sleeping the day satan broke into the garden of eden and sabotaged man that had no understanding of good or evil.

Well your very narrow minded in your ability to think of other explanations. You think God needs sleep like we do? I doubt it very much.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days


There is obviously something more complex happening here - what did God owe satan that he has to let him run around wreaking havoc? This isn't explained away by saying God wanted it a different way, if God let it all go down like this. My opinion is that there must be a good reason, and i can think of a few possibilities - but I am NOT going to pretend the "satan did it," explanation is complete in itself, as Adstar does above.

Well when i say satan sabotaged us, i am not saying he is 100% to blame. satan could not have sabotaged humanity without the wilful participation of humanity. So humans played a part in their own downfall from goodness.

I believe God did "let it go down" because he had to defeat satan through demonstration rather than through the absolute power God holds. God could have defeated satan just by his absolute power but he would then rule through power, not through being justified by common consent.

People need to follow and trust in God because it is good and right to do so, not because God has total power and rebelling against him is futile.

We must follow God because He is right not because of His might.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Why is it pride to actually object when some people take the mere words of men, the Bible, and equal them to the actual words of God?

I must ask you why do you keep asking questions that you already know the answer to? You where once a Christian right? You where brought up in a Christian family and you have a Christian dad right?

The Answer:

The Bible is not the mere words of men. It is the inspired Word of God delivered to men.

Now of course many of the interpretations of the Word of God are the mere thoughts/words of men, But the Word of God is the Word of God and not the thoughts of men.

So it is not pride to disagree with someone’s interpretation if you are genuinely of the belief that the interpretation is wrong, But it is pride and rebellion to declare the Word of God to be wrong.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Maybe I should point out that everyone still dies?

Everyone still sins.

The Death that Jesus saves those who trust in Him from is the second death. That is eternity in the lake of fire, This is not a death as athiests would think death is. But in the Bible it is called the second death.

Revelation 2:11
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”’

Revelation 21:8
But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Satan was made good. God was away the day of the fall. But, if you step into Christian land for a moment I think it may run deeper:

If you were God and created something that has intelligence beyond a monkey and had your likeness instead of the lesser little animated frogs and squirrels, and wanted it to have free will, do you keep the choice to do evil from them knowing the damage it will cause?

If people have free will then the option to rebel against God must be available. But for them it was an option they had the free will to reject, they had the free will to reject satans proposal.

Do you suppose that God knew what he was doing and purposefully put the tree of knowledge in the garden...knowing that Adam and Eve would take the fruit? If God is all knowing, he must have known they would eat from the tree.

Yes i believe He did know they would eat from the tree, But once again they wilfully chose to disbelieve and disobey their Creator by eating of the fruit. They instead decided to trust in satan.

I mean it's like our own children. We lay a piece of candy on the floor and tell them not to eat it...knowing full well what is going to happen when we get back from the store...especially when uncle Ted who is babysitting them tells them it's okay to eat the candy.

Yes the child in doing so is rebelling against your will. But using an example like this does not demonstrate anything because Adam and Eve where not as the children of today are.

I propose that this was all an elaborate scheme to create man that has free will.

No it could not have been. Man demonstrated by deciding to eat of the tree of knowledge that he already had free will.

I can't think of another way to do it. Satan was a player, and played his part...but, he did have a choice to not play the part. No one understood God, and Satan was caught up in himself.

Yes satan had a choice not to make his attempt but God knew satan could not resist an opportunity to undermine the authority of God in the eyes of the heavenly host by showing that Gods creation that was good could be undermined by his actions. Likewise humanity had a choice not to take satans bait. But they desired the same thing as satan, to be their own God.

The day God put the tree in the garden is the day free will was unleashed for all creation.

Free will was already in action in mankind before they came to the knowledge of Good and Evil.

How would you fix the problem without starting over?

:) The problem has been fixed. God has provided a Redeemer to redeem us from destruction. It is up to us to believe it.

Ok, now back to the real world...

This is real.

The real world as you call it is a whole lot on nothing that could be compressed into a singularity. The universe is 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999......repeater % nothing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Bible is not the mere words of men. It is the inspired Word of God delivered to men.

Now of course many of the interpretations of the Word of God are the mere thoughts/words of men, But the Word of God is the Word of God and not the thoughts of men.

So it is not pride to disagree with someone’s interpretation if you are genuinely of the belief that the interpretation is wrong, But it is pride and rebellion to declare the Word of God to be wrong.

Adstar, the Bible was organized by imperfect, even evil, men in a number of different configurations (which one is inspired?), it was written in the languages of men by the literal hands of men, in the personal style and thought of individual men, was written with the limitations of human understanding at the time, was written with numerous logical, moral, and even simple mathematical contradictions, and was then translated by imperfect men into even more versions (again, which one is inspired?). And even now, it is still being interpreted by imperfect men, without exception.

There is no pride involved here. There is, instead, a simple admission that men are incapable of perfection. That is even what the Bible itself teaches, Right?

Now it would be pride, however, to actually think and teach that mere men could ever write a document that is equivalent to the "Word of God". That would be taking the "word of man" and making it equal to the "Word of God". That would be pride in the extreme. Would it not?

That is what is happening in our day.
What niche? Well, sometimes I forget things like how old Gandalf and Sam were, so I'd have to go read the Bible again sometime and verifiy your answer.

Did you like the ending? Bit of a cliffhanger the Bible is. :D


niched, nich·ing.
1. an ornamental recess in a wall or the like, usually semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue or other decorative object.
2. a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing: to find one's niche in the business world.
3. a distinct segment of a market.
4. Ecology. the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals.
5. pertaining to or intended for a market niche; having specific appeal: niche advertising.
–verb (used with object)
6. to place (something) in a niche.

Two and four come closest to what i meant. ;)
Well your very narrow minded in your ability to think of other explanations. You think God needs sleep like we do? I doubt it very much.

Well you're seemingly unable to interpret simple sentences. "sleeping" was not the point of my sentence, but that an evil entity managed to sneak into the garden to corrupt a being that had no understanding of good or evil - unless this god of yours intended and wanted it to happen.

Oh and your personal doubts are meaningless.

The Death that Jesus saves those who trust in Him from is the second death. That is eternity in the lake of fire

Saves you from, or just doesn't send you to? There's a big difference.
Adstar, the Bible was organized by imperfect, even evil, men in a number of different configurations (which one is inspired?), it was written in the languages of men by the literal hands of men, in the personal style and thought of individual men, was written with the limitations of human understanding at the time, was written with numerous logical, moral, and even simple mathematical contradictions, and was then translated by imperfect men into even more versions (again, which one is inspired?). And even now, it is still being interpreted by imperfect men, without exception.

There is no pride involved here. There is, instead, a simple admission that men are incapable of perfection. That is even what the Bible itself teaches, Right?

Now it would be pride, however, to actually think and teach that mere men could ever write a document that is equivalent to the "Word of God". That would be taking the "word of man" and making it equal to the "Word of God". That would be pride in the extreme. Would it not?

That is what is happening in our day.

The men who produced the bible where guided in their righting by God therefore the Word is not their Word but the Word of God they where guided to right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well you're seemingly unable to interpret simple sentences. "sleeping" was not the point of my sentence, but that an evil entity managed to sneak into the garden to corrupt a being that had no understanding of good or evil - unless this god of yours intended and wanted it to happen.

No. satan did not succeed in sneaking into the garden, No one can sneak around God. God allowed satan to do his will and God allowed humanity to do their will. satan and humanity are responsible for their choice of action, Just as we are responsible for our response to Jesus.

Saves you from, or just doesn't send you to? There's a big difference.

Yep. Saves me is the right Word. I am a sinner and as such i do not deserve eternity with Perfection. Therefore I am being saved as a gift from God to one who acknowledges the righteousness of God and the imperfections of ones self.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No. satan did not succeed in sneaking into the garden, No one can sneak around God. God allowed satan to do his will and God allowed humanity to do their will. satan and humanity are responsible for their choice of action, Just as we are responsible for our response to Jesus.
Seems to me God is a wuss.

Yep. Saves me is the right Word. I am a sinner and as such i do not deserve eternity with Perfection. Therefore I am being saved as a gift from God to one who acknowledges the righteousness of God and the imperfections of ones self.
What about the people that dont believe in God but lead a better live than you ? Are they going to hell ?
No. satan did not succeed in sneaking into the garden, No one can sneak around God. God allowed satan to do his will and God allowed humanity to do their will. satan and humanity are responsible for their choice of action, Just as we are responsible for our response to Jesus.

Guess you're not one for parental responsibility. When you leave a nice big pot of bleach in your childs cot and then let a nasty friend of yours help pour it down your childs throat while your child doesn't understand the harm of drinking bleach it must be the childs fault... way to go.

Yep. Saves me is the right Word. I am a sinner and as such i do not deserve eternity with Perfection.

So you're blamed for being imperfect - which is exactly how you were created. How is that anyones fault other than the creator?
The men who produced the bible where guided in their righting by God therefore the Word is not their Word but the Word of God they where guided to right.

The following web site lists over 100 different versions of the Bible. Which version of the Bible is inspired and why? Some of them include books that others exclude. Which one can I trust to be both inerrant and all inclusive?

Which one is the very "Word of God"?
Seems to me God is a wuss.

Make up your mind, You have posted that The God of Abraham is a tyrant or words to that effect. But now you call him a wuss..

What about the people that dont believe in God but lead a better live than you ? Are they going to hell ?

They have not lead a perfect life no matter how much better they are in comparrasion to me. So if they do not have Jesus for the forgivness of their imperfections no matter how small those imperfections are then they will not spend eternity with God.

The parrable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the temple domonstrates this point.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Make up your mind, You have posted that The God of Abraham is a tyrant or words to that effect. But now you call him a wuss..
Its hardly my fault that God appears to be schizophrenic in the bible.. :shrug:

They have not lead a perfect life no matter how much better they are in comparrasion to me. So if they do not have Jesus for the forgivness of their imperfections no matter how small those imperfections are then they will not spend eternity with God.

The parrable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the temple domonstrates this point.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Do you see anything wrong with that ?
Guess you're not one for parental responsibility. When you leave a nice big pot of bleach in your childs cot and then let a nasty friend of yours help pour it down your childs throat while your child doesn't understand the harm of drinking bleach it must be the childs fault... way to go.

Once again your comparing apples and oranges. Adam and eve where not like toddlers in a cot. They where able to understand the warning given to them by God.

So you're blamed for being imperfect - which is exactly how you were created. How is that anyones fault other than the creator?

No you’re blamed for your attitude to your imperfection.

If you have the right attitude to your sin you will acknowledge it as such and accept the gift on offer from God. Not seeking to justify oneself by achieving perfection, or by trying to justify yourself by claiming your sin is not sin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Originally Posted by Adstar
They have not lead a perfect life no matter how much better they are in comparrasion to me. So if they do not have Jesus for the forgivness of their imperfections no matter how small those imperfections are then they will not spend eternity with God.

The parrable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the temple domonstrates this point.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Do you see anything wrong with that ?

No i do not see anything wrong with this.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No i do not see anything wrong with this.

According to the Bible, especially if you are a man, you get the death penalty and then eternal torture if you ever just look at a girl and think that she is beautiful, or sexy, even once. And "good" Christian women encourage this all of the time with the way they dress at church. They should wear tents or something to church, but instead they usually try to dress as attractively as possible.

God designed men to think that women are attractive, beautiful, and even sexy (That is where babies come from after all! Be fruitful and multiply!) and then condemns them if they ever think that women are attractive, beautiful or even, (dare I say it) sexy. :eek:

I am doomed!
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They have not lead a perfect life no matter how much better they are in comparrasion to me. So if they do not have Jesus for the forgivness of their imperfections no matter how small those imperfections are then they will not spend eternity with God.

Why should I expect Jesus to bear my cross for me? That sounds like a cop out.
In reality it was a control cult measure put in by the orthodox church(who happened to share the same bed as their roman masters).They wanted to make sure salvation or coming to God was done thru the church and not the individual.
You do realize it was the orthodox elements who along with the Romans finalized the final content of the bible.
Since Jesus was usually in conflict with the orthodox priests during his lifetime and at the time of Jesus death they were still running the show, what makes you believe you are following an accurate version of the actual events?
Adam and eve where not like toddlers in a cot. They where able to understand the warning given to them by God.

They didn't even know they were naked - such was the height of their intellect, and had no knowledge of good or evil.

Even if they could understand god's language and the snakes language - how do you decide which of those to listen to with no understanding of good or evil? Is god good? How would you know? Is the snake evil? How would you know?


If you have the right attitude to your sin you will acknowledge it as such and accept the gift on offer from God.

Did I ever tell you about that time many years back when I was a slave in a camp in Botswana? The slave master told me to bow at his feet and serve his every need or else I would be constantly whipped to within an inch of my life.

The slave master didn't personally inflict the punishment - he had another staff member to do that, and I remember him often saying to me: "It's a choice. Accept my gift - lifelong servitude, or don't and get punished. If you get punished though it's not my fault, it's your choice".

Only the world's biggest smegging imbeciles thought he had made a good point.
Only the world's biggest smegging imbeciles thought he had made a good point.

That statement is actually kind of Biblically accurate.

1 Corinthians 1:26
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards...