sandy: answer these claims against Christianity

What about the #8, precious little thang?
Let's congregate in a forum calling itself "Intelligent Community" and discuss numerology and how God created the universe in 7 days - actually 6 because He rested on the 7th.

Yes you are a good representation of the average intelligence on this forum.

Like...Oh my it's 7/7/ how cuel is that?
Like *flips hair*, I'm so smart.
Hah, fine. Scratch absolutely. So now you're saying 97% of the violence in this world is caused by religion. It still sounds absolutely ridiculous.
it may sound it, however there are 6.6 billion on the planet
165 million aprox are atheist
that leaves 6.435 billion which are religious, in some way.
so you could say that it's more likely theres going to be violence from the larger group rather than the smaller, allthough it's not completely out of the question, but being that the mindset of the smaller group is morally superior, one of pro humanity and free thinking, with no belief in an atherlife, it makes the possibility that violence will come from this group even more unlikely.
you being an atheist should know this.
again I say it's not completely impossible though, but unlikely.
so I'm not saying religion is the only cause of violence, but it is a major cause.
nearly all the wars and problem's we are having around the world at present, are due to religion, in some way or another.
it may sound it, however there are 6.6 billion on the planet
165 million aprox are atheist
that leaves 6.435 billion which are religious, in some way.
so you could say that it's more likely theres going to be violence from the larger group rather than the smaller, allthough it's not completely out of the question, but being that the mindset of the smaller group is morally superior, one of pro humanity and free thinking, with no belief in an atherlife, it makes the possibility that violence will come from this group even more unlikely.
you being an atheist should know this.
again I say it's not completely impossible though, but unlikely.
so I'm not saying religion is the only cause of violence, but it is a major cause.

I think you’re a fool.

Atheists are not by default morally superior, can believe in an afterlife, can be anti-humanity, etc. They just lack a belief in God. Stalin ring any bells for your moral superiority thought process?

And do you actually see a correlation between the number of atheists vs religious people and the amount of violence in this world? Tell me, are all 6.435 billion people you mention violent? I would bet that the religious ones who are violent now would be violent even as atheists.

audible said:
nearly all the wars and problem's we are having around the world at present, are due to religion, in some way or another.

I think you’re a fool.

Atheists are not by default morally superior, can believe in an afterlife, can be anti-humanity, etc. They just lack a belief in God. Stalin ring any bells for your moral superiority thought process?

And do you actually see a correlation between the number of atheists vs religious people and the amount of violence in this world? Tell me, are all 6.435 billion people you mention violent? I would bet that the religious ones who are violent now would be violent even as atheists.
didn't you say you were a atheist, I dont think you are, not if you can say in the same breath, "Atheists are not by default morally superior, can believe in an afterlife", are you having a laugh!,
and this "Stalin ring any bells" is a religous statement not one of atheism because atheist know he was a despot, a nutter, but communism has nothing to do with atheism.
it also appears not only are you not an atheist, you cant read. audible said "so you could say that it's more likely theres going to be violence from the larger group rather than the smaller" he never said all the 6.435 billion were violent, learn to read, your making yourself look a right c**t.

atheist are by default morally superior, you would know that if you were an atheist, atheist do good because they wish to, whereas the religious do good mostly to appease there god ( look at me god, arn't I being good), or to look good in the eyes of their peers. there are a chosen few, who actually do it because they want to, but a very small few.
I think you’re a fool.

Atheists are not by default morally superior, can believe in an afterlife, can be anti-humanity, etc. They just lack a belief in God. Stalin ring any bells for your moral superiority thought process?

And do you actually see a correlation between the number of atheists vs religious people and the amount of violence in this world? Tell me, are all 6.435 billion people you mention violent? I would bet that the religious ones who are violent now would be violent even as atheists.

I think I'm a fool too, for actually getting hooked into this debate with a troll, your most definitely not an atheist. so you must be trolling, there can be no other reason for your actions.
didn't you say you were a atheist, I dont think you are, not if you can say in the same breath, "Atheists are not by default morally superior, can believe in an afterlife", are you having a laugh!,

Why don't you go and quote me the definition of an atheist? You're damn right I'm having a laugh!

and this "Stalin ring any bells" is a religous statement not one of atheism because atheist know he was a despot, a nutter, but communism has nothing to do with atheism.

Yes, he was a despot and a nutter, but he was an atheist despot and nutter. Hence my point about not all atheists having moral superiority. :rolleyes:

it also appears not only are you not an atheist, you cant read. audible said "so you could say that it's more likely theres going to be violence from the larger group rather than the smaller" he never said all the 6.435 billion were violent, learn to read, your making yourself look a right c**t.

He stated that if religion were to go away, 97% of all violence would go with it. To provide his statement some clout, he points out that 97% percent of the world's population is religious in some sense. My point was that not every single person in that 97% is violent, hence why he can't use those numbers to validate his bogus claim.

Apparently knowing how to read doesn't mean that much.

atheist are by default morally superior, you would know that if you were an atheist, atheist do good because they wish to, whereas the religious do good mostly to appease there god ( look at me god, arn't I being good), or to look good in the eyes of their peers. there are a chosen few, who actually do it because they want to, but a very small few.

I think you're as much of a fool on this subject as audible is.
I think I'm a fool too, for actually getting hooked into this debate with a troll, your most definitely not an atheist. so you must be trolling, there can be no other reason for your actions.

Yes, you're right. I'm most definitely not an atheist in spite of the majority of my posts in the religion forum very clearly showing otherwise. :rolleyes:

Or is it just because I don't agree with your viewpoint?
Yes, he was a despot and a nutter, but he was an atheist despot and nutter.
stalin wasn't as atheist as you may think. "Stalin's beliefs are complicated and sometimes contradictory. Historians Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov noted, he received his education at Theological Seminary at Tiflis (Tbilisi), where his mother sent him to become a priest, but he became a closet atheist. Zubok and Pleshakov further noted, "Many would later note, however, that his works were influenced by a distinctly Biblical style" and "his atheism remained rooted in some vague idea of a God of nature." more here
not a real definition of atheism. having no believe in god/gods that is.
if religion were to go away,
nearly all the problems in the world would be solved.
stalin wasn't as atheist as you may think. "Stalin's beliefs are complicated and sometimes contradictory. Historians Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov noted, he received his education at Theological Seminary at Tiflis (Tbilisi), where his mother sent him to become a priest, but he became a closet atheist. Zubok and Pleshakov further noted, "Many would later note, however, that his works were influenced by a distinctly Biblical style" and "his atheism remained rooted in some vague idea of a God of nature." more here
not a real definition of atheism. having no believe in god/gods that is.

I'll give you Stalin, but the point still stands that atheism doesn't equal the higher moral ground. It's the individual that determines it.

nearly all the problems in the world would be solved.

Where does this delusion come from? Do you really have that much faith in human beings, or that little faith in religion? Religion can be used both for violence and for peace, and both have long existed before the popular religions of today. And all the problems? Does that include cancer, aids, poverty, birth defects, etc.
Wow. I said nothing about the Jews. I stand by my comment that terrorsists are SO deranged, SO brainwashed, SO evil, that they are hardly even people anymore. They're killing/death machines. :mad: They take Islam and the Koran SO seriously that they obey. I know what motivates them:Islam and the Koran. Or their version of it. I don't have war intent against non-Christians. Just the ones who are blowing up INNOCENT people in the name of Allah. :mad:

How can you defend these wicked animals:confused:
This is exactly the "logic" the terrorists use to justify killing infidels. One side disagrees with the other over who is "evil" and innocent people die all around. If the "good" side murders innocent people, and doesn't even regret it, how can we call them good?

Why can't people open their eyes and see that this "other=animal" mentality is the problem. Not religion practiced in a sane manner.
Cole grey: beyond the issue of terrorism, religious oppression of minorities in the islamic world is widespread. Is this, too, "religion practiced in a sane manner"? Or is it insane? Is it perhaps just possible - without needing to invoke terrorism at all - that there should be a firewall between mosque and state in these countries, and that political islam is not really a good thing in the end save for heterosexual muslim men? Some had the same criticisms of Christianity not too long ago, and they were taken seriously.
Cole grey: beyond the issue of terrorism, religious oppression of minorities in the islamic world is widespread. Is this, too, "religion practiced in a sane manner"? Or is it insane? Is it perhaps just possible - without needing to invoke terrorism at all - that there should be a firewall between mosque and state in these countries, and that political islam is not really a good thing in the end save for heterosexual muslim men? Some had the same criticisms of Christianity not too long ago, and they were taken seriously.

If you wouldn't mind hearing my answer instead of Cole grey's: I believe the correct way to word it is "an oppressive regime using Islam as a front to enforce it's rules." I also believe that if Islam didn't exist in that region, those behind the regime would be able to find some other veil to use as an excuse for their actions. And I think there should be a firewall between any church and state.
If you wouldn't mind hearing my answer instead of Cole grey's:

Not at all. Intelligent commentary is always welcome.

I believe the correct way to word it is "an oppressive regime using Islam as a front to enforce it's rules." I also believe that if Islam didn't exist in that region, those behind the regime would be able to find some other veil to use as an excuse for their actions. And I think there should be a firewall between any church and state.

Possibly any excuse would be snatched at. But the imposition of sharia as the imperative of a god lends it a support and acceptance not readily available to a mere secular dictator, or at least one without some trumpeted ideology, and it is all the more dangerous thereby. And it keeps cropping up: of the 64 islamic countries in the world, in which one is homosexuality not a crime? Turkey, perhaps? In which is apostacy legal? In which are non-muslims not being oppressed? I fear that the 'extremists' and 'dictators' which we hear about have the literal interpretation right: it is certainly obtainable from any cursory or critical reading of islamic texts. I wish moderates all the soon as they find out who they are and stop attacking each other as being 'unislamic'.
The absolutely ridiculous idea behind a theocracy is that the PEOPLE who will be in charge could actually run things according to God's will. The problem with christians who advocate this is that they imagine a theocracy at the end of time where God actually rules. Unless this is actally going to happen, to even use the word "theocracy" to describe a government is a joke. "Priestocracy" maybe.
Yes. I have no problem with any of our troops blowing the @ss off an evil terrorist whose only goal is to screech "Allah akbar" and then blow up innocent people.:mad:

This is war. Good vs. evil. We will win. We always do.;)


Many of the things you are saying about islam are correct. It is an abomination to the God of Abraham and evil to the core.

But you are not my sister in Jesus. You have been caught up in a human religion that is masquerading as a follower of the Messiah Jesus.

You seek to take out vengeance because of the evil that has been done and in this you are following the ways of the World.

I hope in time Sandy that you will come to believe Jesus and seek to follow him. I know that God is very merciful to all mankind as he was to Paul who also terrorised the early followers of Jesus. Of course Paul through he was doing the will of God in persecuting the followers of Jesus. Just as many of those who bring terror today think they are doing the will of God.

We are not here to carry out the vengeance of God by blowing the @sses of evil terrorists. I know that God will bring vengeance against those who take delight in unrighteousness, a vengeance far more terrible then the evil that these people preform in this world. But while they still live the door of forgiveness is open to them. Paul is an example to you that God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy.

My advice to you Sandy is to trust in the Word of God and pass over judgement to the perfect Judge who knows all things.

Sandy Jesus is your Redeemer, accept Him as your Lord. Read the beatitudes, read accept and believe. Be a follower of Jesus.

Revelation 22
11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The absolutely ridiculous idea behind a theocracy is that the PEOPLE who will be in charge could actually run things according to God's will. The problem with christians who advocate this is that they imagine a theocracy at the end of time where God actually rules. Unless this is actally going to happen, to even use the word "theocracy" to describe a government is a joke. "Priestocracy" maybe.

Yeah, I'm pretty much down with that. It's ludicrous to pretend that a theocracy really knows the will of God or whatever. Prevention is the best cure, I say.

Many of the things you are saying about islam are correct. It is an abomination to the God of Abraham and evil to the core.

But you are not my sister in Jesus. You have been caught up in a human religion that is masquerading as a follower of the Messiah Jesus.

You seek to take out vengeance because of the evil that has been done and in this you are following the ways of the World.

I hope in time Sandy that you will come to believe Jesus and seek to follow him. I know that God is very merciful to all mankind as he was to Paul who also terrorised the early followers of Jesus. Of course Paul through he was doing the will of God in persecuting the followers of Jesus. Just as many of those who bring terror today think they are doing the will of God.

We are not here to carry out the vengeance of God by blowing the @sses of evil terrorists. I know that God will bring vengeance against those who take delight in unrighteousness, a vengeance far more terrible then the evil that these people preform in this world. But while they still live the door of forgiveness is open to them. Paul is an example to you that God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy.

My advice to you Sandy is to trust in the Word of God and pass over judgement to the perfect Judge who knows all things.

Sandy Jesus is your Redeemer, accept Him as your Lord. Read the beatitudes, read accept and believe. Be a follower of Jesus.

Revelation 22
11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Adstar, that was fucking beautiful. Your post should be quoted every time someone claims to be a Christian in one breath and then wants to go do something blatantly un-Christian the next.
Revelation 22
11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

This is a false prophecy, Adstar! Jesus did not come back quickly!