sandy: answer these claims against Christianity

What hypocracy. Religious fundamentalism is the same phenomenon wether among Christians, Buddhists, or Muslims. Such rigid definitions of right and wrong are certain to produce violence. It means there can be no tolerance, no understanding between religions and cultures, nothing but the saved and everyone else.
In an ideal world, yes. But it will never happen. We have drifted too far away from Jesus Christ. I doubt there's any going back. Even trajedies like 911, the tsunami etc only bring people back until they "feel" better. America will remain a nation of many religions.

I don't see any Christians or Buddhists sawing people's heads off, creating chaos, committing acts of terrorism, and behaving like rabid animals.:mad:

We have been tolerant for years and look what it got us: 911, almost 9,000 more terror attacks SINCE 911, death, destruction, bloodshed, torture, etc..:mad:

Enough is enough. Destroy evil terrorists.:mad:
In an ideal world, yes. But it will never happen. We have drifted too far away from Jesus Christ. I doubt there's any going back. Even trajedies like 911, the tsunami etc only bring people back until they "feel" better. America will remain a nation of many religions.

I don't see any Christians or Buddhists sawing people's heads off, creating chaos, committing acts of terrorism, and behaving like rabid animals.:mad:

We have been tolerant for years and look what it got us: 911, almost 9,000 more terror attacks SINCE 911, death, destruction, bloodshed, torture, etc..:mad:

Enough is enough. Destroy evil terrorists.:mad:

As a good Christian, shouldn't the line be "Father, forgive the evil terrorists for they know not what they do"?

Not that I'd agree with that mind you, I'm no Christian, but it's definitely a beautiful sentiment.
Here I diverge again in my way. NO theocracies. None any longer. It is too much power, with too little restraint. The faithful found their way without the state; let them do so again.
The evil terrorists know EXACTLY what they're doing and they're doing it in the name of THEIR god. :mad:

And to Oli--really grasping at straws there, no? :rolleyes:

Born-again Christians don't go around killing people.
The evil terrorists know EXACTLY what they're doing and they're doing it in the name of THEIR god. :mad:

And to Oli--really grasping at straws there, no? :rolleyes:

Born-again Christians don't go around killing people.

Eric Rudolph certainly considers himself a Christian. And he definitely went around killing people. You might try changing that to "Not very many born again Christians go around killing people." Because few is still more than none.
Rudolph was "connected with the Christian Identity movement, a militant, racist, and anti-Semitic organization. Today, he self-identifies as a Catholic.
When asked about his religion he said, "I was born a Catholic, and with forgiveness I hope to die one."

Born-again Christians are not racist, anti-Semitic, or (usually not) Catholic.

Rudolph was not a born-again Christian. He never claimed to be. He said "mostly born-again Christians are looking to save my soul. I suppose the assumption is made that because I'm in here I must be a 'sinner' in need of salvation...I do appreciate their charity...They have been so nice I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible." :(

Christian Identity is a white supremacist sect that holds that those who are not white Christians will be condemned to Hell. :mad:
The evil terrorists know EXACTLY what they're doing and they're doing it in the name of THEIR god. :mad:

And to Oli--really grasping at straws there, no? :rolleyes:

Born-again Christians don't go around killing people.

How do you intend to destroy the evil terrorists without killing people?
Same Abrahamic god you guys worship no!?... If there is a god he has great sense of humour. The crusade must have been like playing chess with himself. As it is there's nothing to back up that this being exist.
Rudolph was "connected with the Christian Identity movement, a militant, racist, and anti-Semitic organization. Today, he self-identifies as a Catholic.
When asked about his religion he said, "I was born a Catholic, and with forgiveness I hope to die one."

Born-again Christians are not racist, anti-Semitic, or (usually not) Catholic.

Rudolph was not a born-again Christian. He never claimed to be. He said "mostly born-again Christians are looking to save my soul. I suppose the assumption is made that because I'm in here I must be a 'sinner' in need of salvation...I do appreciate their charity...They have been so nice I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible." :(

Christian Identity is a white supremacist sect that holds that those who are not white Christians will be condemned to Hell. :mad:

I suspect that any one I find who is a Christian, and commits violent acts because of their Christian beliefs, won't be considered "born again" by you, and you'll just use the No True Scotsman fallacy to continue to play your semantic game.

Hi, Oli. Would you happen to have the real identity of this supposed Christian religion? As you know there are many cults of Christianity. We cannot simply conclude "Christianity" in a general sense. There are Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Evangelicals, and etc. So which one are you trying to imply here?

Enough is enough. Destroy evil terrorists.

I don't see how this meshes with your supposed Christianity. Christianity is a religion of peace. Advocating killing other people is not Christian.

I think you're confusing your right-wing politics with what Christianity is all about.
Hi, Oli. Would you happen to have the real identity of this supposed Christian religion? As you know there are many cults of Christianity. We cannot simply conclude "Christianity" in a general sense. There are Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Evangelicals, and etc. So which one are you trying to imply here?

Which one? :shrug:
Is there any real difference between them?
Is there a genuine christian religion?
They all claim to believe in god and Christ, and follow their teachings.
Different sects ignore different parts of the bible (for convenience's sake) but they all state they follow the bible.
The evil terrorists know EXACTLY what they're doing and they're doing it in the name of THEIR god. :mad:
They may be doing in it the NAME of their god, but I'd put money on the reason being politics. :D

And to Oli--really grasping at straws there, no? :rolleyes:
Grasping at straws?
You said about christians not killing...
I just showed you were wrong.

Born-again Christians don't go around killing people.
No, they just advocate it very strongly...
I suspect that any one I find who is a Christian, and commits violent acts because of their Christian beliefs, won't be considered "born again" by you, and you'll just use the No True Scotsman fallacy to continue to play your semantic game.

Nope. I call a spade a spade. Always have. Always will. IF a true born-again Christian did something evil I would say his behavior is pathetic just like I would if a Hindu did it. I have called the behavior of almost every race and every religion POS. I have to be accountable to someone a whole lot bigger than you. ;)

I don't even consider evil terrorists people anymore. They are so deranged and so far gone they are like crazed, rabid animals. All I can do is pray for them and that God can change their hearts. IF they have any...