samcdkey on Islam

samcdkey said:
any one with racial problems or a sensitive nose had better stay at home.

A message from SAMCDKEY :

ALL muslim BLACK NIGGERS better stay at home -
whatever you do - DO NOT GO TO MEKKA FOR HAJJ !!!

Paraclete said:
Right Samcdkey - the bloody nigger was just too sensitive !!!!!!!!!!!
And because he was too white - he had to move to another tent with
BLACK niggers !!!!!!!!!!!


Seems like you are very sensitive too!
I assure you, I went to Mecca several times. My closest Saudi friend there was called Sara and she was also very black. I went with her on two occasions and I never saw her treated differently. I am also dark and I was never treated differently. It is possible that the South African had some other problem. There are too many black Muslims for color to be an issue. But I have seen fights over the tents.
Paraclete said:
A message from SAMCDKEY :

ALL muslim BLACK NIGGERS better stay at home -
whatever you do - DO NOT GO TO MEKKA FOR HAJJ !!!


Is this message from me? Or from someone with a racial problem?
samcdkey said:
Is this message from me? Or from someone with a racial problem?


You are a BLOODY RACIST , just like the OTHER MUSLIMS in Mekka !!!!!

Racism is a problem all around the world, in many cultures. It seems to be much less among Muslims, who regard each other as equals, at least in theory.
Paraclete said:

ANYONE , who don´t agree with you is JUST TOO SENSITIVE !!!!!!!!


Actually I was talking about your penchant for allcaps, hyperexclamation marks and your favorite smiley-> :mad:

I've been to Mecca personally several times in five years, and I'm not white.

But why would you believe me? I had African friends in Saudi Arabia, doctors from Sudan, Ethiopia, who went for Hajj and came back and told me stories about it. Why was only your friend treated differently?
spidergoat said:
Racism is a problem all around the world, in many cultures. It seems to be much less among Muslims, who regard each other as equals, at least in theory.

Maybe the South African ran into Muslim. :p
Paraclete said:

You are a BLOODY RACIST , just like the OTHER MUSLIMS in Mekka !!!!!


spidergoat said:
Racism is a problem all around the world, in many cultures. It seems to be much less among Muslims, who regard each other as equals, at least in theory.

How do you know this?
samcdkey said:

You are wellcome to report me - YOU said that he was too sensitive because his of skincolour, and that people with that problem should stay away from Hajj ..... who are you to judge people about their skincolour and what to do -
you said people with skincolour problems should stay away from Hajj !!!

I also rest my case about the discrimination from the muslims at hajj concerning this south african and his skin colour - just look at the film again -
the poor man had to move to another tent, that the one he had been designated - just to maintain his peace of mind .......... !!!!!!

Please read this James and Chris , before you decide which person is wrong
here !!!!!!!!!!
Paraclete said:
Please read this James and Chris , before you decide which person is wrong
here !!!!!!!!!!

Your not playing by the rules. If your worried about getting banned just make a negative post about Americans and everything will be o.k.