samcdkey on Islam

Paraclete said:
You are wellcome to report me - YOU said that he was too sensitive because his of skincolour, and that people with that problem should stay away from Hajj ..... who are you to judge people about their skincolour and what to do -
you said people with skincolour problems should stay away from Hajj !!!

I also rest my case about the discrimination from the muslims at hajj concerning this south african and his skin colour - just look at the film again -
the poor man had to move to another tent, that the one he had been designated - just to maintain his peace of mind .......... !!!!!!

Please read this James and Chris , before you decide which person is wrong
here !!!!!!!!!!

That is a lie. I said people with racial problems (ie those who are racists) and people with a sensitive nose (ie in situations where you spend all day pressed up against sweating people) should stay at home. You have a comprehension problem. And it is quite possible that your friend ran into a racist. Just because someone is a Muslim does not make him perfect, he is as equally likely to be an ass as a non-Muslim.
Paraclete said:

No one's perfect, but I have noticed a degree of solidarity among Muslims that is missing in many western cultures.
John99 said:
Your not playing by the rules. If your worried about getting banned just make a negative post about Americans and everything will be o.k.

lol that is so terrible; do you know if the average American could represent the US, it would have such a wonderful image.
samcdkey said:
lol that is so terrible; do you know if the average American could represent the US, it would have such a wonderful image.

Yes I know that. Americans are generally more advanced on social differences, we are surrounded by it.
spidergoat said:
No one's perfect, but I have noticed a degree of solidarity among Muslims that is missing in many western cultures.

That is true - Spidergoat !!!
But do not forget that this solidarity is only amongst ourself - we do not
have real solidarity with any non muslims .........
The jews are doomed , the christians are lost - any other religions are only waiting to be converted into islam.

spidergoat said:
No one's perfect, but I have noticed a degree of solidarity among Muslims that is missing in many western cultures.

ha ha thats funny. Are you as gracious towards fundamentalist Christians.
Ahmed Osman said:
That is true - Spidergoat !!!
But do not forget that this solidarity is only amongst ourself - we do not
have real solidarity with any non muslims .........
The jews are doomed , the christians are lost - any other religions are only waiting to be converted into islam.


Speak for yourself moron. My best friend is a Catholic. And I even have a Jewish friend on this forum.

Muslims like you I can do without.
John99 said:
ha ha thats funny. Are you as gracious towards fundamentalist Christians.

I understand what he is trying to say.

I just met a guy from Iran today. When he heard my name, he said Salaam and I immediately felt a kinship with him. It is strange but I can meet a Sudani, an Ethiopian, a Morroccan, a Serbian. We are from different parts of the world, but if we say Salaam we are Muslims and hence one community.
samcdkey said:
The only solidarity I feel with this one here is a well placed boot in the ass :mad:

You are ofcourse entitled to your own opinion - but you might not enter
the Paradise of Allah - the Sharia law was given to us by Allah through Muhammed (blessed be He forever) - you should consider to follow the words of the Quran, instead of just choosing what you want to obey - and disregarding the rest ............
Ahmed Osman said:
You are ofcourse entitled to your own opinion - but you might not enter
the Paradise of Allah - the Sharia law was given to us by Allah through Muhammed (blessed be He forever) - you should consider to follow the words of the Quran, instead of just choosing what you want to obey - and disregarding the rest ............

Couldn't have set it better, less the blessed stuff.
Ahmed Osman:

"any other religions are only waiting to be converted into islam"

I shall mock you from Valhalla.
Ahmed Osman said:
You are ofcourse entitled to your own opinion - but you might not enter
the Paradise of Allah - the Sharia law was given to us by Allah through Muhammed (blessed be He forever) - you should consider to follow the words of the Quran, instead of just choosing what you want to obey - and disregarding the rest ............
see now its guys like you who make us feel real uneasy , why don't you just rationally debate your argument instead of spraying it all over the place!!!
Ahmed Osman said:
You are ofcourse entitled to your own opinion - but you might not enter
the Paradise of Allah - the Sharia law was given to us by Allah through Muhammed (blessed be He forever) - you should consider to follow the words of the Quran, instead of just choosing what you want to obey - and disregarding the rest ............

I choose to follow only the words of the Quran.

Say: If the ocean were ink for (writing) the words of my Lord, the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord would be, even if we brought another like that of ink.Quran 18:109:

i.e. everything God wants us to know, is in the Quran.

Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the Sabians; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. (Qur'an 5:69)

You are not responsible for guiding anyone. God is the only one who guides whoever chooses (to be guided). 2:272

Any community that believes will surely be rewarded for believing...Had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have believed. Do you want to force the people to become believers? 10:98,99

Do you exhort the people to be righteous, while forgetting yourselves, though you read the scripture? Do you not understand? [2:45]
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(Q) said:
Couldn't have set it better, less the blessed stuff.

Here is one especially for you sweets.

Did they not roam the earth, then use their minds to understand, and use their ears to hear? Indeed, the real blindness is not the blindness of the eyes, but the blindness of the hearts inside the chests. 22:46

PS should that not be couldn't have said it better? Or is that an (insert your country)ism?
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samcdkey said:
I choose to follow only the words of the Quran.

Say: If the ocean were ink for (writing) the words of my Lord, the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord would be, even if we brought another like that of ink.Quran 18:109:

Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the Sabians; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. (Qur'an 5:69)

You are not responsible for guiding anyone. God is the only one who guides whoever chooses (to be guided). 2:272

Any community that believes will surely be rewarded for believing...Had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have believed. Do you want to force the people to become believers? 10:98,99

Do you exhort the people to be righteous, while forgetting yourselves, though you read the scripture? Do you not understand? [2:45]
yeah you tell em Sam!!! :)
samcdkey said:
I understand what he is trying to say.

I just met a guy from Iran today. When he heard my name, he said Salaam and I immediately felt a kinship with him. It is strange but I can meet a Sudani, an Ethiopian, a Morroccan, a Serbian. We are from different parts of the world, but if we say Salaam we are Muslims and hence one community.

Thats nice. In spite of higher education one can quickly revert to base instinct.

You should read Ahmed Osman's post again, your post's are very similar albeit your's are sugar coated.

no one can best me in quoting scriptures
My uncle Billy can.
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John99 said:
Thats nice. In spite of higher education one can quickly revert to base instinct.

Hmm I feel the same way when I meet an Indian or a Pakistani (of any religion); because we have the same history and culture. And even more so when it is a woman.

You should read Ahmed Osman's post again, your post's are very similar albeit your's are sugar coated..

In what way do you mean?

My uncle Billy can

Okay, I'll be modest then.