Right and wrong is determined by God


Because (a) I thought it was funny, and (b) I thought it raised the question of whether right and wrong are determined by God in an interesting and thought-provoking manner. It invites people to question what they believe about the origins of morality.


Did it raise that question with you? Were you invited to question your beliefs?

Can I similarly post what I find funny about atheists that raises questions and invites them to question their beliefs? Can I write something funny as a parody about atheists to demonstrate the ridiculousness of their position?
Did it raise that question with you? Were you invited to question your beliefs?

No. I'm already quite well educated about the various arguments on the origins of morality - much moreso than the vast majority of the population, as it happens. It's because I've taken a particular interest in the topic.

Can I similarly post what I find funny about atheists that raises questions and invites them to question their beliefs? Can I write something funny as a parody about atheists to demonstrate the ridiculousness of their position?

Sure. Go for it.

(Isn't this what you've been doing for ages, already?)
No. I'm already quite well educated about the various arguments on the origins of morality - much moreso than the vast majority of the population, as it happens. It's because I've taken a particular interest in the topic.

So when you said:
(b) I thought it raised the question of whether right and wrong are determined by God in an interesting and thought-provoking manner. It invites people to question what they believe about the origins of morality.

who were you referring to?

Sure. Go for it.

(Isn't this what you've been doing for ages, already?)

I did, it was deleted. Why?
How do you know that if you've never seen an atom? Ahh, you ....believe... that atoms have no color, right?

Baron Max

Max, colour is a property of light. Light is emitted when electrons fall from excited energy levels to lower energy levels, and emit photons. Light is created by atoms. Now, some atoms have resonances, and emit light at certain frequencies, and absorb others (Google Fraunhofer lines if you want to learn about them), but that's not the colour of the atom, but interactions with electrons that cause this.

Maybe you should learn some science Max.
Baron Max,

So, once again, if you and the others don't think that anyone should be offended, then the "ridicule" (or whatever it was/is) is perfectly okay as a fun little thing to do?

What did I say Baron?
If you are offended, then you are offended, but this is not a good position
to be in because you will spend the rest of your life being offended, as people are going to continue with their foolishness.
The point is, when you scrutinize the foolishness, there is actuallyl nothing
to be offended by, as it is works of foolish, ignorant people, who themselves
are hurting. If these people think they are offending you, they will carry on.

And by your same logic, if someone wants to ridicule blacks or muslims or Downs kids, cripples, or retards, then they shouldn't be offended ...IF the one doing the ridiculing doesn't think they should be offended, right?

Please explain what is actually offensive in this video, that you would compare it to the offences made by ridiculing those who are not in a position
to defend themselves such as handicapped people, or people who are a minority in any population?


Wanna' see how fast I get banned if I start to ridicule blacks or gays?

Baron Max[/QUOTE]
Do you think the God that many people believe in really is an old man who lives in the sky? I thought most people's beliefs were a little more sophisticated than that. ...

Since way back in the old days, James, and even in the thousands of paintings done back in those days, "The Heavens" have been depicted as being in and/or on the clouds. Symbolism, James, ...higher than thou, and all that stuff. Or haven't you even heard of symbolism?

It possibly could. But I'm not hearing any real complaints from religious people here. I'm only hearing you making complaints on behalf of a potentially imaginary group of people who you think might be offended.

So we should all just ridicule anyone and everyone and everything that we want without thought to how it might affect others? ...then defend that ridicule by saying, "But I'm not hearing any real complaints...."

I can ridicule, say, blacks or Downs Syndrome kids and you'll accept that I just didn't think it would offend anyone? ...and we can leave my ridicule up on the forum even after you've told me that it might offend someone?

I'm going to start searching for things and people to ridicule, James, and post hundreds of little threads ridiculing all of it. That is okay, ain't it? Or are there some special "rules" for how and what and who that we can ridicule? ..like "The Rule Book of Ridicule".

Baron Max
Max, colour is a property of light. ....., but that's not the colour of the atom, but interactions with electrons that cause this. ...

Okay, I'll ask again; What color is an atom, and how do you know?

Maybe you should learn some science Max.

Ya' mean, like, learn stuff from ...books? Books that don't actually prove anything, but just make statements like, "atoms ain't got no color"? And then I should come to sciforums so I could spew forth that learnin' and make it seem that I know lots of stuff? ...when all I'm doin' is regurgitating what was in some book?

Baron Max
Okay, I'll ask again; What color is an atom, and how do you know?

I already answered this;


Clearly you didn't Google the phrase I left for you.

Ya' mean, like, learn stuff from ...books? Books that don't actually prove anything,

Max, if you read a recipe, you don't get to eat. If you follow a recipe, you do. You read science books, and then go do science, well, you get scientific results. You prove this stuff to yourself, you don't need to take anybodies word for it.

but just make statements like, "atoms ain't got no color"?

I am happy to hazard a guess that there isn't one single Science textbook in existence that makes that statement Max! Colour is a property of light, please refer to;


Where I already answered that.

It's odd, I answer your questions, and you ignore the answers, while I ask you questions, and you ignore the questions.
Incidently, what exactly did you find humorous about this vid?


God appearing to push his luck with his commands, and then venturing towards the subject of circumcision.

I mean, why would God create us with foreskins only to command some people to cut them off?
No, but this video was.

You also make claims about gods and other magical things, it's doubtful anyone will just take your word for it. Do you have some evidence that this video was made with the intent to offend?

What queer logic.

You're offended by comedy. That is what's queer, Jan.
I'm not entirely sure.
Why does it matter to you?


I'm interested in witnessing the mental gymnastic theists will indulge in to justify circumcision.

I mean, is God testing people? Did God change his mind about the foreskin? Something else perhaps? Is it really required?

You also make claims about gods and other magical things, it's doubtful anyone will just take your word for it.

What claims have I made about "gods and magical things"?
I'm hoping that people won't "just take my word for it", and if you actually
read my posts you will understand that.

Do you have some evidence that this video was made with the intent to offend?

That's a silly question (Q), but no, I have no scientific evidence that that was it's intent. But I have spent a fair chunk of time over the past few years
talking, listening, to and with atheists. I have read a good amount of atheist
literature, watched countless debates, interacted with loads of atheist sites.
So I do know when an atheist is being offensive.

You're offended by comedy. That is what's queer, Jan.

I love comedy, and there have been some great comedy which has taken
the piss out of all religions and religious figures. But this really isn't comedy.
It is a statement devised to offend, but falls short because they don't know
what they're talking about. The jokes on them.

I'm interested in witnessing the mental gymnastic theists will indulge in to justify circumcision.

I mean, is God testing people? Did God change his mind about the foreskin? Something else perhaps? Is it really required?

Those are big questions.
I suppose you would be better of asking someone
who still practices curcumcision for religious reasons.

What claims have I made about "gods and magical things"?

Being cute again?

I'm hoping that people won't "just take my word for it", and if you actually
read my posts you will understand that.

Nope, not at all. It's your word.

That's a silly question (Q), but no, I have no scientific evidence that that was it's intent. But I have spent a fair chunk of time over the past few years
talking, listening, to and with atheists. I have read a good amount of atheist
literature, watched countless debates, interacted with loads of atheist sites.
So I do know when an atheist is being offensive.

You haven't demonstrated that at all, Jan. Sorry. You're as ignorant about atheism as ever and you're offended because you're a hypocrite. Those are the facts.

I love comedy, and there have been some great comedy which has taken
the piss out of all religions and religious figures. But this really isn't comedy.
It is a statement devised to offend, but falls short because they don't know
what they're talking about. The jokes on them.


The jokes on you, Jan, as the hypocrisy. It is comedy, but it's comedy aimed specifically at YOUR cult, hence you are offended. No need to lie about it, Jan. :D

Being cute again?

So I'm cute, so what? :rolleyes:

Nope, not at all.

I didn't think you'd understand.

You haven't demonstrated that at all, Jan. Sorry. You're as ignorant about atheism as ever and you're offended because you're a hypocrite.

I understand atheism perfectly well, it is the belief that God does not exist, the exact opposite of theism.

...and you're offended because you're a hypocrite.

Oooh!! :D
Are we getting a bit ruffled.

Those are the facts.

The claim of "fact" coming from a fundie atheist (you especially), not very credible i'm afraid.

It is comedy, but it's comedy aimed specifically at YOUR cult, hence you are offended. No need to lie about it, Jan.

Thank you very much for revealing its underlying intent. :)
It was obvious, but it need to backed up by an angry atheist.

I didn't think you'd understand.

No one understands, Jan. Haven't you noticed?

I understand atheism perfectly well, it is the belief that God does not exist, the exact opposite of theism.

See, you don't understand.

Oooh!! :D
Are we getting a bit ruffled.

By pointing out a fact? :shrug:

The claim of "fact" coming from a fundie atheist (you especially), not very credible i'm afraid.

What's a fundie atheist, Jan?

Thank you very much for revealing its underlying intent. :)
It was obvious, but it need to backed up by an angry atheist.


The fact that I point out your lies in no way makes me angry. Why do feel the need to lie, Jan?