Right and wrong is determined by God

What do you mean by "no knowledge of"?

Pretty much what you might expect it to mean. You've never personally met any gods that you know of, studied any gods directly or otherwise knowingly interacted with a god in any way what so ever.
And i keep giving you those attributes which i believe God has.
Why can't you accept that?

Your belief is not founded in any sort of evidence so why on earth would you expect it to be acceptible?

Would you accept my belief that you must send me all your money?
You can see your material body.

Sure. Can you present god's actual body? If so we are in business.

Who are you?

I'm this person. Is that really so tough for you?

When you have more than empty "ifs" then we will have something worthy of discussing.

What I am describing here, are two different natures, spiritual, and material.

Yet there is only evidence that one of them has existence as a substance in and of itself.

What are differences?

If you don't know then what are you going on about?

Fortunately we do have the benefit of vijnana in the form of Bhagavad Gita

A book is just a book. Bronze age farmers just aren't that impressive as a source of knowledge.

I don't know.

Yet you act like you do.
Most people who believe in a god do NOT pretend to have an evidence that he exists . They see it as a faith and a belief .

The imagination is a powerful motivator, especially if you allow it to rule your worldview. Faith and belief are indistinguishable from it's results.
wrong and right is determined by intentions......

underlying..... yep.....

hence why the 'actions' people do can share what the intentions are. Each can be measured and equally observable (be fair as that can be ripped to shreads by some)

good: supports life to continue (giving of self)

bad: loss to the common (selfish:taking)

good choices live

bad, eventually go extinct