Right and wrong is determined by God

Love? Compassion? Empathy? Beauty? Sexiness?

I don't know. And maybe ........ Headache? Stomach ache? Tiredness? Depression? Hunger? Thirst?

Baron Max

The usual waste of words from Baron Max. Max, did this style work for you ever? Did it impress kids at high school? Just questioning everything, but never actually volunteering or supporting your own position?

It's a weak tactic and it's worn so thin we can see through it Max.

Now, please start answering the questions that have been asked of you, or you will continue to look shifty and dishonest.
The usual waste of words from Baron Max. Max, did this style work for you ever? ... Just questioning everything, but never actually volunteering or supporting your own position?

When I was young, I decided on lots of things ...and I thought I knew everything, and I thought I was always right. Now that I'm old, I can see that I know very little, and I now question most everything.

My position? I don't know! And that's just exactly the point, isn't it? How can I know if I don't ask questions? But if I ask questions, then people like you condemn me for not making a decision (based on no evidence!).

It's a weak tactic and it's worn so thin we can see through it Max.

So people should adopt a position on every issue and defend that position ....or if not, then don't ask questions about anything?

Didn't Socrates teach his students to always ask questions and to always look at the other, opposing views?

Now, please start answering the questions that have been asked of you, or you will continue to look shifty and dishonest.

But I don't know any answers!! And that's again, exactly the point. You seem to know all of the answers about everything, so why don't you answer some of my questions?

Should I stop asking questions about things that I don't know?

Baron Max
Max, I asked you some simple, direct questions, like;

"Do you believe that the events depicted in Revelations will literally come true?"

And you are trying to tell me you don't know what you believe?
Max, I asked you some simple, direct questions, like;

"Do you believe that the events depicted in Revelations will literally come true?"

And you are trying to tell me you don't know what you believe?

No, I don't know. And isn't that part of the reason it's called "belief"??? People "believe" in god and the hereafter, they feel it, they "know" it.

But see, you and others here, have decided completely and absolutely that there is no god. And yet you've made that determination based on no evidence other than your own ideals of reason and logic. Are you sure? Are you positive?

And ya' know what I think is worse? That y'all then use your own ideas, feelings, etc to ridicule others for believing differently. And yet you can't see that wrong you're doing to those others.

Baron Max
No, I don't know. And isn't that part of the reason it's called "belief"??? People "believe" in god and the hereafter, they feel it, they "know" it.

Max, read that back to yourelf again please, because you start saying one thing, and then contradict yourself at the end.

So you don't know if you believe the events as described in Revelations will literally come true? You are neither a fundamentalist, nor apologist Max?

What are you?

Which parts of the Bible do you know that you believe in, or are you agnostic about the whole thing?

But see, you and others here, have decided completely and absolutely that there is no god.

Not at all Max, I have merely stated that I don't believe in the versions of God people have tried to sell me. I am certain of my lack of belief however, I can firmly state that I don't believe. It's about time you made s solid statement.

And yet you've made that determination based on no evidence other than your own ideals of reason and logic. Are you sure? Are you positive?

Indeeed Max, I have used logic and reason to come to my conclusions! I have listened to what peole have said, applied logic and reason, and well, the God hypothesis falls apart. I am CERTAIN nobody has ever made a decent pro-God argument tome, and that NOBODY is compelling on this matter.

And ya' know what I think is worse? That y'all then use your own ideas, feelings, etc to ridicule others for believing differently. And yet you can't see that wrong you're doing to those others.

Just what do you believe Max, so far, you've utterly failed to let us know, despite being asked directly! You don't seem to know what you belive yourself, and take faux offense to a humourous video lampooning a ridiculous aspect of religion. I asked you why would God give us a foreskin, only to command it to be cut off, and you FAILED to answer me that.

On ridicule, I asked you if you accepted every faith and belief position of everyone, and you FAILED to answer that. Max, you are dishonest in debate, evading simple questions, being vague, and non-comittal, and somehow thinking this gets you the intellectual high ground, when you actually have nothing to say.
Just what do you believe Max, so far, you've utterly failed to let us know, despite being asked directly! ...

Why does that matter? Can't we discuss this issue from a pro/con discussion or debate platform? I don't see how my personal feelings should make any difference to the discussion or debate.

How and why do you see this as such a personal issue? ...and without personal and firm convictions, then one can't talk about it? Where did you ever get such an idea?

You don't seem to know what you belive yourself, and take faux offense to a humourous video.....

Where did you read me saying that I, personally, took offense at the video? Several other people made tha claim as if they could read my mind, but I never, ever said it ...check my posts.

Max, you are dishonest in debate, evading simple questions, being vague, and non-comittal, .....

So a person can't talk about an issue unless he has made a decision about the issue and is firmly convinced of his correct views? One can't join a debating team in schools? Defense attorneys can't represent people without a firm conviction about their innocence?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Where did you read me saying that I, personally, took offense at the video?

Given that you are not personally offended, we are left with your perception that the video might possibly offend some people.

So, can you now explain what you think may offend other people about the video?

Your complaint seems to be evaporating with every post.
Given that you are not personally offended, we are left with your perception that the video might possibly offend some people.

So, can you now explain what you think may offend other people about the video?

The video showed the god, that many people belief strongly in, as a bumbling fool and an ignorant old man. And you don't think that such a video could possibly be offensive to those who believe in god?

See? That's the part that just bothers the hell out of me ....that you, James R., can actually pretend to be so fuckin' stupid and ignorant that he doesn't know what might be offensive to religious people or not.

Baron Max
Why did you post the video James?

I think bullies can always come up with a excuse to bully, can't they? Tolerance is unknown in bullies, so.... James R. goes through the roof whenever he thinks I'm being intolerant, yet....?

Baron Max
Baron Max,

The video showed the god, that many people belief strongly in, as a bumbling fool and an ignorant old man.

No it didn't.
It showed a charicature of God, by those who wish to offend people who believe in God, but due to their ignorance fail miserably.

And you don't think that such a video could possibly be offensive to those who believe in god?

How could it be?
Those who would claim offense should really look into what they actually believe.
I would go as far as to say that those who are offended by that video, on the grounds that it portrays God as whathever... are really atheist in the true sense of the word.

Why does that matter? ....I don't see how my personal feelings should make any difference to the discussion or debate.

Apparently it matters quite a bit. That's the weakest dodge I've ever seen from you. Are you doing something you know to be wrong?
Baron Max,

No it didn't. It showed a charicature of God, by those who wish to offend people who believe in God, but due to their ignorance fail miserably.

How could it be? Those who would claim offense should really look into what they actually believe.
I would go as far as to say that those who are offended by that video, on the grounds that it portrays God as whathever... are really atheist in the true sense of the word.


So public ridicule, bullying and harassment is perfectly acceptable in our society? And in the "society" of sciforums? And anyone who takes offense at any of the ridicule, bullying or harrassment ....should question his/her ideals?

Baron Max
So public ridicule, bullying and harassment is perfectly acceptable in our society? And in the "society" of sciforums? And anyone who takes offense at any of the ridicule, bullying or harrassment ....should question his/her ideals?

Baron Max

You describe this as "bullying". Why?
You should respond to what I actually said, and not resort to making
to making stuff up.

Those who would claim offense should really look into what they actually believe. ....

So if you don't think people should be offended, then they're not offended?

You have the final say in what people should think and how they should react to something?

And worse, you think that if people ARE offended, then it's because of some personal defect of theirs?!

You're not exactly what people would call "tolerant", Jan.

Baron Max
And just so you know, I'm probably going to have to quit posting on this issue. So if I don't respond to your next post, be aware that it's not because I don't want to ...it might be that I'm scared to do so!

Baron Max
Why does that matter? Can't we discuss this issue from a pro/con discussion or debate platform? I don't see how my personal feelings should make any difference to the discussion or debate.

Max, in debate, you first have to state what side you are arguing, even if you aren't personally invested in that viewpoint. Simply, you have to plant your flag and stand by it. You don't do that. You are just vague, always questioning, and never provide any input. IE, you contribute nothing.

How and why do you see this as such a personal issue? ...and without personal and firm convictions, then one can't talk about it? Where did you ever get such an idea?

It is wholly possible to debate from a hypothetical point of view, yes, but when I ask you direct questions, to try and help me understand your viewpoint, or the one you aren't actually succeeding in getting across, and then not answering those questions, it becomes frustrating, because you arent planting that flag Max.

Where did you read me saying that I, personally, took offense at the video?

I didn't, I said 'faux offense'. I also stated that nobody seems to have been offended, and that you seemed to be playing Devil's advocate. All you are doing Max is clumsily grinding some axe.

So a person can't talk about an issue unless he has made a decision about the issue and is firmly convinced of his correct views? One can't join a debating team in schools? Defense attorneys can't represent people without a firm conviction about their innocence?

If your attorney stood up in court, and said they hadn't made their mind up if they thought you were innocent, you'd fire that SOB in a heartbeat. Your own analogy defeats you, Max.
The video showed the god, that many people belief strongly in, as a bumbling fool and an ignorant old man.

Max, you either recognise that character as your God, or you don't.

If it's an inaccurate portrayal, how can it be your God, and how can you take offense?

Does God really sit in the clouds, and have a long white beard Max? Is that what you believe? Or is that what this person who doesnt actually exist who is offended believes, according to the point of view you may or may not be esposing on their behalf?