Right and wrong is determined by God

BARP! Comprehension, EPIC FAIL!

That would be 'anti-theism' Jan.

How many times do we have to go over this same, tired old ground?

Common sense tells me that anti-theism is against theism, not opposite to.
A theist is a person who believes in God, god(s), an atheist is a person who doesn't believe in God, god(s).

Common sense tells me that anti-theism is against theism, not opposite to.

Not in certain uses, such as 'antithesis', where it means the opposite. That would be the usage for anti-theist.

Atheist means 'without theism', or simply 'not a theist', in the same way 'amoral' means 'without morals'.

A theist is a person who believes in God, god(s), an atheist is a person who doesn't believe in God, god(s).

So, here, you get it right, but previously, you got it wrong.

So, here, you get it right, but previously, you got it wrong.

I've always maintained that.
The common denominator, to my thinking, is that an atheist believes "God does not exist". Lower case gods, are traditionally part and parcel of God, which is why I don't include the term.
That's most probably where you think I am wrong.

Common sense tells me that anti-theism is against theism, not opposite to.
A theist is a person who believes in God, god(s), an atheist is a person who doesn't believe in God, god(s).


Common sense would also tell you that a theist is a person who makes claims of gods existence while an atheist does not accept the claim of the theist, as the theist is unable to demonstrate their claims. This has nothing to do with the atheist having, not having beliefs or claiming gods don't exist.
Common sense would also tell you that a theist is a person who makes claims of gods existence while an atheist does not accept the claim of the theist, as the theist is unable to demonstrate their claims. This has nothing to do with the atheist having, not having beliefs or claiming gods don't exist.

that is pratically perfect!

many who are labelled atheist are by theist

such many of the gay issue label the people of majority as the bigots

when in both cases, it is the perpetuator of the belief that is creating the divide irregardless to the beliefs or actual thoughts of the opposing party

it is just like jewish folk calling christians and muslims, gentiles or even xtians calling muslims antichrists
Common sense would also tell you that a theist is a person who makes claims of gods existence while an atheist does not accept the claim of the theist, as the theist is unable to demonstrate their claims. This has nothing to do with the atheist having, not having beliefs or claiming gods don't exist.

You may believe that, but that is not what 'atheism' is.
Otherwis 'theism' would be a person who does not accept the claim of the atheist, as the atheist is unable to demonstrate their........blah, blah, blah,....

You may believe that, but that is not what 'atheism' is.
Otherwis 'theism' would be a person who does not accept the claim of the atheist, as the atheist is unable to demonstrate their........blah, blah, blah,....



get it straight: within less that 200 years, in the xtian branches; a person was witch, a devil, an antichrist; just to be an atheist and often murdered, burned, and tortured to confess!

the desception has been controlled by the religious for thousands of years.

the truth is just starting to evolve
You may believe that, but that is not what 'atheism' is.
Otherwis 'theism' would be a person who does not accept the claim of the atheist, as the atheist is unable to demonstrate their........blah, blah, blah,....


Atheism makes no claims.
The common denominator, to my thinking, is that an atheist believes "God does not exist".

Jan, stop twisting the meaning of the words. I am an atheist, and that is NOT my position. Simply, I do not believe in any of the descriptions of God or god(s) I have read about, or that people have tried to sell me.

There are things that I believe cannot exist, but that is because they are logical contradictions, and while they may be attributed to God, that is mortals attributing these things, and that merely means I believe the claim is false.

Lower case gods, are traditionally part and parcel of God, which is why I don't include the term.

I think you'll find believers in those 'lower case gods' disagree. That's just arrogance, thinking that Zeus, Pan, Loki, Ganesh, Quetzalcoatl, Thor, Jupiter and the FSM are all just facets of one God. Maybe it's just becuase you lack imagination, and cannot entertain the idea of a pantheon?

But that makes you an atheist too, in that you don't believe those God exist, so you too, are an atheist. Or do you go as far to say that you believe they don't exist? Is it merely the case you project your certainty about the non-existence of other Gods, onto atheists, not believing in yours?

Jan, stop twisting the meaning of the words. I am an atheist, and that is NOT my position.

To an atheist, God does not exist, until there is satisfactory evidence.

There are things that I believe cannot exist, but that is because they are logical contradictions, and while they may be attributed to God, that is mortals attributing these things, and that merely means I believe the claim is false.

Define God, that which you lack belief in.

I think you'll find believers in those 'lower case gods' disagree

I doubt it very much.

But that makes you an atheist too, in that you don't believe those God exist, so you too, are an atheist.

Belief in Ganesh, Kali, etc, is not a substitute for belief in God, they are worshiped as different aspects of God. I think you should look into it for yourself, as I'm sure you will understand what I am saying.

Or do you go as far to say that you believe they don't exist?

I believe 'gods' exist, and that they are a part of the Supreme Being.
It is something like a government; the leader of the government has different heads of department who work on his behalf.

Is it merely the case you project your certainty about the non-existence of other Gods, onto atheists, not believing in yours?

It's not as simple as that Phlogo:).


I could repeat my previous post.. but that seems pointless.

To claim that God is true is different from believing that God is true.
And although theists may claim that God is true, that does not change
the definition of theism.

To claim that God is true is different from believing that God is true.
And although theists may claim that God is true, that does not change
the definition of theism.

I really don't see much of a difference.
If you believe in something you think it's true; some people will even die for their beliefs.
Believing something is true is pretty much the same as claiming it's true.
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