
Blood all over the sand...

Adam looked at the bloody mess and thought hard, he had to act quickly, the lobster thingymebub was already snapping its incisors and beginning to climb up his legs, salivating like a mad dog or possibly even an Englishman! He remembered a move Bruce lee had done earlier and using all his chi he concentrated a fierce blow with his fist and deftly swiped the offending molluscular thingy aside. Miraculously his toe grew back good as new and his feet were now tethered in a brand new pair of Reebok Classics in grey suede. "Hey, c'est tres chic!" Adam suddenly thought in a language he didn't understand.

"Remember Adam!" Came a voice from the purply blue still waters and he looked at the ocean as a periscope descended beneath the glassyly still surface. The sand was alive with lobsterebubs snipping and snapping and waddling towards him. He was just psyching into his Bruce lee persona when the sound of children playing in the distance made him look over yonder and he saw an old red house. He began running to it. Fast! He'd never ran so fast in his life before and he was picking up speed, couldn't even feel the ground, legs a hazy blur! Realised his new Reebok trainers must have had a proffessional tune-up--no wonder pro athletes were so good; it's all to do with their shoes and clothes! He thought, feeling pleased with himself, insights like these had made him the man he was.

Before he could say kalimera, kalispera, kalinikta he'd reached the old wooden shack, it was painted a shimmering cheap-whore red and the walls stank of piss, beerand vomit . A man sat in a rocking chair outside the door, hat tilted over his face reflecting bright sunlight, acoustic guitar lying by his feet like a good dog. Sign above the door said, 'Chicken Shack', a rough painting of a partially nude, big breasted woman had been scrawled onto the door, the metal knocker shaped like an erect phallus, the bit on the door like a pair of tits, on the doorstep lay a used condom with a cigarette butt pressed into it. "I wonder what this place is?" said Adam scratching his balls instinctively, astuteness not being one of his strong points.

"If you ain't knowin' what this place is, then you is best not to go in there stranger!" Said rocking chair man.

"Uh why?" He said. Just then, a group of 3 guys suddenly appeared running towards him at the speed of air, they were all wearing Reeboks same as he. He shouted hi, but they didn't respond, waved his arms; nothing. They couldn't see him, somehow he wasn't visible to them. They were talking excitedly and he listened.

"I think we should have gone into the yellow submarine!" One was saying.

"I wouldn't have missed seeing that ganja plantation for the world!" Said another.

"What about that toad with the bad attitude?" Said the other one.

This sounded uncanny, as though these guys had experienced exactly what he had, but he couldn't communicate with them to find out more! "Damn'!"

"Well at least I think we're in the right place, get ready for a good time boys!" Said one of them.

"This had better be worth it! Said another.

"Things we have to go through for a good shag!" Said the other.

Adam watched them file through the door wooping with a certain macho joy. "God what should I do?" He asked his god tablariddim, "Should i go in there after them and get all serious and novelistically literate, or shall we let some lemming shock us back to moribund nonsense? Oh godess Banshee I wail to you for guidance, do I enter the house of ill repute and get ziggy widit or should a cowhelicopter suddenly begin to fly overhead raining strawberry milkshake and mooing like a person doing a bad impersonation of a cow. Do I go right or left? Oh past gods that I have worshipped, oh Wet1, oh BBC boy, Bowser Wowser PPPLLease give me a sign!" He implored the gods with a wish in his heart,

"What in heaven's name are you talking to boy?" Said rocking chair, "You been doin' that marijaroni shit?".
"What in heaven's name are you talking to boy?" Said rocking chair, "You been doin' that marijaroni shit?".

Adam thought that it was so much fun skimming across the ground in those new Reeboks. Why I could even run and explore this "new world" he thought. With the dawning of that idea he was gone, as fast as he could. Grass, flowers, and trees flashed by in the blink of an eye. Just when he thought he had it down, he stepped on a pop top. The Reebok on his left foot deflated. He had time to think. "Damn a blow out!" Then he was falling, head over teakettle across the ground.

I guess I should have stayed at that Chicken Shack. At least there was the promise of something going on. I wonder how long it will take to get back?

So he rose from the ground and limped back the way he had come. Now that he thought about it, what seemed like a good idea at the time now seemed damn foolish. Running like a fool kid...
... and away from the reddish shack. Probably he'd better go into it. No matter what was inside. This wandering around was leading him nowhere. He sighed, realizing he wandered off a long way. Then he bent over and put the lost shoe back on his foot.

"Gods, which direction was it?," Adam thought, looking around in dismay. Ah, he left a trail in the grass. He jogged back, following back the path he'd left behind earlier. Finally he reached the shack again. Rocking chair was still rocking, only now the guitar was in his hands and he played along with the Music Adam could hear dimly from out the shack. He passed rocking chair man, who smiled at him with a certain knowing in his eyes. "Remember what I told you," he said, "You can't say I didn't warn you!"

Adam hesitated, only for a moment, then grabbed the door-bit and opened slowly the door. Carefully, with one eye, he looked in. It was dark inside, at first he couldn't make out anything in there. The sound of the Music arose, much louder now. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see some soft lights and shapes of people. He entered the shack, walked farther, toward the shape of what might be some kind of bar.

When he came closer, he saw with amazement, that the figures, seated on the high stools had pointed hats. In wonder he looked around and saw one, just one window in the wall to the left of him. The day-light had faded away and the Moon was up and the sea, in the distance, was bathing in a shiny silver.

"Oh Moon," he thought suddenly, out of the blue,"Turn the tide, gently, gently away."

It was then that he realized all sounds of voices and Music had gone quite. It was absolutely still!

The pointed-hatted figures watched him closely and there was an 'elektic' motion in the air...
there was an 'elektic' motion in the air...

Or it might even have been 'electric'!

The room was long and dark with a small stage at one end and a staircase leading up to another level at the other, it seemed to be packed full of people but the atmosphere was strangely subdued and quiet. Adam found an empty stool and went and sat at the bar, he smiled at the barmaid, she looked straight through him. He remembered that he was invisible to most of the people around here. Person next to him asked for a Tequila slammer, the barmaid grabbed a bottle of Say Again Jose and whacked him across the face with it knocking him off his stool and across the dark room onto a table where 2 rasta's wearing red green and gold pointy hats had been playing dominoes. The customer sat up rubbing his cheek, "Got any salt?" He shouted to the waitress.

Adam walked around the room talking to as many people as he could trying to get a reaction, but nobody seemed to be aware of him, thay all seemed to waiting for something to happen. Suddenly one of the customers pulled off his own head and began polishing it with bees wax. Adam freaked out, ran away as fast as he could trying to find the exit but he couldn't see any doors, he made for the stairs and bounded up 3 steps at a time, farting with each step as he was full of wind probably from the mouldy doughnut he'd eaten out of the dumpster earlier when life had still bore a semblance of normality. He hit the landing and saw a a very long corridor which seemed to go on forever, there were no doors. He ran and ran and ran looking for a door or window to escape through, but there were none. Suddenly he noticed a figure waving to him from a distance standing in a patch of light. As he reached the figure he realised it was very short, like a midget but wearing really high boots with stacked up heels and soles making him look about 6 feet tall, above him was a skylight. "Hello, can you see me?" Adam asked.

"No", said the midget.

"Can you hear me?"

"Um, no."

"Can you feel me?"

"You gotta be kidding right?"

"Well what then?"

"I am simply an illussion in your head, I can be anything you want me to be, this whole environment can be whatever you want it to be, it's up to you!"

"Wow!" He said and decided to try it, "Let there be a door", he said. Immediately, a trap door appeared below his feet and swung open throwing hin into a black abyss. He landed with a thump in some dark cellar. A door at one end of the small room was heavy looking and metallic, stone walls had crossed out binary numbers scratched into them, a small window high above his head had metal bars instead of glass and a group of rats with long pink tails were eyeing him up and licking their lips. He scratched his ear and wondered what sort of place it was he'd dropped into. A neon sign began to flash on and off, SLAMMER, it said. "Hmm...I see I have to be more specific with what I ask for in the future!" He surmised, realising through his enlightened insights that he was obviously experiencing that legendary 'religious experience' that people are sometimes supposed to have when doing acid. He lay back on the filthy floor and closed his eyes feeling strangely fulfilled, but a scurrying noise made him look. A rat had jumped up onto him and scurried right up to his face, he stared at it terrified! It wore a Mexican hat and cowboy boots and it began to sing to him.

"La Cucaracha, la Cucaracha, marijuana par fumar!"

"Hey, you're my favourite cartoon mouse!" Said Adam.

"You are enlightened, you are a guru!" Said the rat. "Tell me guru, what can us rats do about our public image? I think it's been unfairly tarnished and we're all very sad about it. We pray to Ben to make us more lovable but all we get is rat poison and bad press, it's driving us to pot!"

"Hmmm...." Adam meditated, searching for an answer that would benefit his pitiful furry friend, if only he could remember his name, he was sure it would help him to come up with some wise message of hope for him and all ratkind.
...he was sure it would help him to come up with some wise message of hope for him and all ratkind.

But if he could think of something and change what he was experiencing then he could be anywhere or go anywhere. La Cucaracha indeed. Why would he want anything to do with a cockroach though?

He sit down to come up with an answer...
Why would he want anything to do with a cockroach though?
He sit down to come up with an answer...

Because it wasn't a cockroach, it happened to be his favourite cartoon mouse! He snapped his fingers as he recalled. The drug was playing havoc with his memory.

"Ohmmm...." He meditated.
...For a moment he closed his eyes and pondered on, looking for the name of the rat-roach-mouse. In the meantime the rat-roach-mouse was dancing the tango with a lady rat-roach-mouse, cheek to cheek. A big smile on their furry faces. "Oh Speedy, no one can dance the tango like you do," lady rat-roach/mouse lispeled.

Adam opened his eyes, hearing the name and tried to speak a word of wisdom. Then he found he wasn't able to open his mouth. As if his lips were glued together. "Mmmmmmmh, mmmmmmmmh," he mumbled. His eyes opened wide, in fear.

"Wait a minute,", Adam thought. "This is a weird experience, I have to stop it! Right here and now!" He closed his eyes again and shook his head wildly. When he was about to open them again, he felt something in his mouth. "OMFG, what the hell now....?", he thought and his eyes sprang open.

He found himself back in the green, tall grass. The sky was as blue as could be on a beautiful, windless Summer's day and bugs were buzzin' in the distance. A butterfly passed by over his head. He reached up to feel what was there, in the left corner of his mouth...
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A butterfly passed by over his head. He reached up to feel what was there, in the left corner of his mouth...

Papery tissue slight, almost not there at all, then suddenly it began to grow. It crept over his face with an unstopable motion until his face, his head, now his entire body was covered.

He realised too late that the papery substance was a cocoon left by the butterfly.

He felt his body tingle and then burn.
He realised his skin was starting to melt, become liquid and now down to the bone he was a mass of goo with only his thoughts left intact.

His mind cried out in fear for he knew not what was truly happening. All he could do was sense the metamorphosis that was taking place with no control on his part.

As soon as it started the changing stopped and his mind sensed a form of reversal was underway.

A day passed, two days, a week. all of a sudden his face broke free of that which had constrained him. He struggeld free of the cocoon while he lay on the lush grass. His gaze fell on the waters of a beautifiul still pond and in the strong warm sunlight he saw for the first time in a long time his reflection...

"Oh my dear god" The hoarse whisper escaped his lips which were no longer recognisable as lips.....
He reached up to feel what was there, in the left corner of his mouth...

a bit of drool eased past his fingers. Again that weird transition from what he thought he knew of his surroundings into something weird...

The ground was a bit rocky, the color of beige it was. The heat was stiffling. The sun glared down. It felt as if he was in an oven. Where was the green grass of moments before? Why, he was in a desert.

In the distance he saw a dust clould approaching. Very close by he now noticed was a road. There was not much wind so what was causing the dust cloud? As he watched it dawned on him that the dust cloud was low and long. As if something moving at a good speed was causing it. What would move at speed in this desert heat? As he watched it came closer. The next thing he knew he was enveloped in the dust. It was in his mouth and nose, causing him to sneeze. When his eyes cleared, he was looking at a bird! A roadrunner! The bird could speak and did!

Man you better get way from here. That pesky coyote is coming and he ain't friendly! Beep beep and he was gone in a cloud...
***it seems that bbcboy and I posted at about the same time so take your pick where you would like it to go.
(How Confusing Guy's!!!) :bugeye:

...still shape-shifting Adam didn't know what to do for a moment. One thing he knew for sure, he didn't look into no mirror-like thingy no more. Frightened of his own appearance and still in wonder about the talking road runner, he slowly dragged his, now grotesque, feet forward on the dusty road.

"Hey mate, raise your claws!" Adam didn't pay attention to the voice. "Your claws! Raise them! Now!"

Adam raised his head, which now looked like a fox's snout, with gleaming red eyes. Hell, he even saw in red now! At the side of the road stood a man, clothed in leather, with a knife in his knee high leather boots. In his right hand, he held a big gun, which pointed in Adams direction. The man looked at him in disgust.

Adam let his red eyes dwell off to his hands. "Oh my fucking god, it were really claws!" he thought. The weirdest claws ever.

In dismay and unbelief he looked at the man again, then he recognised him suddenly. Of course, the Road Warrior! No road runner. The Road Warrior was on the road again and out for blood...
The Road Warrior was on the road again and out for blood...

...and in the distance he could hear the sound of some engineers' nightmare. "I think it is a helicoper but yet that is not quite right". The contraption came closer and started in for a landing. It had the over head rotor, sure enough, but then it also had a rear engine with prop to provide push. A one seater at that with three wheels. It came to a rolling stop near the road warrior. An Austrailian shepard was alert near the road warrior. A dusty figure climbed out, wearing a leather helmet with goggles attached. Yo mate, the figure called out. The road warrior spun around, a sawed off double barrelled shotgun in the ready position to fire...
a sawed off double barrelled shotgun in the ready position to fire...

"Shepherd Fly! What the hell you doin' here?" Said Road Warrior.

"I was about to ask you the same thing mate. What you got there then?"

"Jeez I don't kow, never seen nuthin' like it before, but I guess I could get a good price for it down at the Thunderdome or whatever it's called nowadays."

"How're you gonna take it there mate? You're a long ways off from the dome."

"Yeah well, I wasn't expectin' to be out huntin' today!"

"I could be at the dome in a couple hours!" Said Shepherd.

"So I guess you'd be willing to take us along for a piece of the action yeah?"

"You guessed right mate, 70% for me 20% for you!"

"You sure Fly? What about 50% for me and 30% for you?"

"60 for me and 30 for you!"

"60, 35!"

"50, 40!"


Completely wrecked even though Adam was, he couldn't help noticing that these two were absolutely crap at maths.

"You got any rope? I wanna tie him up", said road warrior. Just then they all noticed a thin cloud of dust heading towards them at breackneck speed from the horizon. "If it's that pesky roadrunner again I'm gonna shoot his ass and eat him for supper!" He said.

Adam smiled knowingly, because he knew who it was and it weren't roadrunner! The cloud of dust arrived within seconds and stopped beside them. As the dust began to settle, they noticed the shape of some weird hybrid car begin to emerge and it was completely covered in fine yellow sand like maize flour. Gradually they could make out the shape of the driver who was also completely covered in sand. Road warrior stared at the driver and spat through the gap in his teeth like some 14 year old skinhead. Shepherd Fly led by instinct, slowly backtracked towards the 'copter.

Adam was beginning to enjoy this trip.

Suddenly the driver shot out of the car and dived on road warrior, fists in fury, punching and kicking like some demented animal. Road warrior struggled with the mad driver--never in his extensive travels having encountered such a vivid example of road rage before. His shotgun went off just narrowly missing the battling driver who appeared quiet handsome now that the sand had fallen off him. Road warrior swiped him hard with the butt of his gun and mad driver was thrown 10 metres onto some rocks, he groaned and shook his head in a daze. Meanwhile Fly was back in his copter trying to start it up, he knew he should have changed his sparkplugs. Mad driver rushed back towards road warrior and head butted him in the guts--rw fell over, md kicked him in the crutch, took his gun and smashed it into his head! The copter began to lift off the ground, md grabbed rw and pulled him towards the 'copter and with a heave lifted him up and hooked him onto the ski-runner thing of the flying machine. The 'copter flew higher but the strangely placed weight made it go round in circles. Round and round it circled until suddenly, it just dropped out the sky like a stone and exploded on impact with an almighty bang, crash, wallop what a picture, what a photograph and that.

Adam was dead pleased with himself. "That was great Mad Max, soon as I wished that you'd come and kill everyone, you appeared! Oh oh..." Adam suddenly realised what he'd wished for--it wasn't specific enough, "Doh!" Mad max was running at him with a vicious looking iron bar in his fist and murder in his eyes and a small gold stud in his right ear! "Er...beat it!" Adam said, saying the first thing that came to his mind, "Just beat it!" And he began to spin away in something like a tornado with this pulsating guitar riff going on in his head!
...Adam felt himself spinnning and spinning around. He felt a pleasant kind of dizzyness and the tornado had all colors of the rainbow. It felt like a ride in a rollercoaster! Riding on the wind!

"Ha, I escaped from the rage of Mad Max," he thought. Big mistake! Adam enjoyed the 'ride' in the colorful tornado, when at once he felt cold steel against his brow. The gun of Mad Max. Twirling in the tornado, just like he was.

"Hey mate, show me the way to Bartertown and quick! I've some business to do there with Auntie. And don't you give me that crap of not knowing what I mean!", Max said. " A creature like you has to be fought. Let's settle this in the Thunderdome, mate. No rules, no laws, just fight. Two go in, only one comes out."

Adam suddenly wasn't so pleased with himself no more. "Beat it!, he cried to Max once more and tried to twirl in the other direction. Surrounded by the tornado, he couldn't see head nor tail. He concentrated on the guitar riff which was steadily present in the background and tried to shut himself down for Mad Max. "How could such a beautiful man be so vicious anyway", he thought disappointed.

At the same moment his thoughts and mind concentrated on the guitar, he was out of the tornado and found himself back in the shack. "Oh no! Not again this freaky place!" Adam sighed and looked down on his claw-hands. Aside of him the midget stood looking down at him with a devilish smile on his face. He bent over to Adam and whispered: "Wasn't that a thriller of a trip my friend?"

Adam looked closer at the face of the midget and couldn't believe what he then discovered. It struck him like lightning! He knew this figure! It was not a midget, it was...
<i>"It was not a midget, it was..."</i>

...Tattoo (he's not just a mere midget). "Welcome to Fantasy Island, Mr. Adam." he said with a grin. "Mr. Roarke is waiting for you. Follow me please."
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Adam looked back for the red shack... It was gone!

In its place stood a white building, blindingly white. Almost making the eyes water to look at it. The grounds around were immaculate in their care. The scent of tropical flowers reached his nose. The air was humid, with abundant water seemly ever present. The noise in the background drew his attention. It was a seaplane, tied off to the bits on the dock and going through shut down procedures. Porters were in a busy bustle offloading baggage.

As he followed Tattoo up the ramp he noticed the wildlife was everywhere. Birds of all colors where in the trees. What a treat to the eyes he thought. Ahead on the veranda, supported by white columns, stood a distinglished looking gentleman, appearently waiting...
Mr. Roarke raised his hands in a welcoming gesture. "Welcome Mr. Adam. Welcome." he said with a smile. "I trust you had a pleasant journey."

Adam stood there for a moment, his jaw slack, staring at Mr Roark in disbelief. He then felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down and saw Tattoo looking up at him. The little man was nodding his head in the direction of Mr. Roark, as if telling Adam to answer. Adam then looked back towards Mr Roark. "Well..." he hesitated for a second. "...I'm not very certain about that."

Mr. Roark's smile vanished, and his face showed that he was puzzled by Adam's reply, but his smile quickly returned. "Ah! You've had a long trip and are in need of a rest."

Adam shook his head in agreement. "Yeah...I guess..."

Mr. Roark smiled and nodded his head as if understanding. He then looked down. "Tattoo!" he said

Tatto quickly snapped to attention. "Yeth, Both!"

"Show Mr. Adam to his room, please." said Mr. Roark.

"Yeth, Both." replied Tattoo, who then looked up at Adam, again tugging on his pant leg with one hand, the other hand showing him the direction they should walk. "Thith way, Mithure." said Tattoo.

Adam Looked in the direction which the little fellow wanted him to follow. He then looked back at Mr. Roark, who gave him a reassuring nod. "Please..." Mr. Roark said with a smile, gesturing with his hand in the direction of the pathway. "I will see you after your rest."

And so, Adam followed the little man down the sandy path. Walking a short distance till they reached...
And so, Adam followed the little man down the sandy path. Walking a short distance till they reached...

A fenced off pen. "In there if you pleathe!" Said Tatoo, indicating to it.

"But..." Said Adam.

"Get in there before I looth my temper you thtupid animal!" Tattoo shouted, spluttering spittle over the hapless Adam.
Submissively Adam crawled into the pen on all fours and instinctively began scratching around for food as though he were actually an animal. In a far corner of the pen were three other strange creatures, shaped like men but with large claws for hands, duckbills for lips and fiery red eyes--they all had mind-expansion chambers on their cone shaped heads. He paid no attention to them whatsoever as he looked for tasty bugs and wild mushrooms to eat and, as he ate the spotty funghi he could feel his mind expanding right over the top of his conehead into the expansion chamber. Reaction was instantaneous! A bright flash of light and a mild rocking sensation and he was suddenly in a totally different dimension! He opened his eyes, looked at the computer screen in front of him and read the message.

"Shit, I posted a new thread instead of replying!" He thought, "That doughnut really confused me--I'd better cancel it before anyone tries to reply to it!" Feeling thirsty he got up to get some water, on his way to the kitchen he stopped by the hall mirror to check his appearance. "God my eyes are red, I wonder if mum will notice?" He thought, brushed his hair back with his claw, grinned at his reflection and patted his mind-expansion chamber as he walked into the kitchen...