Revenge she told him, she was seeing another guy, named Michael. The bitch had betrayed him! Tears sprang to his eyes from pain and anger by hearing her words again in his mind.

Then, suddenly he became aware of what he'd done after she told him she would leave him! His head was still spinning from all the goat's milk. Could it be there was something added to it? He slowly turned around and looked with icy fear in his heart toward the corner of the dining room.

There she was, laying in a pool of blood! Stuck in the middle of her chest was a knife...
... "That's just like you," She said, " strike out at the slightest criticism. Do you know how much this dress cost and as for my floor I'll never get it clean now. You get a little tiddly on sherry,
-and goats milk is a STUPID name for a brand of sherry-
and the next thing ya know it's knives out and I'm on me arse again dripping in me own plasma.
My mother was right about you she said you were trouble ......."

He walked out into the crisp night air and her words became muffled as the door closed silently behind him...
her words became muffled as the door
closed silently behind him...

.... Im gonna find that poser. Im gonna find Michael and cut his new nose off this time! He cant do that to me! He betrayed me with my own girlfriend! And she betrayed me with my boyfriend!
The cold air was cutting into his skin like a knife. He thought for sure he had everything under control. Did they know about each other? he thought. What if they were together all along and only using me? Ive got to get back at them, Ive got to have revenge......
...and so he took off to Michael's little Disney world or whatever it is. Pondering about his revenge he wandered off in the wrong direction. Suddenly he found himself back in a thick fog which was surrounding him. Strange enough, he didn't see it coming. Every sound had faded away, he was alone in the complete silence and the fog. His senses reeled as he saw all of a sudden a bright beam of light peering through the fog...
I gotta say, that is one heck of a responce for that revenge button Adam hit.

Welcome to your nightmare Adam.:D :D :D
Originally posted by Banshee.
His senses reeled as he saw all of a sudden a bright beam of light peering through the fog...

...The light brightened, neared, speeding closer and closer throught the clinging fog.
As he thought it was going to hit, the light flickered, dimmed and was extinguished.
He felt a tugging on his...
... pants. The alien let go of his trouser leg and he felt a surge in his brain as his eyes met the small grey mans. The street dissolved and suddenly adam was in a round sttel room...
..."OMFG, where the hell am I", Adam thought wildly. He couldn't see clear because of the bright, pulsing yellow light which was shining on him. He tried to get up on his feet. Surprise, surprise! He was bounded to a table or something like that.

A shadow fell over his face and he looked in astonishment at the strange eyes which appeared above him. The eyes were set in a head so amazing weird, Adam was not able to take his eyes away. Then the face smiled at him. He didn't see a mouth though. It was far more strange. His fear grew when he saw the pins in this 'mouth'. What was this creature? Was he still on Earth or what?

Did Michael change his 'Disneyworld', was this a nasty trick or was this creature for real?

He felt a kind of coldness trickling on his left shoulder...
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<i>"He felt a kind of coldness trickling on his left shoulder..."</i>

Adam's eyes darted as he looked for the source of discomfort. His eyes grew large with fear, now seeing that the creature was stroking his shoulder, its slimy dreadlock slowly tracing down his arm. Adam looked up at the creature, noticing that it was smiling down on him.

"Stop that!" he tried to scream, but his protest was muffled by a gag.

<b>This is much better than the Babble thing.</b>
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Adams paralysing fear mad place for sudden anger when he realised Michael had played a trick on him, the so many nasty trick over the last few months. The slimy dreadlock was nothing more then Michaels dirty unwashed hair... Or wasn't it?

The strange room with the pulsing yellow lights made his sight dim and for a few minutes he was laying there in agony. ...And remembered the pinny teeth he had seen. Was that MIchaels face?

Suddenly he heard giggling as the creature bent over him once more. "Yes Adam, it is me", Michaels relatively high voice told him. "I am sorry to say so, but you didn't really believe I was human, did you now?", Michael asked him grinning. His eyes looked very weird, not human at all. There was an eerie look in them, Adam had the feeling he would faint. This was simply too much!

"Oh Michael," he groaned. The Michael Creature smiled at him coldly and turned to another entity in the room. "Let's do some analysis on him fellows." He said cheerful. "Bring me some tools to prepare my 'friend' for his return to the human Planet Earth".

He was handed a blinking kind of scalpels and a very sharp looking incision knife...
Adam woke up latter in his room

Was it all a dream

he walked over to get a drink past his mirror and SCREAMED
<i>"he walked over to get a drink past his mirror and SCREAMED"</i>

The girlish, high-pitched squeal pierced the surface of the mirror, causing the glass to explode into many flying shards. The sound was deafening, and he stood there frozen while the countless pieces of broken reflection tumbled down to the floor. They bounced up off its surface, then fell again, eventually coming to rest. Standing over the wreckage, he now focused on the many images which the broken mirror offered, a thousand reflections of the one white glove which now covered his left hand.
This is a very cool thread. And to think it was an accident...
Said the inmate, before the asylum guards caught him using the internet and pulled him away from the computer.

You're just jealous of my... um... Let's see, what have I got to be jealous of...? My old Transformers collection!
<i> white glove which now covered his left hand.</i>

Adam raised his hand and gazed at the glove for a moment. The knot of fear which lay in his gut started to swell larger. He frantically pulled on the glove with his right hand, but he could not remove it. He felt a scream in his throat which he fought to hold back with a swallow.

"No, no, no!" he moaned. His mind raced with confusion--desperation and a need for remedy ruled his thoughts. He quickly shuffled <i>backwards</i> towards the door then stopped. "What's this!?" He turned around to face the door and, with the intention of walking towards the door, began once again to shuffle backwards and away from the door. He moaned once again, "No, no, no!"
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And Adam woke up! He shook off the effects of the dream and got a glass of water before heading off to his "World Domination in Ten Easy Steps" class.
He moaned once again, "No, no, no!"
And began to let out a series of small shrieks similar to a rhesus monkey with constipation as his hips seemed to take on a mind of their own and gyrated to some strange rhythm created by a magnetic field that held him to the spot. The more he struggled to escape the invisible claw, the more he shrieked like a small monkey in need of relief and the more his body shook as he began to vibrate violently. His flesh rippled over his skull and eyes popped out their sockets from the incessant vibration coursing through his body when suddenly..