
<i>"...when suddenly..."</i>

A rapping of knuckles on the bathroom door caused Adam to slowly open his glassy, swollen eyes. He lay there curled on the floor, his underwear and pajamas bunched around his ankles, an empty vodka bottle tipped on its side next to him.

"Adam. Adam...are you in there?" his mother asked from behind the door. She again started to rap her knucles on the door, causing Adam's head to pound and ache in turn. He rolled over, a regretful action which made his head swim and his stomach complain with the threat of returned contents.

Hoping to send her away and end the incessant noise, he mustered his strength and managed a reply. "Yeah, Mom." His words were weak and broken. "Out in a moment."

"The Easter Bunny gave us a visit." she returned gleefully. "You best get out of there, sweety...or you wont get to hunt for eggs."

He painfully rolled his eyes. "Jeez!" he thought to himself. He belched as the thought of eating boiled eggs passed through his head. The thought made him feel sick.
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...It occured to him that it was rather impossible that his mother had been tapping on the door! He was not at home! It could not be possible! He looked down at the bundle of clothes wrapped around his ankels and removed the whole crap. Somewhere in his mind alarmbells were ringing and sending out a fire-red flash of terror to his entire body.

What the hell was going on here? The Easter Bunny, what about a Easter Bunny? At the same moment the door sprang into pieces with a loud noise and a giant Easter Bunny with gleaming red eyes was staring madly at him. "OMFG." Adam thought,"I have to get out of here... Somehow!" He looked around wildly to find a way out. As a last resort, in great despair he started to call out for his mother. Tears of fear rolled over his face.

Suddenly he was grasped, from behind. Cold fingers closed around his neck. He watched them appear, his eyes nearly popped out of his face from horror! Long fingers in a white glove clutched in his flesh...
Long fingers in a white glove clutched in his flesh...

Was he going crazy or what? It looked like Micheal J; complete with that one white glove. The Easter Bunny wagged it's finger at him, as if to say there's more to come... horror Adam tried to back away, the white glove with the eerie long fingers kept him put though. The Easter Bunny entered and grawled at him. He didn't look much like a Easter Bunny any more. Adam's senses reeled and he thought he would faint.

Suddenly he heard the typical high voice of Michael. "Hey my friend, take it easy, it's not so bad as you might think", Michael said laughing. Adam looked up, right in MJ's face. The Easter Bunny started laughing too. To Adam's surprise he changed into a dark shape, long and clothed in a deep black-blue cloak.

The appearance was threatening, not warm and fuzzy as a bunny should be. Was this one of those Shape-shifters he had heard about? Horror oh horror, if he only could escape...
<i>"...if he only could escape..."</i>

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, one option now remained open: he must fight. Steppiing back, he lowered his stance. His index finger pointing upward, he stretched out his left arm while slowly pulling back his right fist. A long, low howl rolled from his taut lips, "Whhhaaaa!"
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...he smashed his fist upward with all his might. All his fear and anger collected in his push. His fist drew right into the weak, muddy feeling face of MJ. In one push he smashed open MJ's 'expensive' face. In awe, MJ let go of Adam and grabbed to his face. "My nose, my beautiful manufatured face," he cried. " Now I have to rebuilt it all over again you fool!"

With MJ in distress about his face, Adam ducked away and tried to get passed to the Shape-Shifter or whatever it was. The stranger roared and moved quickly in Adams direction. A bony hand with two fingers came out of the sleeve. Two bony fingers with a capability so strong and quick, Adam could just escape them. He made a fast move for the door opening, ducking and muttering to himself. "I have to get out of here! I simply have to get out! No matter what!", he mumbled to himself.

His fist rose again, giving it all he got left...
<i>His fist rose again, giving it all he got left..."</i>

He swung fast and hard at the Shape-Shifter, sending it flying off its feet and backwards into the still whimpering Michael. Both fell down, crashing into the porcelain toilet bowl, the same bowl which Adam, only hours before, had been kneeling over in drunken agony.

Satisfied with the double whammy, Adam stood there smiling at the unconcious pair. Just then a cold breeze caught his backside, bringing goose-bumps to the surface of his exposed cheeks, reminding him that he had tossed his pajamas and underwear prior the brawl with Michael and the Shape-Shifter. He looked down at the wad of urine-stained clothing and quickly decided that he needed dry coverage.

He looked around then scampered down the hallway.
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He looked around then scampered down the hallway.

At the other end of the hallway was a door. It made a squeeking sound as he opened it, that of long neglected, dry hinges. On the otherside of the door was...
<i>"On the otherside of the door was..."</i>

...Chuck Norris.

Standing there with his arms crossed, he shook his head at Adam. "That was...uh, is a shameful display, Adam." he said with a snicker. Chuck snatched a pair of jeans off the bed nearest him, then threw them high towards Adam. "Here, you big sissy, put these on."
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"Here, you big sissy, put these on."

Adam scrambed to put those pants on, concious all the time that the cameras were still rolling. The film had to finish.

He started to say his next line, when in the dark someone cried CUT!
<i>"...when in the dark someone cried CUT!"</i>

Out of the darkness struted an elderly asian man. His arm stretched forward, he pointed an accusing finger at Adam. "wAdam!" he said angrily, "wou owe we woney!"

With those words everyone looked over quizzically at the odd stranger. "What!?" they said in unison.

"Woney!" the stranger said angrily. The group, still baffled, threw him a second questioning look. Frustrated, the stranger pulled from his back pocket a dollar bill and held it above his head. "Woney!" he said again. "Woney!"

Adam squinted his eyes in an effort to recognize the face behind the familiar voice. Bruce... "Bruce Lee!?" he asked.

"Yes! And I'm here for my weevenge, wAdam!"

"I thought you were dead... Hey man, I have your five bucks, dude."
"I thought you were dead... Hey man, I have your five bucks, dude."

Ah so, wAdam. Wou did not pay when wou should have, now ah seek my weevenge!

With a lighting fast motion, Bruce knocked the money away. He quickly moved with blurringly fast speed. Just quick motions in front of Adams' face.

Wou are now marked, Wadam. It comes...
...DANG! And on the floor he was, without ending his sentence. "Guess you're not quick enough any more oldtimer," Adam said with a smile on his face. He giggled at poor old Brucey Lee. Didn't see the look in the old fighters nearly closed eyes though.

Full of himself Adam turned his back to Bruce. Still laughing he departed for the showers. It's been a long day under the hot film lights...
It's been a long day under the hot film lights...

Adam quickly divested himself of what few clothes he had on. He adjusted the water flow and temperature of the shower. He had really been looking forward to this time in the shower getting clean. He slid into the shower and started singing as he lathered up. Then he became quiet, listening. Something was not right...
Something was not right...

The lather began to turn a muddy yellow colour and he felt searing pain crawl over his whole body. Whimpering in pain and confusion he suddenly gasped as he realised that his skin was melting off his body into the lather, he screamed a blood curdling cry!
<i>"...he screamed a blood curdling cry!"</i>

His mistake. The muddy yellow colour was caused by the release of filth which his body had gathered over the past few days. Adam surmised that the spontaneous chemical reaction from the sudden mix of soap, water, and thick body-funk had caused a chemical burn, thereby, explaining his pain.

In the shower stall, he danced frantically on his toes while shaking his hands. "It burns! It burns!"
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In the shower stall, he danced frantically on his toes while shaking his hands. "It burns! It burns!"

The association of "it burns" became the song of "Fire". He had forgotten how much he had liked the song. Soon his fine baritone was ringing out through the bathroom. He should have been a singer.

As he was singing his thoughts drifted back to... he had knocked out good old Brucey. The thought made him grinning and for a moment it got silent as he stopped singing. Then, suddenly, the water stopped! Adam looked up, in wonder. He didn't turn it off and the soap was still floating from his body.

The silence fell on him like a thick, dark blanket and he started to feel real uneasy...
As he was singing his thoughts drifted back to...

Arthur Brown sitting in the cramped dressing room of the Wimbledon rock club smoking a joint circa 1970, he'd wandered in unexpectedly and Arthur was just sitting there face all made-up with some monstrous pre-KISS devil look chilling out before the gig. He'd looked at Adam and offered him the joint but when Adam declined the offer he went and sat in a metal dustbin without a bottom that he used as a stage prop! Adam had scampered out of the dressing room feeling overawed by his meeting with the god of hell fire himself and melted into the crowd of young hippie wannabes shaking their hairy heads and playing invisible guitars to the hard rocking rhythms of Anvil the support band. He'd just gotten into some serious headbanging and playing of invisible Gibson SG Standard with wammy bar when he'd felt some sort of trepidation and looking behind him he'd seen Arthur Brown wandering around the crowd wearing nothing but his dustbin and that evil god of hell fire look on his face and he was taking all the attention away from the spirited solo being rendered by the rather talented guitarist on stage. He kind of took the spirit right out of all the invisible guitarists there that night with his strange British voodoo and Adam didn't want to but felt that he really shouldn't be there after that.
Strange thing was that he was experiencing the exact same feeling at that very moment.. and there wasn't even a dustbin to be seen..
<i>"The silence fell on him like a thick, dark blanket and he started to feel real uneasy..."</i>

Roaring like a thunderous wind, he farted.