Reporting on Gods Visit

If Lori is correct, where is her god?

If god knows me, he can tell me that himself. Where is he?

Lori is doing according to her belief and that is be a witness. She did it on her own without the direction of her master.
If Lori is correct, where is her god?

If god knows me, he can tell me that himself. Where is he?

God is doing His Will. And if it is His will not to visit you Q He will not. No matter how many prayers we pray for Him to do so.

You played your game with lori but it does not change a thing. You have no victory. Your motivations have been exposed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
God is doing His Will. And if it is His will not to visit you Q He will not. No matter how many prayers we pray for Him to do so.

You played your game with lori but it does not change a thing. You have no victory. Your motivations have been exposed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You believe you have to accept Jesus as our savior to be a christian, is that correct ?

A Christian is religious are they not ?

I mean, they follow a particular religion that declares Jesus is our savior, correct ?

So if your a christian then you are religious.
SO? Did a God visit you? I still wonder if maybe God did visit you and now you are It's bitch plaything and lost the free will to type YES God visited me.... God is one mean sumabich :p
God visited me!!

I posted this in another thread. But now Lori and SAM won't believe me..

God visited me a couple of days ago, as per request by Lori.
We had a good little chat, and he told me that Islam is bunk and that all Muslims end up in the Christian hell.
I didn't want to tell you before because I figured you wouldn't believe it anyway. But I now see may very well believe me after all.

I believe that you met the God you believed in.

No, it was the God Lori believes in. He said there is only one god and that Allah is in fact the Devil.
Allah must have overheard it and appeared as well. He protested at first but caved after a few minutes and admitted that he was the Devil.



Behave. :spank:

Now I know you're lying.

Why ? That's what happened.

I'm not lying! :mad:
That's what really happened.

What ? You don't believe me anymore ? :rolleyes:

Wow.. it has suddenly become very quiet here..

Why does it bother you to be believed in?

...yeah I'm making tea. want some?

It bothers me that you don't believe me.

Sure, what kind ?

Indian chai

Sure, poor me one. Thanks!

So.. do you believe me or not?

*sips the Indian Chai*
Now you sound insincere and crafty
Enmos said:
But I KNOW it happened to me.. you said you would believe me.
What gives ?
The god I know wouldn't be talking to you about sams conjered up fate. He'd be talking about you. I'm convinced that's why a lot of people want nothing to do with him.

He said you requested that he visit me. I asked him about religion. He replied that Islam is wrong.
I don't know what else to tell you, that's the way it happened.

Ask me something.

Nope. God doesn't lie. I know that.

I agree, God wouldn't lie. What do you think God lied about ?

Fate isn't determined by religion, and he wouldn't be arbitrarily discussing sams fate with you. God is not religous.

He never mentioned SAM. He just said that Islam is wrong.
After Allah appeared and admitted that he was the Devil, God apparently sensed that I was afraid Allah would take revenge on me. God said that I have nothing to fear now that I believe in him.
I still feel a bit uneasy, though I never heard from either of them again.
That was last Sunday, by the way.

Lori, I'm a bit disappointed that you don't believe me. After all, you asked God to pay me a visit and he did. Why do you not believe that ?
Why don't you pray to him and ask him if he really visited me (if that's how it works) ?

By the way, God told me that all that matters is that you believe in him. You don't have to pray to him or go to the church. Simply believing is enough.

are you islamic?

No. What's the relevance of that question ?

then why was god talking to you about islam?

btw...we're bogarting rjr6's thread.

unless of course, this is the strangest thing that's ever happened to you. :rolleyes:

Because I asked him, remember ?
And God is definitely a HE, by the way. His voice was clearly male.

It is.. :bugeye:

He also asked me if I would help him set up the extermination of humanity. He has apparently grown tired of us. It would win me a special place in heaven, he said.
I respectfully declined though. He told me that he was recruiting people around the globe already. And also that I shouldn't worry because it would take a long time before it actually took place.
That was really weird because I thought God wouldn't have any trouble killing us all if he wanted to. Why would he need people's help ? I asked him, but he wouldn't answer it.

why did you ask him that?

are you saying you heard god's voice with your ears?


there is no special place in heaven. either you are lying, or the voice was lying, and in that case, that voice was not god, because god doesn't lie.

Why not. You mentioned that God hates religion so I asked him about it.

It's was more like in my head.
Liar !? :mad:

The voice assured me that he was God and I have no reason to doubt him.
How do you know there isn't a special place in heaven ?

if he hates religion, then why in hell would he give you a religious answer?

without a vocal quality that was audible, you wouldn't have been able to determine a gender...silly.

because god doesn't play favorites like that, and he doesn't bribe people. you weren't talking to god.

He did ? He just said that Islam was wrong.

I heard him in my head. It was unmistakably a male voice.

It really hurts that you don't believe me Lori.

It was a free choice, no consequences.
How do you know that God doesn't 'play favorites'.
Seems to me that's what he was doing all along. Believers get into heaven, the rest don't.

enmos, that's a religious answer.

you don't hear vocal qualities like that in your head, only with your ears. you could hear inflections, but you would not be able to determine a gender without the use of your ears.

you should have thought this through a little more...

Huh? I don't see how. And anyway, what if it was ?
Maybe you are lying.

Wtf? I DID hear his voice and it was coming from nowhere.
You know what screw this, you aren't going to believe me anyway.

Ok what ?

screw this.

You've turned out to be a disappointment.

you're being very antagonistic today.

You sound exactly like Q today.
Nice balancing act. Can you juggle too?

I don't always agree with others opinions, but I try to respect those opinions still. If we don't stay respectful, why would those same people listen to anything said to them if it was coming from sources that don't respect their opinions!
I am still very concerned with how strong beliefs affect our logic.

I do sometimes need someone to tell me when to ease off too, so I don't mind telling someone else, with respect. ;)
God visited me!!

I posted this in another thread. But now Lori and SAM won't believe me..

Interesting. Lori calls you a liar. She is telling the truth about her conversations with god, but you're lying about your conversations with god.

Lori has now stepped beyond simply being deceitful and malicious.
No Enmos is the one lying and malicious here. If not, he will no longer claim to be an atheist.
No Enmos is the one lying and malicious here. If not, he will no longer claim to be an atheist.

And, you will no longer be able to claim to be a Muslim if you think she is telling the truth.
Because he has a compartmentalised brain and cannot think outside his bubble.
Because he has a compartmentalised brain and cannot think outside his bubble.

oh yeah. sorry, it's hard for me to relate so i keep forgetting.

Q, god doesn't give a rat's ass about religion in the way that you do and lots of others do. that's a misrepresentation brought about by religion, and easily used as a scapegoat.
oh yeah. sorry, it's hard for me to relate so i keep forgetting.

Q, god doesn't give a rat's ass about religion in the way that you do and lots of others do. that's a misrepresentation brought about by religion, and easily used as a scapegoat.

I don't think so. He seems to have been brought up without religion and is past the age when such concepts can be comprehended.

He probably cannot relate to anything any religious or theistic person says.
I don't think so. He seems to have been brought up without religion and is past the age when such concepts can be comprehended.

He probably cannot relate to anything any religious or theistic person says.

yes, but he uses it as a scapegoat all the time.
Think of him as a colour blind person who keeps insisting there is no red because he cannot see it.

that's a very good analogy. yet at the same time, he will use what other people claim about the color red to argue against the existence of the color blue.
Like believing Enmos but not you?Yeah, its because he's a neocon at heart
I don't always agree with others opinions, but I try to respect those opinions still. If we don't stay respectful, why would those same people listen to anything said to them if it was coming from sources that don't respect their opinions!
I am still very concerned with how strong beliefs affect our logic.

I do sometimes need someone to tell me when to ease off too, so I don't mind telling someone else, with respect. ;)

I was joking but at the same time, I meant it. You did well and I'm not kidding about that.:)