Reporting on Gods Visit

Then why did he visit him ?

he didn't visit him. Q doesn't want anything to do with god. he reiterates that in every way he knows how all over this forum. that's why i was happy when he asked me to pray for him. i thought he wanted to know god. but all he wanted to do was set me up so he could degrade me, in an attempt to denounce what i have experienced and call me a liar. i'm not lying about my experiences.
Did you believe God would visit you, then?

What does that have to do with anything? Would my belief or disbelief have any significant influence on what god does or doesn't do? Am I so powerful as to have such an influence?
what does that have to do with anything? Would my belief or disbelief have any significant influence on what god does or doesn't do? Am i so powerful as to have such an influence?

yes!!!! Duh!!! Fucking duh!!!
No idea, but clearly (Q) feels hard done by from God considering him persona non grata inspite of Lori's intercession. I wonder how he imagined he would recognise a visit from God. What was he looking out for?

I don't imagine anything. If god was to visit me, he would and I would know. Is that simple enough for you to understand?
yes!!!! Duh!!! Fucking duh!!!

Why? Is your god so impotent that I can fully control him?

Why then, can't YOU fully control god to visit me?

Notice how your paltry excuses can backfire on you?
he didn't visit him. Q doesn't want anything to do with god. he reiterates that in every way he knows how all over this forum. that's why i was happy when he asked me to pray for him. i thought he wanted to know god. but all he wanted to do was set me up so he could degrade me, in an attempt to denounce what i have experienced and call me a liar. i'm not lying about my experiences.

You are lying, you failed to deliver on your request. Clearly, you're making it all up.
What does that have to do with anything? Would my belief or disbelief have any significant influence on what god does or doesn't do? Am I so powerful as to have such an influence?

Yes, of course. Why would you think otherwise?

I don't imagine anything. If god was to visit me, he would and I would know. Is that simple enough for you to understand?

How do you imagine you would know? What were you expecting?
You are lying, you failed to deliver on your request. Clearly, you're making it all up.

i've experienced god and i prayed for you to as well. that is not a lie. so i'm asking you now...what are you doing to fuck that up for yourself?
i've experienced god and i prayed for you to as well. that is not a lie. so i'm asking you now...what are you doing to fuck that up for yourself?

It has nothing to do with me, Lori and everything to do with your god. I don't ask person A to visit person B and then blame person B for person A not showing up. Grow up.
Why? Is your god so impotent that I can fully control him?

Why then, can't YOU fully control god to visit me?

Notice how your paltry excuses can backfire on you?

no, i don't.

in relation to a knowledge of and relationship with god, he gives you what YOU want.
Why are asking me the same question? Did you not read my posts?

You appear to think your participation in the process is irrelevant or even negligible. I wonder why you think that is. Of all the people who have spoken of "enlightenment", nirvana, the holy spirit, being one with God etc, I have yet to find a single instance where they said, I waited and it happened.

So why would you be special?
The apostle Paul wasn't believing for a vist from God on the road from Damascus, was he?
You appear to think your participation in the process is irrelevant or even negligible. I wonder why you think that is.

One can simply read any of the Abrahamic scriptures to understand that I'm irrelevant to the process of god.

Of all the people who have spoken of "enlightenment", nirvana, the holy spirit, being one with God etc, I have yet to find a single instance where they said, I waited and it happened.

So why would you be special?

I'm not special, that's the entire point. No visit for me, yet Lori has god over for tea and crumpets on a regular basis. How does that make me special?
you don't even believe in the possibility of god's existence, and i don't believe you.

I understand that there are possibilities and probabilities to a gods existence. However, since there is no evidence, I find little value in believing in a gods existence, as I would find little value in believing in leprechauns.
One can simply read any of the Abrahamic scriptures to understand that I'm irrelevant to the process of god.

I'm not special, that's the entire point. No visit for me, yet Lori has god over for tea and crumpets on a regular basis. How does that make me special?

I'd say Lori seems to have greater sincerity in her belief while to you, its a big joke. So you both get the God you deserve.
I'd say Lori seems to have greater sincerity in her belief while to you, its a big joke. So you both get the God you deserve.

Lori created the joke and played it for all it's worth. Clearly, Lori had no intention on being sincere while she spins her tales and makes us look the fool while being sincere with her.