Reporting on Gods Visit

when you sincerely want him to and ask him to. and that doesn't have anything to do with me.

*sigh* :shrug:

It would then appear that your god most certainly isn't going to visit me based on your cop outs. I can only conclude that you really know you don't talk to gods and are just making the whole thing up.

Oh well.
i've received messages that aliens will perpetuate the end times lie of the antichrist and the false prophet, and promote them to power, and the mark of the beast, which is a genetic manipulation causing the this corrupt flesh to not die (but will be destroyed by fire), and spiritual death (a complete severance from the holy spirit of god). the lie is that we can fix ourselves with knowledge (like the stuff that bishadi talks about), and rules. they become our saviours. and to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and to live forever, we have to take the mark. those who don't will be martyred. the aliens are the locusts that are described in the book of revelations, that will sting men like scorpions (paralyzed and disoriented). the book says that men will seek death in those days and not find it. this is why. i've known a woman for about a decade now who has described her abduction experiences to me in detail. we are very good friends. i've been convinced from the beginning that it is a spiritually laden experience...demonic.

i don't give a rat's ass if you believe what i'm saying. this is a MESSAGE. it's not an interpretation and it's not an opinion. why the fuck does everyone around here think it's so god damned important for them to agree? why does everyone jump at the chance to pass some unqualified opinion or judgement?

don't believe my message. don't believe i received one. i don't give a fuck. but when the shit goes down, maybe the sciforums archives will still remain.

and you can eat my words while you're pissing your pants.

Oh Lori, Lori, Lori... I'm so disappointed. What you've just provided is no different than the lunatics who stand on soap boxes in Hyde Park and rant.

Sorry Lori, but that pretty much wraps it up for your sanity and your claims about talking with gods.

This thread can be closed now, we have our answer on gods visit.
*sigh* :shrug:

It would then appear that your god most certainly isn't going to visit me based on your cop outs. I can only conclude that you really know you don't talk to gods and are just making the whole thing up.

Oh well.

you're the one who's copping out by trying to make this my responsibility and having an insincere agenda regarding a personal relationship with god. you're not as sly as you think you are Q.
Oh Lori, Lori, Lori... I'm so disappointed. What you've just provided is no different than the lunatics who stand on soap boxes in Hyde Park and rant.

Sorry Lori, but that pretty much wraps it up for your sanity and your claims about talking with gods.

This thread can be closed now, we have our answer on gods visit.

cop out.
if you rid the entire planet of all of the unnecessary industry and development that only exists to feed the greed machine, you would have plenty of room.

At what cost ? We'd be forced to live according to the old ways, with our numbers that will have a disastrous cost.
No I do not.

You act like you do. How do you expect the natural world to cope if the human population just keeps growing out of control ?
It won't be just the plants and animals that will fall victim to us..
we already discussed the fact that if you didn't eliminate the sin, the remaining humans would just fuck it up all over again.

I imagine that if we manage to get the human population down to half a billion or under we would also have enough discipline to keep it that way.
We already have over 6 billion people. Cutting that number in half won't get rid of pollution.
Cutting the number in halve would just set us back to the mid sixties :bugeye:
Of course that's not going to help!

Probably methane gas would start belching from the ocean floor and then we'd have more pollution than before.
Now why would that all of a sudden happen if the human population would drop ? What nonsense.
I imagine that if we manage to get the human population down to half a billion or under we would also have enough discipline to keep it that way.

i doubt it. AND just because the population was to diminish, doesn't mean society still wouldn't suck.
Nothing. But combine it with the population of today and there won't be many animals left within 10 years or so.

i disagree. i used to waitress, and i know for sure that i threw away more food than i fed to people. we waste SO MUCH. not to mention all of the obese people. it's an epidemic in the states.
Why do you doubt it ?

Who cares if it sucks. It's sustainable.

because history repeats itself. less dumb fucks breed more dumb fucks.

and i care if it sucks. why sustain something that sucks?
i disagree. i used to waitress, and i know for sure that i threw away more food than i fed to people. we waste SO MUCH. not to mention all of the obese people. it's an epidemic in the states.

If we all started hunting our food today there won't be much left within ten years. Probably even much sooner.
If we all started hunting our food today there won't be much left within ten years. Probably even much sooner.

nope. if we get rid of industry and all of the unnecessary development, the animal populations would flourish.

if we get rid of gluttony and greed, and the waste it perpetuates, there would be more than enough to go around. plenty.

not to mention the veggies. people don't need to consume so much meat.
nope. if we get rid of industry and all of the unnecessary development, the animal populations would flourish.

if we get rid of gluttony and greed, and the waste it perpetuates, there would be more than enough to go around. plenty.

not to mention the veggies. people don't need to consume so much meat.

Lets say that one family (two adults and two children) eat one animal/week. That's a very conservative figure, right?
That's 88,088 billion animals in one year, or 242 million animals/day.
And we remember, we take them from the wild. There are no farms with tens of thousands of pigs or cows.

Furthermore, you want to let the human population naturally increase in size. It won't take too long before we're packed like sardines, so not much room for nature anymore. Not that that would ever happen, humans will start dying by the millions once the food starts running out.