Reporting on Gods Visit

I'm more positive "it" is a computer than not. IMO, is the proper response unless one has proof. Maybe you're unaware making absolute statements without proof is dumb. You have made several comments placing words in my mouth. Those are your words and not mine.

I've quoted what you said and responded - if I put words in your mouth it wasn't on purpose nor to offend, I was probably just trying to clarrify if I understood you correctly.
Pretty much the only thing I know about everything, is no one knows. ;)

No hard feelings big guy, this must be a sensitive topic for you. I still think it is unhealthier to belief too strongly in only one explaination for something unknown. It makes it too hard to change the belief when new information becomes available.
Then again, thats just the way I perceive things. If I am right, it is something people will need to figure out with experience, it's not something strong believers in anything generally will listen to.

I still think it is unhealthier to belief too strongly in only one explaination for something unknown. It makes it too hard to change the belief when new information becomes available.

This is one of biggest obstacles humans face.

Their lack of humility.

Well said and I completely agree, I also appreciate your inquiring but respectful tone towards others.

By the way, Pipes75 sounds dignified in a way, Bongs75 would not have.

This is one of biggest obstacles humans face.

Their lack of humility.

Well said and I completely agree, I also appreciate your inquiring but respectful tone towards others.

By the way, Pipes75 sounds dignified in a way, Bongs75 would not have.

I do sometimes forget how sensitive strong beliefs can be to some. I don't have any belief so strong that I would ever say 'I know' something I believe is true, but many do that very thing.
My messages are never meant to offend, but sometimes get perceived as an attack on a belief. I try to stay respectful, but I do sometimes slip, afterall I am only human, and I still have plenty of emotions that can get triggered. ;)

When I take the time to think about my posts, they always sound better, but I can't help but get excited when I'm in dream mode, and I do jump the gun on some of my dreams because I want to share my visions even when I don't always understand all the concepts involved. However, eventually, I rule out my dreams that aren't possible, and revise the dreams that are possible. I see so many possiblities, that I might 'know' some unknowns, I just don't know which explaination is the right one! Than again, I might not have the right door open yet neither. I am open to anything that doesn't contradict what is known!

bongs, lmao - pipes just stuck cause I was a skinny kid that played hockey. grade school nickname. 75 is just the year I was born.
wog?...or Shellback ;)

If you want to know, I have sailed around the world and crossed the equator four times. I have been initiated into the "solemn mysteries of the ancient order of the deep", (imperivm neptvni regis), shellback. Neptunus Rex and Davy Jones became my friends. I also belong to the order of the “realm of the south wind“. By sailing around the cape of good hope, the southernmost point of the continent of Africa, also known as the horn. I was rarely home during my tour.
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I could have been serving that Deity if I had chosen to do so. I know people think there is nothing to it you believe there is a god of the sea then....?
I could have been serving that Deity if I had chosen to do so. I know people think there is nothing to it you believe there is a god of the sea then....?

I was referring to the deity known as Jehovah. If one is going to turn “it” down he/she better have some strength of character. Or he/she will be on their knees before they know it.
Okay, I’ll explain the meaning of eternal life without the deceit. God is an alien computer. People become a recording or avatar stored in computer circuitry, just a record. In this way “it” offers eternal life by keeping a picture or film of those chosen. I was eyeballed once. It was like a dozen eyeballs looking me over all at the same time. That was when I realized "it" was just taking pictures.
God is an alien computer

Interestingly, I use this to show how 'omniscience' and absolutes are meaningless concepts.

Pretend for a second that the christian god exists. It's omniscient, omnipotent etc etc blah blah. Thing is, it would never actually know that it's just part of a computer simulation by the real god. Yes it is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent - but only within the confines of the programme, anything beyond that, (the real gods), will never be a part of its omniscience and so on.

You see, even an omniscient god could never really prove anything. Everything it knows could be inaccurate, instead just a programmed factor of that simulation. Hence what it perceives and knows as "real" is actually not real at all. Ultimately an omniscient entity can't claim to really know anything, (outside of the simulation).

Irrelevant I'm sure, I've just always found it interesting.
Interestingly, I use this to show how 'omniscience' and absolutes are meaningless concepts.

Pretend for a second that the christian god exists. It's omniscient, omnipotent etc etc blah blah. Thing is, it would never actually know that it's just part of a computer simulation by the real god. Yes it is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent - but only within the confines of the programme, anything beyond that, (the real gods), will never be a part of its omniscience and so on.

You see, even an omniscient god could never really prove anything. Everything it knows could be inaccurate, instead just a programmed factor of that simulation. Hence what it perceives and knows as "real" is actually not real at all. Ultimately an omniscient entity can't claim to really know anything, (outside of the simulation).

Irrelevant I'm sure, I've just always found it interesting.

The way I understand it, just to clarify a little. When the alien computer arrived no humans knew much about anything. Normally computers use fact when processing. Well, with humans very little facts were known. Belief and faith became the standard instead of facts and that is way it has remained to this day. “It” admitted to me once that facts are superior while knowing it was using belief and faith, instead.
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