Reporting on Gods Visit

Lets say that one family (two adults and two children) eat one animal/week. That's a very conservative figure, right?
That's 88,088 billion animals in one year, or 242 million animals/day.
And we remember, we take them from the wild. There are no farms with tens of thousands of pigs or cows.

Furthermore, you want to let the human population naturally increase in size. It won't take too long before we're packed like sardines, so not much room for nature anymore. Not that that would ever happen, humans will start dying by the millions once the food starts running out.

we could still have farms. people could raise their own food instead of relying on applebee's chicken nuggets for dinner every night.
we could still have farms. people could raise their own food instead of relying on applebee's chicken nuggets for dinner every night.

How much space do you think it will take up if everyone has their own farm ?
Besides, isn't farming just the first step towards industry ?
How much space do you think it will take up if everyone has their own farm ?
Besides, isn't farming just the first step towards industry ?

no, not if it's a family farm. you only raise what you need to eat. no greed = no money = no profit = no waste. there's plenty of earth and resources to go around. the populations won't grow anymore than they would without the change. i think most people have a very unrealistic view of exactly how much we waste in the name of profit. it's not ultimately very profitable at all.
Assumption is the reason people refer to "it" as God. No evidence whatsoever, just a reference or an association they've heard somewhere before. I haven't gone with God as an explanation. Technology fits much better than a deity.

So I'm gathering you are willing to admit, you don't know exactly what 'it' is, you just have had experiences that can not be explained. I'm good with that.

I need someone with experience to help you gain insight.

I have had some strange experiences myself. I have experienced something I can only describe as fussion, where I felt like my molecular structure was changing. Something allowed my brain to make me feel like other objects I was touching. The connection was amasing, but what I experienced was not God. I have explored many possibilities. I have lots of spirituality.

I have a basis for my opinion through my experience. You have no basis and assume everybody is the same.

Nobody is the same. I never once said that. We do all come from the same original source though. But you only experience your life, and you have perceptions of that one life. I only experience my life and I have perceptions of my one life. We all experience life and perceive what we see. I just don't get why you think you experiences are more important then others experiences. Why because you have experienced something unknown?

In a most vague way your thinking can be applied. Most experiences are specific occurrences. Getting shot in the leg by a bullet will be the same experience for everybody.

I disagree. Getting shot in the leg would not be the same experience at all. #1 the situation would have to be identical to even compare, and no one has identical experiences with specific events. #2 everyone would perceive that experience differently. Some would feel blessed to have only been shot in the leg, some would feel cursed for being shot, and many other perceptions of all kinds. Experiences are in everything, they are not only specific occurrences neither.

I notice when people are putting words in my mouth. As though they know. The word "proof" came up and I said I doubt there will proof passing the rigorous tests of science. Meaning if any of you are expecting proof today then its not going to happen. Perhaps science can develop the techology to recognize "it" someday. That remains to be seen.

All I'm saying is if you really believe something is true, you have to believe it can be proved someday, even if the day is well after your time. But my biggest concern is why put all your eggs in only one basket. What else could possibly explain your experiences? I'm sure you can think of other possible explainations, the first answer we see is not always the right one. I'm not saying to drop your beliefs neither, just keep more than 1 door open.
no, not if it's a family farm. you only raise what you need to eat. no greed = no money = no profit = no waste. there's plenty of earth and resources to go around. the populations won't grow anymore than they would without the change. i think most people have a very unrealistic view of exactly how much we waste in the name of profit. it's not ultimately very profitable at all.

Again, what are you prepared to sacrifice for your farming grounds ?
The Earth has roughly 19.3 million square km of arable land, and 6.776 billion people. So that's 0.0028 square km per person. So that's about 2848 square meter, which is about 53.4 meter by 53.4 meter. There won't be much room for nature left, will there ? In fact, I think no room would be left.
Again, what are you prepared to sacrifice for your farming grounds ?
The Earth has roughly 19.3 million square km of arable land, and 6.776 billion people. So that's 0.0028 square km per person. So that's about 2848 square meter, which is about 53.4 meter by 53.4 meter. There won't be much room for nature left, will there ? In fact, I think no room would be left.

i'll sacrifice strip malls, restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls, airports, and a bazillion acres of suburbian crap...which pretty much equals the entire united states of america.

and industry. who needs it?
i'll sacrifice strip malls, restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls, airports, and a bazillion acres of suburbian crap...which pretty much equals the entire united states of america.

and industry. who needs it?

I don't think you're getting the picture here. Even if we take all of the land surface of the Earth (148,940,000 km²) and divide it by the number of humans alive now, you still only get an area of about 148m x 148m per human. And that includes utterly uninhabitable areas such as Antarctica, mountain ranges, deserts, small remote islands, dense rainforests, etc.

And I said "the number of humans alive now". Here's something to consider:

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I don't think you're getting the picture here. Even if we take all of the land surface of the Earth (148,940,000 km²) and divide it by the number of humans alive now, you still only get an area of about 148m x 148m per human. And that includes utterly uninhabitable areas such as Antarctica, mountain ranges, deserts, small remote islands, dense rainforests, etc.

And I said "the number of humans alive now". Here's something to consider:


you've really put a lot of thought into this haven't you?
Developing scrubbers to clean the atmosphere is more likely than the nonsense being posted here today. Did either one of you have the internet on your radar screen as predictions beforehand? Then what makes either one of you think you can predict the future?
i didn't say i was predicting the future. i reiterated a message i received, and enmos and i are just tossing around what ifs.
So I'm gathering you are willing to admit, you don't know exactly what 'it' is, you just have had experiences that can not be explained. I'm good with that.

I'm more positive "it" is a computer than not. IMO, is the proper response unless one has proof. Maybe you're unaware making absolute statements without proof is dumb. You have made several comments placing words in my mouth. Those are your words and not mine.
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

Nostradamus has been thought of as a great physic and seer of the future. Nobody has passed that test adequately. The year 1999 came and went without any such terror happening.
The year 1999 came and went without any such terror happening.

so he missed it by a few years ...9-11 could qualify with the from the skies part
The year 1999 came and went without any such terror happening.

so he missed it by a few years ...9-11 could qualify with the from the skies part

I'm not so forgiving. Nostradamus was wrong on the date. Why not use Dec. 7, 1941 as the year of the king of terror. Many false prophets have came and went. Of course doom and gloom sells.