Reporting on Gods Visit

Lori, that's not what I said. I said that your god visiting me doesn't have anything to do with me in that he either visits me or he doesn't. I don't control him. Do you get it now?

So, when is he going to visit me?

when you sincerely want him to and ask him to. and that doesn't have anything to do with me.
Possibly we could get an interesting discussion going if I could find some folks with experience involving “it”. Not just reading about it.
At times, do you notice pictures in your thoughts that are not of your making?

i've had visions before. i don't know if i'd describe them as pictures. one was an embellishment of a situation that i was actually in, and others were of a more interactive nature. one of an alien, and one of an angel.

one was like an awake a day dream.
Possibly we could get an interesting discussion going if I could find some folks with experience involving “it”. Not just reading about it.

i hate to break it to you, but most of the people out here are going to diagnose you with schizophrenia. :(
Did god ever show? I've been away.

Well, what you call God is here now, however its not what you have been lead to believe. I need somebody with knowledge established through experience recognizing "it" to participate. To actually go any farther with this.

“ Originally Posted by Lori_7
yeah, i am. ”

Okay Lori, thank you for being honest. Do you want to discuss your experiences? I too have heard from "it".

Are you religious ?
Yea, I know but that diagonosis would be worthless.

When you open yourself up for examination and make extrodinary claims then you shouldn't be suprised when others don't believe you or are skeptical.

I would not imply that Lori or you are schizophrenic, but I did suggest she get checked out because if i had one of those experiences (seeing things move about a table) I would. I would want to make sure I avoid losing it somewhere else like driving a car. It would be the responsible thing to do.

But maybe those with an illness like that would be the last to do such.

If I claimed that every few months aliens for the planet zoton came down and took me to their planet would you believe me ?

I mean, you can't prove that it didn't happen. So you would ask me for proof it did.

It is frustrating because there is apparently no way for anyone who claims to have contact with god to come up with any proof, and so the claim has to be taken on faith. That is not good enough for me.
i've had visions before. i don't know if i'd describe them as pictures. one was an embellishment of a situation that i was actually in, and others were of a more interactive nature. one of an alien, and one of an angel.

one was like an awake a day dream.

You're on the right track. Sensations and feelings can also accompany the pictures transmitted to your brain for your mind to recognize.
When you open yourself up for examination and make extrodinary claims then you shouldn't be suprised when others don't believe you or are skeptical.

It is frustrating because there is apparently no way for anyone who claims to have contact with god to come up with any proof, and so the claim has to be taken on faith. That is not good enough for me.

Understood. I don't think I am making any extordinary claims, in itself. Many books have been written about this God. People spend money on the subject. I don't know that its extrodinary.
Understood. I don't think I am making any extordinary claims, in itself. Many books have been written about this God. People spend money on the subject. I don't know that its extrodinary.

People have written lots of books about being abducted by aliens, many people claim to have been abducted, people spend money on the subject.

It's pretty extrodinary I would say.
You are missing the point. If God is omniscient, free will doesn't exist. And so no one has got any choice about anything.

good point too, but you're missing the bigger point.

if everything is predetermined, but unknown to anyone but god, it does not take our will away from us.

meaning, you're fate is sealed, but it will turn out a result to whatever you do or choose.

knowing what choice you make in life doesn't stop it from being a choice taken by you none the less.

something like in the movie minority report.
Do you follow a religious text ?

Do you believe any religious text is the word of god ?

I know scripture if that is your intent. Scripture has been interpreted differently by individuals claiming to have some sort of insight. All interpretations are questionable.