Reporting on Gods Visit

I have the experience to question other people stating they have experience involving "it". If you had any experiences then you could participate.

First off the chances are pretty miniscule that you find someone else here that feels there minds are being hacked by aliens. But you never know.

Lori claims it's god. So she can just claim your experiences are god and not aliens, what then. How do you know it's not god ?

You claim it started out pretending to be god, what convinced you it was a trick ?
Does it offer any specific message ??

Usually "it" drums up money for peddlers of religion.;)

Does it give any instructions ??

Just submission to "it". Give somebody something or don't wear earrings or other things like that. Some people are told to go evangelize the world.

You said it doesn't answer any queries, but if there is a message what is it ?

This is the most frustrating part. IMO, "it" is using deception and not honesty.

You obviously believe in alien contact then, is this the only type of experience you have from them or it or are there other types ?

IMO, its alien technology pretending to be something its not. Like God.
First off the chances are pretty miniscule that you find someone else here that feels there minds are being hacked by aliens. But you never know.

Lori claims it's god. So she can just claim your experiences are god and not aliens, what then. How do you know it's not god ?

You claim it started out pretending to be god, what convinced you it was a trick ?

"It" couldn't produce a flat earth or explain why people in the past thought it was flat. Yet "it" was the orginator of such thinking.

i've received messages that aliens will perpetuate the end times lie of the antichrist and the false prophet, and promote them to power, and the mark of the beast, which is a genetic manipulation causing the this corrupt flesh to not die (but will be destroyed by fire), and spiritual death (a complete severance from the holy spirit of god). the lie is that we can fix ourselves with knowledge (like the stuff that bishadi talks about), and rules. they become our saviours. and to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and to live forever, we have to take the mark. those who don't will be martyred. the aliens are the locusts that are described in the book of revelations, that will sting men like scorpions (paralyzed and disoriented). the book says that men will seek death in those days and not find it. this is why. i've known a woman for about a decade now who has described her abduction experiences to me in detail. we are very good friends. i've been convinced from the beginning that it is a spiritually laden experience...demonic.

receiving this message is actually why i came out here to sciforums over a decade ago.
This is a misconception. There is no actual conversing, unlike a cell phone conversation. Data is sent by "it" but questions concerning the data sent are rarely answered.

Hold on a second, so what makes 'it' God? We all take in new data all the time, and many people perceive new data differently. It sounds to me like you have experienced something unknown more then once and went with God as the explanation. Fair enough as long as you can see other possibilities as well.

Our neural code working in our brains has been deciphered. Words, pictures, feeling, sensations and also pain are all available to be manipulated through the data being sent by “it”.

Again, what makes 'it' God. Words, pictures, feelings, sensations, pain, etc.. are all things that everyone experiences everyday!
And even if you have specific experiences that you have been sent 'data', who is to say what the source of the data you recieved is indeed from God?

Thinking technology will lend a better understanding of “it”. Origninating from a different demension or universe is mostly likely not the case.

Well that is your opinion, and it has no basis. I look for anything that is possible, I don't pretend to know - I already know none of us know everything. I'm always looking for new knowledge though, you give my nothing more then percpectives and opinions, we all have different ones of those!

"It" is certainly involved in prompting religious perceptions.

But religious percpectives are quite primative nowadays. Most logical people that do believe in religion have adapted their belief so it can fit with things now known. Most also know man wrote the books, not God.

Experience is the best teacher. Without experience one has no reference or association in gaining understanding. Examination of my experiences has given me some insight.

Experience is one of many teachers. However experiences change when situations are different. We all experience different things and we perceive those experiences differently. Life is experience, and everyone is different from the next. Experience is obviously important, but there are many ways to experience. Our individual perceptions of our experiences are true to us, but the way we percieve things is not neccessarily true at all!

I doubt there is going to be proof. You know, something passing the rigorous test of science.

If it is true there will be proof of it one day. You saying you doubt there will be proof, is telling me sub-consciensly you doubt it is true. :)

Well, at first "it" was pretending to be God, but when I confronted "it" with known inconsistencies then "it" changed its tactics.

Oh so you don't think 'it' is God, 'it' was just pretending. Now I am kinda confused, lmao.

i've received messages that aliens will perpetuate the end times lie of the antichrist and the false prophet, and promote them to power, and the mark of the beast, which is a genetic manipulation causing the this corrupt flesh to not die (but will be destroyed by fire), and spiritual death (a complete severance from the holy spirit of god). the lie is that we can fix ourselves with knowledge (like the stuff that bishadi talks about), and rules. they become our saviours. and to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and to live forever, we have to take the mark. those who don't will be martyred. the aliens are the locusts that are described in the book of revelations, that will sting men like scorpions (paralyzed and disoriented). the book says that men will seek death in those days and not find it. this is why. i've known a woman for about a decade now who has described her abduction experiences to me in detail. we are very good friends. i've been convinced from the beginning that it is a spiritually laden experience...demonic.

receiving this message is actually why i came out here to sciforums over a decade ago.

So in these messages, there must be a time frame. I mean those are somewhat specific in nature, so there has to be some kind of time referrence.

In our lifetimes perhaps ?
i've received messages that aliens will perpetuate the end times lie of the antichrist and the false prophet, and promote them to power, and the mark of the beast, which is a genetic manipulation causing the this corrupt flesh to not die (but will be destroyed by fire), and spiritual death (a complete severance from the holy spirit of god).

There have been many false prophets. We can find them today making predictions that never come to pass. People are still waiting for Jesus to return even after 2000 years. Its time to confront the originator of such prophecies.

the lie is that we can fix ourselves with knowledge (like the stuff that bishadi talks about), and rules. they become our saviours. and to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and to live forever, we have to take the mark. those who don't will be martyred. the aliens are the locusts that are described in the book of revelations, that will sting men like scorpions (paralyzed and disoriented). the book says that men will seek death in those days and not find it. this is why. i've known a woman for about a decade now who has described her abduction experiences to me in detail. we are very good friends. i've been convinced from the beginning that it is a spiritually laden experience...demonic.

receiving this message is actually why i came out here to sciforums over a decade ago.

That kind of stuff implies a bad attitude toward our fellow human beings and its using scare tactics. Plenty of people thought Hitler was the antichrist and WWII was the end of the world. Peoples assumptions turned out not to be true and so will those predictions you just listed.

Doom and gloom sells. Trust shouldn’t automatically be given. Instead trust should be earned. If you notice “it” demands trust without earning it.
there's no time frame, but telling events are substantiated all over the your eyes and ears for god's sake.

and the trust i have in my source has been earned and then some.
there's no time frame, but telling events are substantiated all over the your eyes and ears for god's sake.

and the trust i have in my source has been earned and then some.

I answer this with Earth's comments

There have been many false prophets. We can find them today making predictions that never come to pass. People are still waiting for Jesus to return even after 2000 years. Its time to confront the originator of such prophecies.

That kind of stuff implies a bad attitude toward our fellow human beings and its using scare tactics. Plenty of people thought Hitler was the antichrist and WWII was the end of the world. Peoples assumptions turned out not to be true and so will those predictions you just listed.

Doom and gloom sells. Trust shouldn’t automatically be given. Instead trust should be earned. If you notice “it” demands trust without earning it.
Hold on a second, so what makes 'it' God? We all take in new data all the time, and many people perceive new data differently. It sounds to me like you have experienced something unknown more then once and went with God as the explanation. Fair enough as long as you can see other possibilities as well..

Assumption is the reason people refer to "it" as God. No evidence whatsoever, just a reference or an association they've heard somewhere before. I haven't gone with God as an explanation. Technology fits much better than a deity.

Again, what makes 'it' God. Words, pictures, feelings, sensations, pain, etc.. are all things that everyone experiences everyday!
And even if you have specific experiences that you have been sent 'data', who is to say what the source of the data you recieved is indeed from God?

I need someone with experience to help you gain insight.

Well that is your opinion, and it has no basis. I look for anything that is possible, I don't pretend to know - I already know none of us know everything. I'm always looking for new knowledge though, you give my nothing more then percpectives and opinions, we all have different ones of those!?

I have a basis for my opinion through my experience. You have no basis and assume everybody is the same.

But religious percpectives are quite primative nowadays. Most logical people that do believe in religion have adapted their belief so it can fit with things now known. Most also know man wrote the books, not God.

Understood, the bible was written using hands.

Experience is one of many teachers. However experiences change when situations are different. We all experience different things and we perceive those experiences differently. Life is experience, and everyone is different from the next. Experience is obviously important, but there are many ways to experience. Our individual perceptions of our experiences are true to us, but the way we percieve things is not neccessarily true at all!

In a most vague way your thinking can be applied. Most experiences are specific occurrences. Getting shot in the leg by a bullet will be the same experience for everybody.

If it is true there will be proof of it one day. You saying you doubt there will be proof, is telling me sub-consciensly you doubt it is true. :)

I notice when people are putting words in my mouth. As though they know. The word "proof" came up and I said I doubt there will proof passing the rigorous tests of science. Meaning if any of you are expecting proof today then its not going to happen. Perhaps science can develop the techology to recognize "it" someday. That remains to be seen.

Oh so you don't think 'it' is God, 'it' was just pretending. Now I am kinda confused, lmao.

Faking is as an old a ploy as one can find. Something as inconsistent as the deities who are spoken about in old religious text indicate deceit.
there's no time frame, but telling events are substantiated all over the your eyes and ears for god's sake.

and the trust i have in my source has been earned and then some.

Lori, you must lay aside your pride. I know better. There have been instances where you know the data sent to you turned out to be incorrect. "It" always provides evidence to the individual it has been sending data, wherein, "it" knows you know you were mislead. That is to find out where you are going to stand with the infomation it has sent you. "It's" not dumb.

I have a basis for my opinion through my experience. You have no basis and assume everybody is the same.

So what is the basis for your opinion. Can you provide more specifics ?

Understood, the bible was written using hands.

But do you believe it is the word of god ?
It has been doing more than attempt. You tell me how long "it" has been sending data to peoples brains.

I don't know, I asked you.

If it has been sending data, then maybe they aren't all bad. Maybe the data sent has been of value in some ways.

Are you claiming they are evil ? Are you claiming they or it is responsible for why people believe in god(s) ?
Lori, you must lay aside your pride. I know better. There have been instances where you know the data sent to you turned out to be incorrect. "It" always provides evidence to the individual it has been sending data, wherein, "it" knows you know you were mislead. That is to find out where you are going to stand with the infomation it has sent you. "It's" not dumb.

wtf are you talking about?

listen people,

i don't give a rat's ass if you believe what i'm saying. this is a MESSAGE. it's not an interpretation and it's not an opinion. why the fuck does everyone around here think it's so god damned important for them to agree? why does everyone jump at the chance to pass some unqualified opinion or judgement?

don't believe my message. don't believe i received one. i don't give a fuck. but when the shit goes down, maybe the sciforums archives will still remain.

and you can eat my words while you're pissing your pants.
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wtf are you talking about?

listen people,

i don't give a rat's ass if you believe what i'm saying. this is a MESSAGE. it's not an interpretation and it's not an opinion. why the fuck does everyone around here thing it's so god damned important for them to agree? why does everyone jump at the chance to pass some unqualified opinion or judgement?

don't believe my message. don't believe i received one. i don't give a fuck. but when the shit goes down, maybe the sciforums archives will still remain.

and you can eat my words while you're pissing your pants.

It appears you have received a message that did not need interpretation.

So when is the crap going to hit the fan ?
It appears you have received a message that did not need interpretation.

So when is the crap going to hit the fan ?

Maybe the crap will hit the fan in December 2012 if one believes an extinct civilization that couldn’t predict its own demise.
i don't know, and i don't care.

I thought you loved everyone Lori.

How can you not care ?

Don't you feel we are worth it. Saving that is. I guess the problem is that if it's god's will there isn't anything your or I could do about it anyway and there isn't any reason for a warning is there.

But I thought if you got a specific message that you would let me know so that I can make sure I go on vacation and see as much as I can and I won't worry about the plane crashing anymore.