Reporting on Gods Visit

You're on the right track. Sensations and feelings can also accompany the pictures transmitted to your brain for your mind to recognize.

most of the time i get messages with no pictures.

i've also experienced interactions with spirits, and channeled transcendental writings.

i've also witnessed some type of telekenisis going on around me. well, for lack of a better term. i witnessed a spirit, or spirits, manipulate physical objects around me. that was weird.
well, it does keep them from taking my testimony seriously.

Try to examine the functioning of "it". Question how the information or pictures you recieve is getting inside your head allowing for your recoginition of "it".
I know scripture if that is your intent. Scripture has been interpreted differently by individuals claiming to have some sort of insight. All interpretations are questionable.

Let me put it another way.

Are you a christian or muslim or other. Do you believe the religious text you follow is the word of god ?

Or do you not believe any religious text is the word of god ?
most of the time i get messages with no pictures.

i've also experienced interactions with spirits, and channeled transcendental writings.

i've also witnessed some type of telekenisis going on around me. well, for lack of a better term. i witnessed a spirit, or spirits, manipulate physical objects around me. that was weird.

On Ghost hunters I watched "it" lift a brick up off the ground and throw it.
i've also witnessed some type of telekenisis going on around me. well, for lack of a better term. i witnessed a spirit, or spirits, manipulate physical objects around me. that was weird.

yeah that can happen quite often.
the spirit beings teleport in from the other side

they have to phase into the matter barrier then they can trans mutate into this realm.
Then through Thought form projection they can move things here. it's a pretty weak force though.
I'd like to hear Earth and Lori's perceptions of the following:

If God's a part of everything, he can never be whole again until everything is back into one.

If God exists, he can't be seen or understood, because he can't be whole while other life still exists. I can't imagine God being able to hold conversations with us, but I suppose many unbelievable things are possible until proven false. Although I see no proof that he does ;).
If God is real, he would be so much bigger than us, how could we comprehand his voice? We can't have conversations with insects that I'm aware of, and I imagine we'd be even smaller than insects, we are just molecules in 'Gods' world!
If God is real, and he does speak, I doubt we could understand his language! Do molecules understand English? Same idea to me ;).

But whether God is real or not, and what he/she/it is either way, the possibilities of multi universes still exist with multiple dimensions, and it might get even bigger then that! Our universes begining might just be a small part of a bigger singularity that once was a small part of an even bigger singularity, etc... The begining of it all might be 'God'!

God has nothing to do with religion, that was mans perceptions.

But if you perceive things that others don't, how do you know it is 'God'? Could it just be something else, what other possibile explanations fit - why only pick one, when it is unknown?
Do you believe so strongly that you are unwilling to look at other possibilities?
Much remains unknown, why should I believe others know what is unknown, without proof?

And even if you do have experiences and/or conversations with a greater being, is it not possible that that greater being is something other than 'God'?
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Let me put it another way.

Are you a christian or muslim or other. Do you believe the religious text you follow is the word of god ?

Or do you not believe any religious text is the word of god ?

The word of God is data transmitted to folks brains for their minds to recognize. Questions arising from the data being transmitted are not answered. The word of God is an interpretation by the individual receiving the data and the interpretation is not an absolute. I am not a christian or muslim.

but I suppose many unbelievable things are possible until proven false

Yes but it is not the burden of those who are claiming something does not exist to prove it does not.

You can't prove something does not exist.

But if you perceive things that others don't, how do you know it is 'God'? Could it just be something else, what other possibile explanations fit - why only pick one, when it is unknown?

Which is my only real issue with what Lori has presented. She keeps referring to the bible, I am claiming to her that if the bible is bunk then who's god or what god is contacting her. Is it a god at all ?
The word of God is data transmitted to folks brains for their minds to recognize. Questions arising from the data being transmitted are not answered. The word of God is an interpretation by the individual receiving the data and the interpretation is not an absolute. I am not a christian or muslim.

good definition :bravo:
The word of God is data transmitted to folks brains for their minds to recognize. Questions arising from the data being transmitted are not answered. The word of God is an interpretation by the individual receiving the data and the interpretation is not an absolute. I am not a christian or muslim.

Ok, so if you are not religious and don't follow any religions concept of what god is how do you know it is god ?

How do you know others are receiving this data ?
Ok, so if you are not religious and don't follow any religions concept of what god is how do you know it is god ?

How do you know others are receiving this data ?

That is my meaning when I said I can't go much farther with this unless somebody experiencing "extrodinary" events relating to this thread, participate.
That is my meaning when I said I can't go much farther with this unless somebody experiencing "extrodinary" events relating to this thread, participate.


Tell us what your extrodinary events were.

Tell us how you know this is god and not something else.
I'd like to hear Earth and Lori's perceptions of the following:
If God's a part of everything, he can never be whole again until everything is back into one. If God exists, he can't be seen or understood, because he can't be whole while other life still exists. I can't imagine God being able to hold conversations with us, but I suppose many unbelievable things are possible until proven false. Although I see no proof that he does ;).

This is a misconception. There is no actual conversing, unlike a cell phone conversation. Data is sent by "it" but questions concerning the data sent are rarely answered.

If God is real, he would be so much bigger than us, how could we comprehand his voice? We can't have conversations with insects that I'm aware of, and I imagine we'd be even smaller than insects, we are just molecules in 'Gods' world!
If God is real, and he does speak, I doubt we could understand his language! Do molecules understand English? Same idea to me ;)

Our neural code working in our brains has been deciphered. Words, pictures, feeling, sensations and also pain are all available to be manipulated through the data being sent by “it”.

But whether God is real or not, and what he/she/it is either way, the possibilities of multi universes still exist with multiple dimensions, and it might get even bigger then that! Our universes begining might just be a small part of a bigger singularity that once was a small part of an even bigger singularity, etc... The begining of it all might be 'God'!

Thinking technology will lend a better understanding of “it”. Origninating from a different demension or universe is mostly likely not the case.

God has nothing to do with religion, that was mans perceptions.

"It" is certainly involved in prompting religious perceptions.

But if you perceive things that others don't, how do you know it is 'God'? Could it just be something else, what other possibile explanations fit - why only pick one, when it is unknown?

Experience is the best teacher. Without experience one has no reference or association in gaining understanding. Examination of my experiences has given me some insight.

Do you believe so strongly that you are unwilling to look at other possibilities?
Much remains unknown, why should I believe others know what is unknown, without proof?

I doubt there is going to be proof. You know, something passing the rigorous test of science.

And even if you do have experiences and/or conversations with a greater being, is it not possible that that greater being is something other than 'God'?

Well, at first "it" was pretending to be God, but when I confronted "it" with known inconsistencies then "it" changed its tactics.
You like the word extrodinary, I didn't think the word applies, actually .

You are good at avoiding questions but not so good at answering them.

Let me try again,

Tell us what your out of this world events were.

Tell us how you know this is god and not something else.
Well, at first "it" was pretending to be God, but when I confronted "it" with known inconsistencies then "it" changed its tactics.

So here you are saying that it might not be god. So if not then what is "it" ?

Not asking for proof because I know that you can't offer any. But what do you think "it" is.
So here you are saying that it might not be god. So if not then what is "it" ?

Not asking for proof because I know that you can't offer any. But what do you think "it" is.

IMO, it is an alien hacking machine, hacking into peoples brains like a hacker hacking into a computer.
You are good at avoiding questions but not so good at answering them.

Let me try again,

Tell us what your out of this world events were.

Tell us how you know this is god and not something else.

I have the experience to question other people stating they have experience involving "it". If you had any experiences then you could participate.
IMO, it is an alien hacking machine, hacking into peoples brains like a hacker hacking into a computer.

Does it offer any specific message ?

Does it give any instructions ?

You said it doesn't answer any queries, but if there is a message what is it ?

You obviously believe in alien contact then, is this the only type of experience you have from them or it or are there other types ?