
And for the record, SAM, the people doing the most against theists are other theists. Moron. That's why your kind want to kill off the Jews. And why Christians want your kind burned alive in your caves. You theists can't coexist, so you kill each other.

Want me to pull out the mega mega democides of this century?:rolleyes:

Atheists can't even build a society that is viable let alone improve on one.
SAM, a moderator, is ducking my questions.

That's some class, SAM.

I hereby start the petition to de-mod her. I'll find the proper forum and begin it there.
Yes, that's the spirit. I have no idea how anyone would do that, except for writing books. I'm not really all that concerned about it, theism will disappear eventually on it's own.
Yeah right. Read any history, ever?

Sam, it is painfully clear that I am far more well-read than you, made evident by your next idiocy and the many more that came before:

It always starts by wanting to eradicate the ideology and ends with eradicating the idealogist. Atheists should know better, thats been the basis of their persecution. Saving them, its called.
Sam, it is painfully clear that I am far more well-read than you, made evident by your next idiocy and the many more that came before:

So you agree with the Christian philosophy of hate homosexuality but love the homosexual?

Is it possible to do that?
You're just so stupid, Sam. Hilarious.

Is it possible? Can you have a desire to eliminate all athiesm and still claim to love atheists?

If someone told you atheism is a plague and should be wiped out from the earth, would you believe that person had your best interests at heart?
Is it possible? Can you have a desire to eliminate all athiesm and still claim to love atheists?

If someone told you atheism is a plague and should be wiped out from the earth, would you believe that person had your best interests at heart?

You're such a deluded idiot, Sam. You're indoctrinated into a medieval cult. You believe the moon was split in half. You believe angels talk to people. You believe that once we're dead, we suddenly "awaken." You believe in ancient myths and superstitions that enslave mankind and you have the gall to ask about "best interests."

Is it in your best interest to remain a deluded idiot, Sam? Can you honestly wake up each day, look at yourself in the mirror and state emphatically that you believe in such things?
You did not answer me, if you met someone who told you that atheism is a plague that needs to be wiped out from the earth, would this be a person you counted on as having your best interests at heart?
How difficult is it to agree to a philosophy you endorse?

There are many thiests who believe in saving homosexuals and atheists from themselves. Do you endorse this?
You did not answer me

HA! That's rich.

if you met someone who told you that atheism is a plague that needs to be wiped out from the earth, would this be a person you counted on as having your best interests at heart?

So, you're saying that we NEED to have myths and superstitions ruling our lives? Ignorance, submission, hatred, bigotry, violence and slavery MUST be mankinds destiny?

How utterly ridiculous.
So you agree then we do not NEED to have perverted sexual practices and kuffar polluting our society? Men loving men [Hey Ram!] and infidels corrupting society and lacking MORALS!!!!

How utterly butterly ridiculous. :p
So you agree then we do not NEED to have perverted sexual practices and kuffar polluting our society? Men loving men [Hey Ram!] and infidels corrupting society and lacking MORALS!!!!

And, there is the indoctrinated theist in a 'nut'shell. :roflmao: