
Did the movie touch on the possibility of raising a few generations of children as they were born? I mean uncorrupted.
Yup I do. And atheism is an opinion. :)

One definition of atheism can indeed be construed as an opinion. However, when it boils down to the basics, the absence of a belief in a god is also a (broad) definition of atheism.

Good old semantics rears its head again.
Absence of belief needs a rock for a brain. Or a lack of concept formation skills.
Absence of belief needs a rock for a brain. Or a lack of concept formation skills.

Which one of these do you think that a baby possesses?

Which one of your own necessities of the 'absence of a belief' most equate to 'a lack of understanding of a (religious) concept'?

I think this is what one might call "check and mate".
SAM said:
That can be said for theists as well.
As a point of fact, it is easily possible that theists taken as a whole have no ideological stance in common. So?
SAM said:
Thats nonsense. Show me a society without religion.
Theism, SAM - the topic was theism, Deity, etc. Not religion. I realize this is a problem for you, but the confusion is so easily avoidable in print - - - -
SAM said:
Absence of belief needs a rock for a brain. Or a lack of concept formation skills.
Depends on the belief. There are some beliefs -and kinds of beliefs - whose presence, rather than absence, indicates a deficit or glitch in the concept formation skill area.
As a point of fact, it is easily possible that theists taken as a whole have no ideological stance in common. So?
Theism, SAM - the topic was theism, Deity, etc. Not religion. I realize this is a problem for you, but the confusion is so easily avoidable in print - - - -
Depends on the belief. There are some beliefs -and kinds of beliefs - whose presence, rather than absence, indicates a deficit or glitch in the concept formation skill area.

Like I said, redefining outliers as means. :p
SAM, does your brain just turn to mush when you discuss faith? You honestly believe children are born with religion? If that was the case, why are they born as different religions? What, is it in the water? How come a baby can be born to Catholic folks in my house, but Jewish folks next door?

You mean the parents pass on their religious beliefs to their children in utero? Are you seriously implying that?
No I believe people are naturally born atheist. Which is why since time immemorial, atheism has been the basis of human society.
No idea, but atheists always seem to think they can make a better one if only they get rid of the theists. :rolleyes:
No idea, but atheists always seem to think they can make a better one if only they get rid of the theists. :rolleyes:

That is a lie, and you have been told time and again it has nothing to do with good people who are enslaved by an ideology. It is the ideology that must be eradicated, not the people, foolish one.
Yeah right. Read any history, ever? It always starts by wanting to eradicate the ideology and ends with eradicating the idealogist. Atheists should know better, thats been the basis of their persecution. Saving them, its called.
No I believe people are naturally born atheist. Which is why since time immemorial, atheism has been the basis of human society.

OK, so you've met your sarcasm quota. Would you like to now actually answer my question? Or is this the trick you pull when you've been stumped?

That's what I thought, idiot.
And for the record, SAM, the people doing the most against theists are other theists. Moron. That's why your kind want to kill off the Jews. And why Christians want your kind burned alive in your caves. You theists can't coexist, so you kill each other.