
There are many thiests who believe in saving homosexuals and atheists from themselves. Do you endorse this?

Of course not. But I have logical reasons for not endorsing it. Such as the fact that there is nothing to save them from.
Because you know you are right, eh? Take a number, fella and get in line.

My opinion is based on evidence. Yours is based on a 2000-year-old book written halfway around the world by people that couldn't have imagined the world as it is today. I think mine is more correct.
My opinion is based on evidence. Yours is based on a 2000-year-old book written halfway around the world by people that couldn't have imagined the world as it is today. I think mine is more correct.

So yours is based on [a] book you believe. Someone elses on a book they believe. :shrug:
So yours is based on [a] book you believe. Someone elses on a book they believe.

Ah yes, the argument from ignorance, well done.

Two people bearing books offer to demonstrate their "beliefs" in such books.

The first demonstrates from a book on microbiology how viruses co-evolve with their hosts based on hard evidence.

The second demonstrates from a book of scriptures their gods based on ...

Gee Sam, it looks like you need to take it from here.
You make the mistake of thinking athiest=scientiific. Irrationality is thinking you can wipe out theism and hug theists.
You make the mistake of thinking athiest=scientiific. Irrationality is thinking you can wipe out theism and hug theists.

You simply make mistakes, all the time.

I would agree that ridding the world of superstition and myth as a reality will be no easy feat. It will happen, nonetheless, Sam. Your medieval cult rituals will be laughed at by future generations. It's too bad we won't both be here to see it. :)
You simply make mistakes, all the time.

I would agree that ridding the world of superstition and myth as a reality will be no easy feat. It will happen, nonetheless, Sam. Your medieval cult rituals will be laughed at by future generations. It's too bad we won't both be here to see it. :)

Atheism is incompatible with society, if the medieval cult rituals have disappeared, it would probably mean that mankind is extinct.
I saw the movie. What a surprise, full of fabrications and sleight of hand editing to conform to Mahler's bias.

And this guy is supposed to be funny?

Did you pay to see the movie? If you did, then you're no better than the atheists who made it.

Of course I saw it. What a surprise, he projected Irans holocaust conference and the Orthodox Jews non-acceptance of the establishment of the zionist state as evidence of "irrationality"

Apparently not accepting something based on dogma and refusing to recognise a colonial occupation of native peoples constitute irrational behaviour :rolleyes:
So, you paid to see a movie whose ideas you believe are dangerous and irrational. Guess what those funds are used for, Sam? Making more movies like it.

So being ignorant about it would be better? I don't think so. If I did not see it, I could not argue against it. Anyway it was very obvious that his knowledge of Islam is nil. And his viewpoints are all those of typical western atheists who support zionism.
Not watching the film is the only solution. If people don't watch his movies, he doesn't make any money. Therefore, the movies stop. You're putting your money into the hands of people who hate your religion, and support your enemies.

No, I simply refuse to give my hard-earned money to atheists who mock my religion, and support nations (Israel) which oppress my people.

You see things differently.

