SAM said:
No which is why they massacred the natives to replace them with a "perfect society". This is typical of areligious figures who see anyone who is different as a threat to their social system.
Once again, it is time to point out that the evils you disparage in the US are closely connected with the religious factions in the US, that colonialism and its various evils were strongly religious in justification and execution, that the religion involved was theistic, and that the less theistic factions of the US have been less involved in these horrors, on average.
Most of the NA Reds that vanished died of disease and tribal war without ever meeting a White, btw. But many were killed by whites and there were several significant massacres as well as battles.
The NA Reds were not massacred to replace them with any kind of areligious society. They were more often massacred because they were heathen, therefore inferior, and a threat to white theists and their "civilization".
The early encounters between NA whites and reds involved many areligious whites, who often married and socialized and lived among the reds without abnormal strife.
The history of the US is full of religious groups seeing anyone different as either a threat or an inferior suitable for servitude. The religions of the US send missionaries, and the missionaries from US religions are often well armed. The Wounded Knee massacre, for example, was in two parts - the first was commanded by a West Point graduate (therefore a theist, then, as US military academies were and are strongly theistic) the second, more of an actual battle, happened the next day at the site of the Drexel Mission (theistic evangelical establishment) which the Lakota involved had burned down - recognizing it as an enemy establishment.
But all of that of course begs the question: say religion is necessary for decent human life - why is nonsense necessary for religion ?
SAM said:
You can say that, but I don't see any society that has been established by atheists. Why do you suppose that is?
The US was established by areligious people - they'd not fit anyone's definition of "theist" today. By established I mean the most significant of the people who made it up and gave it its structure. Many of the Red societies of NA, as well as the Yellow societies of China et al, are atheistic in the record - hard to say how they were "established", prehistory. You appear to be singularly and conveniently blind - or muddling religion and theism, for the umpteenth time.