Religious Intolerance

Yeah, I find the presumption of knowledge and ability in a proud atheist who condescends to "tolerate" my beliefs as patronising. I on the other hand, do not think that you being "permitted" to live as a gay atheist in a mostly Christian society is a favour bestowed upon you.
I mean, I get what you're saying, it just doesn't make sense. I read the words, I and I understand your message but it just seems far too... illogical (and judgemental).
What seems judgmental? That you are permitted to live as a gay atheist in a mostly Christian society? That its a favour and not your right?

Today, in a semi-public place, a man said to others there that he was working on getting me to go to church. When I didn't respond, he told me not to patronize him.
I'm not asking anyone to respect someone else's belief, I'm saying to respect the person REGARDLESS of belief.
no can do,
unless their religion teaches to accept,respect and love everyone else even atheists,agnostics wicca believers non believers etc..they cant be trusted
If Naseen Kumar Mohammed from Jordan believes in the Qur'an and decides to go out and blow himself up, taking other human life, after being influenced by his clergymen then that is a negative action purely put into action by man with influence from men.
thnx for proving my point about evils of religion and how it can be used to control the feeble minded..
is there any atheist book that promotes such evil behavior?
didnt think so
Yes, various scriptures teach both positive and negative behavior. But it is PURELY up to the believer which path he chooses within that belief structure; a postive, neutral or negative stance which will then define the result of his actions.
thats BS,,
believers must blindly obey whatever they are told,no choice there.
if you aint with us you are enemy is what they are told..people like SAM being the fine example
thats why there were and still are so many religious wars and conflicts!
god doesn't denigrate people for their gender or sexuality.

Is the bible the inspired word of God, or not? Because Leviticus has something to say about homosexuality, and it's not positive.

but some religious people do.

Well, here we agree, but that's because I think the bibles are works of man made fiction which underline human intolerances, fear, and hatred.

and no, he's not for that.

God told me you speak to the Devil, so you couldn't know that.