Religious Intolerance

Is the bible the inspired word of God, or not? Because Leviticus has something to say about homosexuality, and it's not positive.

Well, here we agree, but that's because I think the bibles are works of man made fiction which underline human intolerances, fear, and hatred.

God told me you speak to the Devil, so you couldn't know that.

First of all, this rhetoric that you offer is contributing nothing to the conversation besides an obvious display of your intentions, which you may want to examine.

Secondly, I have no idea what was going on in the lives, hearts and minds of men who lived who lived 1000's of years ago and neither do you. What I do know is that god has used the bible among many other things to teach me and develop me in regards to my own life. Lots of religious people are not interested in that, but seek to use the scriptures to satisfy an egocentric and hateful agenda, just like you do.

Thirdly, and in regards to homosexuality, one of my dearest and closest friends is a diehard lesbian, and she has a relationship with god that has not been fostered by religion, but by personal and spiritual interactions like those that I've testified to myself.

She hates men. And when I say that to her she says she does not, she just doesn't want to have sex with them. When I ask why she says its because they're gross. And I say that there indeed are men who are gross but its not because they're men, just as there are women who are gross but its not because they're women. In her case its a discrimination based on one very specific physical characteristic which is gender. Not in regards to masculinity or femininity either, as the women she's attracted to tend to be very masculine in other characteristics. Currently, her wife is a female body builder. So with her she draws a line at a specific physical god given trait, which is the sex organ. Just as if I were to draw that line at a god given physical trait like the amount of melanin a person may have in their skin or the color of their eyes or hair. If I were to do that I would consider myself a racist. I consider her to be a genderist.
It is. I'm perfectly okay with you holding on to your beliefs as long as it causes me no harm.

So, when your beliefs cause me harm, am I allowed to not be ok with you holding on to your beliefs?
First of all, this rhetoric that you offer is contributing nothing to the conversation

Contributes nothing? That's only because you are incapable of giving a straight answer to a straight question, and always obfuscate and excuse.

besides an obvious display of your intentions, which you may want to examine.

I like debunking bullshit. That is my intention. Whether it's religion, or alien abductions, it's all bullshit.

Secondly, I have no idea what was going on in the lives, hearts and minds of men who lived who lived 1000's of years ago

Even though it's written down in history books?

What I do know is that god has used the bible

So is the Bible the inspired word of God? to use the scriptures to satisfy an egocentric and hateful agenda, just like you do.

Challenging your dogma is hateful? By that measure, you must think Jews hateful, because they deny Jesus was the messiah. Do you?

Thirdly, and in regards to homosexuality, one of my dearest and closest friends is a diehard lesbian, and she has a relationship with god that has not been fostered by religion, but by personal and spiritual interactions like those that I've testified to myself.

Meet her at a therapy session, did you?

She hates men. .

Hating people and believing in God are not exclusive. Hating people and pretending to be a Christian are however.
I'm still not getting it.

It's patronising to take the attitude that you are "permitting" others to believe however they wish.
When it's actually a right that people have, inherently, whether you want them to or not.