Religious Intolerance

1. Religions tend to command certain actions in response to certain circumstances. Killing your children if they disrespect you, for instance. They are not neutral. They use the fear of eternal torture to get people to conform. In many circumstances, religious rules are enforced by the laws of the land like Sharia. In the US, it's true that there is no particular compulsion (unless you are a minor) to participate in religious practices.

2. I'm not all that tolerant of religious ideas, but I am tolerant of religious people. I recognize the danger isn't exactly immediate, so it's not like it's necessary to arrest religious people or take away their rights. It's a long term struggle. My weapon is only words.

Words are a mighty weapon. Moreso than we're taught in our institutions. SCREW RELIGION! Some people treat this as a mental exercise, following rules. You don't need anybody else for this because from what I know, its all about introspection. Its like sombody following you around 24/7 sticking a mirror in your face. And I'm not just talking about physical appearance but the deep down stuff you probably don't want to look at (or maybe you do).
If it can't be defined, of course it's not an idea. It's not anything.

That is so profoundly arrogant. You can't even define yourself and the physical world around you entirely. That is proven by science.

Shaggy staggering strawman.
You said it can't be defined. Now you speak of something not being defined ENTIRELY.
You seem to arrogantly think you can define me.
Shaggy staggering strawman.
You said it can't be defined. Now you speak of something not being defined ENTIRELY.
You seem to arrogantly think you can define me.

Would you people stop with the straw speak? Dear god. From now on for every straw person stuffed I'm going to say something irritating like "jesus loves you" or a "hail mary".

What I'm saying is that I can't define you so why shut that door?

I'm preachin' now baby. Everybody feel the holy spirit in this house tonight?!
I find most atheists that take a very militant stand against theists' beliefs without even realizing that they themselves are acting in the same manner as they're self-proclaimed enemy. Many atheists complain about the small-mindedness of fundamentalist theists yet they themselves are in the same catagory of fundamentalism.

OK, so what this is all about, is that you don't understand the meaning to two words;



I, myself, am an atheist and I do take pride in my knowledge and rationality; being able to distinct fact from fiction.

What knowledge and rationality? Didn't you fight in Bush's war in Iraq? Where is the evidence that you can distinguish fact from fiction?
So many questions and only one answer. It is my personal opinion that most of the people in this discussion aren't seeing the bigger picture of the message in my original post. I'm not asking anyone to respect someone else's belief, I'm saying to respect the person REGARDLESS of belief.

The claimed religion, or lack of, as it pertains to any man or men is purely their choice of belief. Idea's or beliefs are not threatening in any aspect, ACTING on some of them can be! That is why religion is in fact a neutral concept. It becomes positive or negative when people act on behalf of religious belief. If Naseen Kumar Mohammed from Jordan believes in the Qur'an and decides to go out and blow himself up, taking other human life, after being influenced by his clergymen then that is a negative action purely put into action by man with influence from men. However, if he chooses not to do so and instead goes on with the rest of his life giving and being compassionate and generous, then that his is choice as well. Having free will as most all forms of life do, we have the power to choose and manipulate different perspectives and ideas, even if not intentional. The basic foundation of religion (scriptures) is a neutral concept! They are merely words written in books.

Yes, various scriptures teach both positive and negative behavior. But it is PURELY up to the believer which path he chooses within that belief structure; a postive, neutral or negative stance which will then define the result of his actions.

If I were to play Grand Theft Auto for years and then decide to follow the main concept in the game which is violence and go out and shoot people and run them over with cars, is the game to blame or the player?

If I were to listen to a heavy metal band and then show up at some school and start shooting people because it suggests to do so in the song, is that the fault of the music or the listener?
I find that far too many people ...

I find a desire for tolerance must also be balanced by the realization that truth matters and people pretending their fantasy gods must be "respected" are dragging down the whole of humanity.