Religion vs. Thought

Taken, the demonized, is shaking dust off her sandals?
What is the problem?
You can't actually stand the sight of scripture, can you?
Re: Triple Standards of the 'lost'

Originally posted by tiassa
I'll remind you, Sir Loone, to take it up with Tony1, who insists that nobody burns forever. In the meantime, what is the purpose of employing an argumentative point that is invalid even as an inquiry? I'm getting sick and tired of these Christians who can't even agree on what it is God orders them to believe before telling us all we have to believe it, too.

I mean, what? You all sound like a gaggle of stoned geese.

Onward! Chrisitan soldiers. Just agree on your battle plan for once. Then it isn't so farcical.

--Tiassa :cool:

Hi, Tiassa! The unbelievers on this forum sounds as worse to me, although you have far less grounds against the 'ultimate truth' of God's Holy Word!:D I don't know what is going between 'Tony1' and 'Taken', but I mind myself, and love them both as brothers in Christ! We are not perfect, but my Lord (Jesus) is, and I say:D that; about Hell, the Bible means what It says, and shall never change! Hell is forever, with no end! We mortals have no real concept of ETERNITY, and it is too final for humans to go there, but already--sorry to say, but...MULTI-BILLIONS have already gone there! But GOD does not want any to parish! All it would take now is a simple, solemn, turning to Jesus the Christ the Son of the 'Living God!' To have a totle renovation of the soul and 'spirit' of one that come to Jesus!

We mortals have no real concept of ETERNITY, and it is too final for humans to go there, but already--sorry to say, but...MULTI-BILLIONS have already gone there!
I'd say you don't have to be sorry, but as you're Christian, I get what you mean. In that vein, I'd say the biggest difference people have with an idea like the above is what that eternity means. Not in terms of the time and so forth, but what it means in practical terms. To achieve a Heaven or Summerland or other such Paradise would be a cool thing. To achieve a Hell seems like a bad thing. But there is also the possibility that there really is nothing there. In that sense, Hell becomes not so much a good thing as it does not a bad thing. I always tell people that I don't recommend anyone imitating my method of living, but at the same time I wouldn't trade it for anything. Why? Because, for all the BS that comes along this path, frankly, the flowers are amazing. I simply mean that for all the pain one perceives as a human being, their happiness is just as unique. When I'm content in the Universe, I am as unique as any other event. When I'm not, there's a good deal that can be generalized about my state of being. But the thing is that those moments of being are me. On the one hand, in Hell I might think it better to be than not to be; to the other, to simply not be ... well, I wouldn't mind, would I?

At the metaphysical level, I agree with the cited statement--with the obvious exception of "sorry", as noted, but ...--and truly think that the difference 'twixt how so many of us see the world is what we think that eternity equals. It changes all priorities.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by tony1
*Originally posted by Teg
And what does your religion deal with, the anti-natural?

The anti-natural, the supernatural and the natural.

Supernatural and the Natural! Correct! The Bible is about people and their Creator GOD, Creation, and redemption of men to God. :)

*But then I must agree, science is sufficiently explanatory.*

You must not want to know much.

*Religion is just another outlet of hate. *

That's why Christianity is much better.
It is the outlet for love.

Amen Tony1! We are not like unto Al-Quieda, or the Telliban, or Moslem teachings! Our Faith is centered on LOVE, and JESUS teaches us to love our enemies, not to hate are to kill because someone is different 'faith' or belief! But to love them! Our Faith in the Lord Jesus is SUPERIOR to all others, the Judeo-Christian Faith we have a personal relation ship with Jesus the Son of God Almighty, and He (Jesus) is "GOD with us!" Our Faith is an "outlet for love!" Not hate!:D
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Re: Eternity!

Originally posted by tiassa
I'd say you don't have to be sorry, but as you're Christian, I get what you mean. In that vein, I'd say the biggest difference people have with an idea like the above is what that eternity means. Not in terms of the time and so forth, but what it means in practical terms. To achieve a Heaven or Summerland or other such Paradise would be a cool thing. To achieve a Hell seems like a bad thing. But there is also the possibility that there really is nothing there. In that sense, Hell becomes not so much a good thing as it does not a bad thing. I always tell people that I don't recommend anyone imitating my method of living, but at the same time I wouldn't trade it for anything. Why? Because, for all the BS that comes along this path, frankly, the flowers are amazing. I simply mean that for all the pain one perceives as a human being, their happiness is just as unique. When I'm content in the Universe, I am as unique as any other event. When I'm not, there's a good deal that can be generalized about my state of being. But the thing is that those moments of being are me. On the one hand, in Hell I might think it better to be than not to be; to the other, to simply not be ... well, I wouldn't mind, would I?

At the metaphysical level, I agree with the cited statement--with the obvious exception of "sorry", as noted, but ...--and truly think that the difference 'twixt how so many of us see the world is what we think that eternity equals. It changes all priorities.

Tiassa :cool:

Don't forget that you can never really make your own reality!

Eternal punishment was originally for Satan the Devil and his angels (demons) not men (human-race). {Devil and demons}they live forever, and man has a soul and spirit that will live forever! And a Holy God, even though He is 'Love', must put all sin in it's place from before Him forever!

JESUS" is the way the truth and the life, (life to live) no man comes unto the Father but buy Him."

There ways that seems right unto a man, but the end there of is the way of Judgment ! "Death." But Jesus saves!
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Sir. Loone ...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for my chuckle of the day!

"... no man comes unto the Father but buy Him."

Take care. :D :D :D

Religion vs thought was the name of this thread, instead it has become "thought vs idiotic thought"

You guys base your religions without evidence or proof!

What makes all other religions wrong, and only christianity right?
Everyohter religion thinks that thiers is the true religion.

The bible is not evidence of an existence of a supernatural.

What the hell is "supernatural?" above nature, above existence, above of non-existence?

What christianity and you guys have is a superdream!!.

The false lie of living after death!. A utopia in another existence, you claim that we don't know reality, however it souds that you guys' reality is made of wishfull thinking!!.
Re: Eternity

*Originally posted by tiassa
To achieve a Hell seems like a bad thing.

Actually, to "achieve" hell would be very ordinary, hell being the grave.
Even if you are thinking of cartoon hell, it would be far from bad, being quite amazing.
Imagine being in cartoon hell, wondering how the flames are failing to burn you.
One would be tempted to think of himself as rather tough, like Superman.
Even the pain in a place like that would be rather unusual, if there were any.
Ordinarily, pain results from destruction, but cartoon hell pain would have to be very special, appearing for no reason at all, since the flames aren't actually destroying anything.

*But there is also the possibility that there really is nothing there.*

Smoke and ashes.

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
(Psalms 37:20, KJV).

*It changes all priorities.*

It should.
Since there is no eternal non-burning flame scenario, one is expected to be an adult and do the right thing, or one can be a perpetual child and be destroyed.

*Originally posted by Godless
Religion vs thought was the name of this thread, instead it has become "thought vs idiotic thought"

It has, so why did you bring idiotic thought into a thread that was doing so well?

*What makes all other religions wrong, and only christianity right?
Everyohter religion thinks that thiers is the true religion.

Thinking that is what makes all the other religions wrong.

*The bible is not evidence of an existence of a supernatural.*

Yes, it is.
Haven't you noticed that is what the Bible is mostly concerned with?
Actually Tony!

The one who makes a fool of himself here is you!

And as usual you evade the point or questions.

What is supernatural?

How does a book written by MEN prove it's existence?

What makes christianity right, & all other religions wrong?

Prove god?

You seem to think your god's lawyer, or right hand man yet if we were to put you in a court, and ask to prove the existence of this entity what would you do? point to a book written apx. 2000 yrs ago, and say here's your proof?

You would, of course we know that, however can you prove it, can you actually prove the existence of god even though that book was written by men?

Were does god come from, and who made him? a him, why not a her?

Why do you need to anthromorphesize god?.

Every explanation given about this entity always points to the negative. He's not man, He's uncomprhencible etc..:confused:

Why is it that we never get real answers from tony, are you so vaque?.
Re: Actually Tony!

*Originally posted by Godless
The one who makes a fool of himself here is you!

Thanks for sharing that.

*What is supernatural?*

That which is above the natural.

*How does a book written by MEN prove it's existence?*

Not everyone is as dense as you, nothing personal.
People have been talking and writing about the supernatural for thousands of years.
Not only that, millions of people experience the supernatural in their lives.

*What makes christianity right, & all other religions wrong?*

Christianity is light and all the other religions are darkness.

*You seem to think your god's lawyer, or right hand man yet if we were to put you in a court, and ask to prove the existence of this entity what would you do? point to a book written apx. 2000 yrs ago, and say here's your proof?*

All it takes in court is to have a sealed, attested document.

*Were does god come from, and who made him? a him, why not a her?*

God is, God did not become.
Nobody made him, so a her makes no sense.
Besides, God is our Father, so that rules out "her."

*Why do you need to anthromorphesize god?*

I don't.

*Every explanation given about this entity always points to the negative. He's not man, He's uncomprhencible etc*

God is.

*Why is it that we never get real answers from tony, are you so vaque?. *

No, it's just that you refuse to understand.
I do understand Tony1.

Explain above nature?. Do you understand that to claim anything above nature is a metaphysical imposibility?

*Not everyone is as dense as you, nothing personal.
People have been talking and writing about the supernatural for thousands of years.
Not only that, millions of people experience the supernatural in their lives.*

People have been wrong for thousands of years Tony1, it's called ignorance, apparently coming from the rationalizations of religious thought. The earth is flat, the earth is the middle of the universe, the earth is apx 6000 yrs old, however with science and dismissing the rationalizations of the church people were able to learn about their envioroment other than just rationalize. Do you recall reading about the "Dark Ages?" Why do you suppose they called it the Dark Ages?. Why do we call the Renaissance the "Age of Enlightment?"

The millions of people that experience the supernatural in their lives, are those lonely pour souls who also see UFO's, mistake dreams as forsight, take mild skitzophrenia "hearing voices" as signs from god, etc. Millions of people Tony, have been skitzophrenics.
Re: I do understand Tony1.

*Originally posted by Godless
Explain above nature?. Do you understand that to claim anything above nature is a metaphysical imposibility?

You don't know what the words mean.

Supernatural = metaphysical.
---met·a·phys·i·cal adj.

1. Of or relating to metaphysics.
2. Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.
3. Highly abstract or theoretical; abstruse.
4. a. Immaterial; incorporeal. See Synonyms at immaterial.
b. Supernatural.---

According to you, supernatural is a supernatural impossibility.
You'll have to take up the issue with your brain, when it returns from vacation.

*People have been wrong for thousands of years Tony1, it's called ignorance, apparently coming from the rationalizations of religious thought.*

That's where it "apparently" comes from.
Where ignorance actually comes from is IGNORING the truth.

*Do you recall reading about the "Dark Ages?*


*Why do you suppose they called it the Dark Ages?*

Because the Catholics made it illegal to own a Bible.

*Why do we call the Renaissance the "Age of Enlightment?*

Because it became legal to own Bibles again.

*The millions of people that experience the supernatural in their lives, are those lonely pour souls who also see UFO's, mistake dreams as forsight, take mild skitzophrenia "hearing voices" as signs from god, etc. Millions of people Tony, have been skitzophrenics. *

I've noticed that you have that problem, too.
That should be proof enough that schizophrenia isn't supernatural.

I was thinking more of people who used to be deaf and got their hearing after doctors had said it wouldn't happen.
Also, of people with terminal cancer, given days or weeks to live, who lost their tumors completely.
Thanks for the early sunday funnies!

Word twisting again?

quote Tony1;"1. Of or relating to metaphysics.
2. Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.
3. Highly abstract or theoretical; abstruse.
4. a. Immaterial; incorporeal. See Synonyms at immaterial.
b. Supernatural.---

Quote: Ayn Rand / Leonard Peikoff

Metaphysics. Are you in a universe which is ruled by natural laws and, therefore, is stable, firm, absolute--and knowable? Or are you in an incomprehensible chaos, a realm of inexplicable miracles, an unpredictable, unknown flux, which your mind is impotent to grasp?. ,Are the things you see around youi real--or are they only an illusion? Do they exist independent of any observer--or are they created by the observer? Are they the object or the subject of man's consciousness? Are they "what they are"--or can they be changed by a mere act of your consciousness, such as a wish?
The nature of your actions--and of your ambition--will be different, according to which set of answers you come to accept. These answers are the province of "metaphysics"--the study of existence as such or, in Aristotle's words, of "being qua being" The basic branch of philosophy.

The branch of philosophy that studies existence is "metaphysics". Metaphysics identifies the nature of the universe as a whole. It tells men what kind of world they live in, and whether there is a *supernatural* dimension beyond it. It tells men whether they live in a world of solid entities, natural laws, absolute facts, or in a world of illusory fragments, unpredictable miracles, and ceaseless flux. It tells men wherther the things they perceive by their senses and mind form a comprehensible reality, with which they can deal, or some kind of unreal appearance, which leaves them staring and helpless.

Supernaturalism. What is meant by the "supernatural"? Supposedly, a realm that transcends nature. What is nature? Nature is existence--the sum of that which is. It is usually called "nature" when we think of it as a system of interconnected, interacting entities governed by law. So "nature" really means the universe of entities acting and interacting in accordance with their identities. What, then, is "super-nature"? Something beyond the universe, beyond entities, beyond identity. It would have to be: a form of existence beyond existence--a kind of entity beyond anything man knows about entities--a something which contradicts everything man knows about the identity of that which is. In short, a contradiction of every metaphysical essential.

They claim that they perceive a mode of being superior to your existence on this earth. The mystics of spirit call it "another dimension," which consists of denying dimensions. The mystics of muscle call it "the future," which consists of denying the present. To exist is to possess identity. What identity are they able to give to their superior realm?. They keep telling you what it is not, but never tell you what it is. All their identifications consist of negating: God is that which no human mind can know, they say--and proceed to demand that you consider it knowledge--God is non-man, heaven is non-earth, soul is non-body, virtue is non-profit, A is non-A, perception is non-sensory, knowledge is non-reason. Their definitions are not acts of defining, but of wiping out.

Your ideas Tony, are superficial.
Re: Thanks for the early sunday funnies!

*Originally posted by Godless
Word twisting again?

quote Tony1;"1. Of or relating to metaphysics.
2. Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.
3. Highly abstract or theoretical; abstruse.
4. a. Immaterial; incorporeal. See Synonyms at immaterial.
b. Supernatural.---

Just quoting a dictionary entry.
If it's twisted, call the dictionary outfit.

*"Metaphysics. non-reason."
Your ideas Tony, are superficial.

Or so, it seems if you are aynrandian.
What if she's wrong?

The immediate problem I see with your adoption of her analysis is the non-definition she gives to the supernatural.
In actual fact, the supernatural is what has all of the laws, entities and facts.
The natural has only part of them.

It is quite possible that AR's statements have the appearance of sense, while actually being non-sense.
You want dictionary definition?

Metaphysics: 1) Branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge. *The Oxford Dictionary*

Supernatural, my dear Tony1 is superfluous idea to explain the unknown, or yet to be known. It is a mystical notion that theists have come up with thousands of years ago, in order to manipulate brainless people such as yourself!.:rolleyes:

No pun intended, nor needed!! :p :D

It is quite possible that AR's statements have the appearance of sense, while actually being non-sense.

You should know this well. Contrary to belief in Tonyland you are not the purveyor of truth. Supernatural and metaphysic are similar only in that the term metaphysical has entered common vocabulary as a replacement for supernatural. Blame the journalists, they are always looking for synonyms so they don't say a word repeatedly.

Godless was referring to a particular aspect of philosophy, not an object. Just because you are unable to comprehend this doesn't mean that the rest of us are so limited. Again I warn you that ignorance is a sorry disease to carry. For this reason I must pity you.
Teg I liked the term "Tonyland" LOL!!

Tonyland, a place were babbling idiots run around with a bible in there hands sabotaging "reason" & totally destroying logic!. Calling existence an illusion, Sir Loonatic is the leader & Tony1 is his right hand man!!.:D :rolleyes: :bugeye:
Bible translations, 'in the Spirit'

And 'Godless' is a 'nut'!:D

Supernatural, is that, that is 'above' nature!:cool: :p

Ignore it, and your in ignorance!

You are a 'spirit' too, you know!:)
With an 'immortal soul'!

Ye are not a 'monkey's Uncle! Unless you want to be, but it won't change reality! AMEN TONY1!:)
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I could just as easily say that the real reality is that nothing supernatural exists.
Have you any proof of your...

assertions? I think not!:rolleyes:. So by allowing the ancients to manipulate every decission that you make in life, by allowing yourself to belive in unprovable existence beyond existence itself, is a NUTTY ILLUSIONARY CONCEPT! ;) So the nut in this point of view is the one whom colors all his post, with over sized letters!. :rolleyes: