Religion vs. Thought

Sorry Loone but I tried talking to him over 30 years ago when I was a teenager and he didn't reply then and I understand why, he has simply never existed.

So you go right ahead and talk to your imaginary dead god and believe your goofball religion, but please don't assume that others can share the same delusions as you.
The Bible is the inerrent Word of GOD! We were just having differances in doctrinal interpitation, but ether way the fate of the 'unGodly' will be eternal, and will have pain and suffering in Hell and the Lake of Fire but can not stop the pain and the quelching of pain that one can do in life, you could not do in Hell! The consiquencess are far too awful to discribe, the eternal damnation of lost souls! And Heaven is quite the opposite! When one dies, they do not cease to exist, but go to their doom or Heavenly bliss with friends and family and the Saviour Jesus! When He comes, He will bring order to this world! We work out doctrinal diferances, still the lost should be warned of their HORRIBLE FATE!If they reject JESUS and His Holy Word! Jesus saves!

Firstly, I would like to mention that Hell is a man made inventions originated by the Egyptians in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. So Christianity did not create this cruel, if you don't believe this will happen ideaology. They simply borrowed it from the Egyptians and altered the story much like they do in other Biblical tales.

Secondly, if you would read the Bible with a open mind you will see that Jesus never proclaimed to be "God" and any person who compared him to "God" he corrected and made it clear that no one is equal to "God" not even Him. If you believe in the Bible so much you would see that the Trinity is a false concept.

It seems to me that many Christians are taught from the very beginning that Jesus is God thus when they are finally capable of reading the Bible they are being Bias. Ofcoarse there are exceptions, but most Christians start when they are born and more or less forced into this concept which would ultimately eliminate open mindedness.

And once again, "God" is not a "He". The Universe displays infinity which there is no greater.


There are many things that one can't see- that are invisible, one is able to infer or deduce or feel the existance of quite a few, some are the wind, sunlight(heat), cold, atoms, sub-atomic particles. Now for what I will state the Ubook is my main source of info- read section on universal father and life of jesus- as we all have a sense of being- ie. consciencousness with the feeling of life,mind - there is in us also a spiritual conscience which we may feel sometimes when we pause from the pursuit of the material stimuli of this reality, in that spiritual sense for those that seek the universal father you can feel the proof of the Fathers existence because there is a connection to the Father and one notices that ones perceptions are more attuned to ideals other than purely material objectives. 8^) Amp
There are many things that one can't see- that are invisible, one is able to infer or deduce or feel the existance of quite a few, some are the wind, sunlight(heat), cold, atoms, sub-atomic particles. Now for what I will state the Ubook is my main source of info- read section on universal father and life of jesus- as we all have a sense of being- ie. consciencousness with the feeling of life,mind - there is in us also a spiritual conscience which we may feel sometimes when we pause from the pursuit of the material stimuli of this reality, in that spiritual sense for those that seek the universal father you can feel the proof of the Fathers existence because there is a connection to the Father and one notices that ones perceptions are more attuned to ideals other than purely material objectives. 8^) Amp
Sorry you were given the wrong impression. Those things may not be visable to the human eye, but they can be detected. A god has yet to be detected. Sight is a limited standard, I agree, that's why we have geiger counters and thermometers.
Thanks Teg,

Thats the word I'm looking for, one can't see the things of the spirit but some of them are detectable though I have no idea what sort of instruments could be invented to do so, what I detect(sense) on a purely pesonal level is 'Gods' mercy and love
the supernatural restraint in allowing us our free will. I know you wonder what I mean, just this, if you have children you will understand better, I hate and suffer when I see or know my own children are doing anything that is harmful to them. I've read 'that miracles are not performed on demand' so I should not expect them but events have happened that leads me to dismiss coincidence. BTW , man can not yet detect anthing smaller than the planck length but the Ubook speaks of particles that are smaller. It also spoke on something I only just recently read in a science pub. It concerned another possible scenario in the evolution of a star larger than 3 solar masses which I read in the Ubook before I saw it in the science pub. I can't think of now but will post when I remember. :~) AMP

but some of them are detectable though I have no idea what sort of instruments could be invented to do so, what I detect(sense) on a purely pesonal level is 'Gods' mercy and love
Emotions can cloud your senses. There have never been any detections of a deity. What you have experienced is probably due to a chemical reaction in the brain.
. I know you wonder what I mean, just this, if you have children you will understand better, I hate and suffer when I see or know my own children are doing anything that is harmful to them.
That is a survival trait. We are meant to be protective of our progeny.
I've read 'that miracles are not performed on demand' so I should not expect them but events have happened that leads me to dismiss coincidence.
I have also heard of these "miracles". These are always coincidences and hoaxes. The hoaxes are always accompanied by a disclaimor. They are always reinacted. Often people will refer to natural phenomena, i.g. birth as a miracle. Something that occurs frequently or can be predeicted by science, does not constitute a miracle. The lamest miracle I've yet heard: A father dies two weeks after the birth of his child, from a freak accident. It is called miraculkous that he was able to see his child. I pose the flip: an accident has robbed a child of its father. People have a need to believe that a divine being is looking out for them. It removes responsibility and guilt.
BTW , man can not yet detect anthing smaller than the planck length but the Ubook speaks of particles that are smaller.
That is a good bet. We always find smaller parts. I can say that after an interval of darkness the sun will appear to rise from the horizon. When it does so, am I a prophet?
Hi Amp,

Welcome to sciforums.

There are many things that one can't see- that are invisible, one is able to infer or deduce or feel the existance of quite a few, some are the wind, sunlight(heat), cold, atoms, sub-atomic particles.
Just as teg points out these are all detectable, the alleged supernatural isn’t.

we all have a sense of being- ie. consciencousness with the feeling of life,mind - there is in us also a spiritual conscience which we may feel sometimes
These are your personal interpretations of your feelings. I can describe them equally well, and more accurately by explaining the neural and hormonal systems within your physiology, which are purely physical in nature.

…you can feel the proof of the Fathers existence because there is a connection to the Father and one notices that ones perceptions are more attuned to ideals other than purely material objectives.
No that is just a creative imagination at work that bears no relationship to reality. Ideals, concepts, feelings are all primarily the result of neural activity within the brain.

Thanks for the input Teg,Cris

I must admit I can't even back up these assertions with hocus pocus. You on the other hand are willing to describe and explain how naturally or unnaturally occuring chemicals and I guess circumstantial cues provoke imagined spiritual elation and belief.
Lets do something simple. You I mean. Explain , please for my edification, how we percieve, what chemical or combination of chemicals gives us a sense of taste. And a thought , Do we detect gravity or just perceive its effects through our sense of motion. I don't know. Peace :~) AMP
Hello AMP...

I wouldn't know were to begin on the mechanical process of our minds and the chemicals reactions of perception, however I can give you a "phylosophycal" point of view, I'll let my counterparts such as Chris give you the scientific method of thought.

Perception: The higher organisms posses a much more potent form of consciousness: they possess the faculty of "retaining" sensations, which is the faculty of perception. A "perception" is a group of sensations automatically retained and intergrated by the brain of a living organism, which gives it the ability to be aware, not of a single stimuli, but of entities, of things. An animal is guided, not merely by immediate sensations, but by percepts. Its actions are not single, discrete responses to single, separate stimuli, but are directed by an intergrated awareness of the perceptual reality confronting it. It is able to grasp the perceptual concretes immediately present and it is able to form automatic perceptual associations, but it can go no further. **Ayn Rand**

I would continue however my time at this moment is limited.:mad:
Taking you to the next level!

Originally posted by Cris
Sorry Loone but I tried talking to him over 30 years ago when I was a teenager and he didn't reply then and I understand why, he has simply never existed.

So you go right ahead and talk to your imaginary dead god and believe your goofball religion, but please don't assume that others can share the same delusions as you.
Then take it to the next level! You need Him !

Ignorance does not help in finding Him 'Cris'! It takes sencerity of the Heart to find the one you scorn so! He is king of angels, and Lord of Creation, and you can not find Him on your own, but with the conviction of the Holy Spirit of GOD! For some it could take a life time! It is not over, until it's over, on the Earth you will age and see that you are not 'lord of your life', but was a pupet of Satan the enemy of your soul. And you will see the 'fires of Hell when you are dieing, and then it will be too late!

Injoy this 'temperal world', but it shall soon pass away, as the age of the 'Gentiles' come's to an End! And that, of your life on Earth!

One may live like a dog, but after that the Judgment!:rolleyes:

As I learn more about the universe and how things operate I find I move even further from religion. When I was a devout Christian I knew very little and was prepared to listen to those around me, whom I realize now knew little more than me. Studying the bible helped me to see how Christianity is irrelevant to the real world.

Now 30 years beyond those times with a greater understanding of world history and how religions are created it seems very clear how damaging religions are to the human race. Take yourself, for example, you have been completely indoctrinated into believing a set of superstitions that have no factual basis. You have given up all your intellect and will to fight for your survival or the survival of the species, and pin all your hopes on a set of fantasy tales.

Loone, the more you preach the further you push me away, and that my friend will be true for many who use their intellects and knowledge for survival. Your overly simplistic statements are not attractive, compelling, or convincing, they just seem very sad and pitiful.

As I learn more about the universe and how things operate I find I move even further from religion. When I was a devout Christian I knew very little and was prepared to listen to those around me, whom I realize now knew little more than me. Studying the bible helped me to see how Christianity is irrelevant to the real world.

Exactly the same with me Cris. At first I went to church, went to catachism, read the Bible and everything associated with religion. But then I became interested in physics, and the more I read up on it the more I find religion to be nothing more than a fantasy. I've gotten to the point now where I'm convinced that religion (as we know it) simply has no merit.

Loone, the more you preach the further you push me away, and that my friend will be true for many who use their intellects and knowledge for survival. Your overly simplistic statements are not attractive, compelling, or convincing, they just seem very sad and pitiful.

I feel the same way.

Faith depends on ignorance.

I've had experience that has happened to me, when speaking with strangers, that do not know that I'm atheist, however I get asked often by people if I'm atheist. I always answer in truth, I don't hide the lack of my religious believes, I quickly asked them why they thought I was an atheist, the reply is: "you seem very intelegent, and most real intelegent people are more than likely atheists" This has happened twice now in the past 4 years.

It seems that people who are ignorant of philosophy, astronomy, physics, science are the devoted ones. However this is not always true. Take for instance Tony1, he seems intelegent although he has accepted religious convictions. My girlfriend is smart, witty, and real charming however she's a devout Catholic, it seems as they step in the church all science that they do know, becomes clouded in traditional religious dogma.

I'm only glad she's open minded enough to accept me, this is a fortunate formula for our relationship. Though we never speak of religion, or hardly, I don't push my views on her, as she doesn't try to recruit me. She gets surprized when I do accompany her to some church events, and yes, I do go through all the hemulation of standing, seating, and knealing, "only so I don't look out of place" LOL. :rolleyes:
Cris, Xelios, Godless='intelectual ignorance'

Originally posted by Cris

As I learn more about the universe and how things operate I find I move even further from religion. When I was a devout Christian I knew very little and was prepared to listen to those around me, whom I realize now knew little more than me. Studying the bible helped me to see how Christianity is irrelevant to the real world.

Cris, don't for get that you are 'spiritally dead, and can not know the things of GOD apart from Him in your heart! Your still in the dung heap of humanistic denial of the truth that there are things that man can not grasp apart from there Creator!:rolleyes: You must be "BORN FROM ABOVE"! At the time, you are 'Mr. Flesh' and lowered your self with the animal kingdom, but were Created in the immage of GOD your Creator, not a 'crawl up' on the "Evo-latter!" :D Don't be a fool the rest of your life, you are far more then that!

Remember, man is still so limmited in his reasoning and understanding of his very existance! True! But God knows all! He have to! He made you and the universe, and sustians it! He never changes! We do!

Now 30 years beyond those times with a greater understanding of world history and how religions are created it seems very clear how damaging religions are to the human race. Take yourself, for example, you have been completely indoctrinated into believing a set of superstitions that have no factual basis. You have given up all your intellect and will to fight for your survival or the survival of the species, and pin all your hopes on a set of fantasy tales.

Loone, the more you preach the further you push me away, and that my friend will be true for many who use their intellects and knowledge for survival. Your overly simplistic statements are not attractive, compelling, or convincing, they just seem very sad and pitiful. So, it push ye away, so says the Word of GOD, if you reject it, it will! But the real absolute truths will stand for all eternity after all you understand to be true, is put to the Lake of Fire! And this world as you know it shall soon pass away with a great noise! And the memmery of it shall be no more! When Jesus comes, there will be the TRUTH that will be GOD's Holy Word of life that will stand, and man's and devil's cleaver sayings shall all be null and void.:D
Good thing about standing on the ABSOLUTE TRUTHS, is that no matter what anyone else says against the Word of GOD, they will all fall flat on their faces before the TRUTH!:)

The universe was indeed designed by Supreme Intelligence,(GOD) and not by it's self and time! Time would not exist with out GOD's loveing designs! Think more openly!

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Okay, I'm not exactly new...

Would someone please tell me: Is 'Sir Loone' a joke? Come on, with a name like that, he has to be some athiest's idea of a practical joke. Right?

But, I'm not so sure anymore. Nah, joke.

Right? Did I just ask a stupid question? Does everybody here besides me know that Sir Loone is a joke?

Sir Loone:
Remember, man is still so limmited in his reasoning and understanding of his very existance! True! But God knows all! He have to! He made you and the universe, and sustians it! He never changes! We do!

Well, actually, God does not exist.

But the Ancient Gods do....

Cthulu is the way, the truth and the light. Do not turn your back on Cthulu. You will never know true happiness outside the arms - er - tentacles of Cthulu.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING

Firstly, I would like to mention that Hell is a man made inventions originated by the Egyptians in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. So Christianity did not create this cruel, if you don't believe this will happen ideaology. They simply borrowed it from the Egyptians and altered the story much like they do in other Biblical tales.

Hel (one L) was from the old Scandinavian mythologies, a place of ice and snow and cold. That place was also ruled by a Goddess of the same name. The fire and brimstone crap came from Hades, of Greece (which I recall reading a long time ago came from earlier Phoenician stories about a series of three volcanic islands out in the Atlantic).

The mysterious Egyptian Book Of The Dead appears in about a thousand Lovecraft-inspired versions today. Most are complete bollocks, although I guess some have actually gone to the trouble of including translations of old Egyptian religious texts. However, over the ages the various Egytpian dynasties and their changing, evolving religous beliefs did have various texts on how to intern the dead and what happened to the spirits. The name Hermes Trismegistus is famous because it is said this person (or a theologian of the time to whom this name is applied) gathered together about forty old religious texts dealing with the afterlife and compiled them into one great big book which he called the Book Of The Dead, as it dealt with death and spirits through many centuries. As for whether the christians borrowed the hell idea from that collection or not, well, see the first paragraph.

Originally posted by Xev

Would someone please tell me: Is 'Sir Loone' a joke? Come on, with a name like that, he has to be some athiest's idea of a practical joke. Right?

God I hope so. (Little joke in that. :) )

Yup, Loone is not an atheist's joke, but I have to admit I couldn't imagine a better one.

But no, Loone it seems is a real person and he seems to actually believe the crap he spouts.

He does tend to use very large fonts sometimes and we have managed to bring those down a little.

After a while his posts become very tiresome so when that happens I suggest you put him on your ignore list - see control panel - ignore list.

Have fun
Re: Amp

Originally posted by Teg
Emotions can cloud your senses. There have never been any detections of a deity. What you have experienced is probably due to a chemical reaction in the brain.

Not that I disagree with your point, but all your knowledge of science is due to chemical reactions in the brain. The main difference I can think of at the moment is that some knowledge seems to be more easily recreated by a 3rd person perspective if you give the person enough data and an unbiased mind.

It would be difficult for anyone to rationally argue that people are born religious. The concept of god and religion is introduced by family and society later on. Religion is a biased state of mind that naturally leads to people finding evidence, such as emotional revelations, that support it only because they've presupposed it.