Religion vs. Thought

Re: You want dictionary definition?

*Originally posted by Godless
Metaphysics: 1) Branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge. *The Oxford Dictionary*

Supernatural, my dear Tony1 is superfluous idea to explain the unknown, or yet to be known. It is a mystical notion that theists have come up with thousands of years ago, in order to manipulate brainless people such as yourself!

Superfluous to explain the yet to be known?
Have you lost what little mind you had left?

How many scientists work endlessly day after day to uncover what is yet to be known?
And you call that superfluous.

While you did a great job copying and pasting the meaning of the word "Metaphysics," we were talking about metaphysicAL.

*Originally posted by Teg
you are not the purveyor of truth.

Sure I am.

*Blame the journalists*

The journalists don't rule the language, they're just borrowing it like you are.

*Godless was referring to a particular aspect of philosophy, not an object. Just because you are unable to comprehend this doesn't mean that the rest of us are so limited.*

I wasn't referring to an object.
Just because you are unable to comprehend this doesn't mean that the rest of us are so limited.

*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
With an 'immortal soul'!

It isn't immortal.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die....
(Ezekiel 18:20, KJV).

We put on immortality after the resurrection.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
(1 Corinthians 15:53, KJV).

Otherwise, Amen.

*Originally posted by Xelios
I could just as easily say that the real reality is that nothing supernatural exists.

You could just as easily say, "kjHjDk fsh kjh f hj sef bks ef j," but you should consider that the sayable isn't necessarily true.

*Originally posted by Godless
assertions? I think not!

I think so!!
Your posts are full of assertions!!

*NUTTY ILLUSIONARY CONCEPT! So the nut in this point of view is the one whom colors all his post, with over sized letters!*

OK, nut, I mean Godless.
You could just as easily say, "kjHjDk fsh kjh f hj sef bks ef j," but you should consider that the sayable isn't necessarily true.

My point exactly.
The 'soul' that sinneth, shall die!

Ezekiel 18:20 says: "The soul that sinneth shall die." Is correct!:) But the soul shall dwell in eternity somewhere, ether Heaven in peace, or Hell in eternal torment, then death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire! The 'second death'! The soul of man is immortal, but sinners are 'dead' to the truth of God's Holy Word and will suffer the 'second death'! They 'live' but can not squelch out pain like they do (sinners) in this life! And shall be wide awake in Hell, 'alone' in agoney! SINNERS! BEWARE THE 'SECOND' DEATH!:mad:
Re: The 'soul' that sinneth, shall die!

*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
Ezekiel 18:20 says: "The soul that sinneth shall die." Is correct! But the soul shall dwell in eternity somewhere,

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Romans 6:23, KJV).

You see there how sinners get death, and the righteous get eternal life?
The sinners don't get to live forever, only the righteous do.

*ether Heaven in peace,*

Well, no, on earth.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

(Revelation 21:2,3, KJV).

*or Hell in eternal torment,*

Ashes, and smoke.

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
(Psalms 37:20, KJV).

*then death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire!*

Hell will be empty at that time...

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
(Revelation 20:13, KJV).

Then that empty hell (the grave) will be cast into the lake of fire.

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
(Revelation 20:14, KJV).

After that, the people will be cast into the lake of fire.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
(Revelation 20:15, KJV).

Then, ashes.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
(Malachi 4:3, KJV).

*The soul of man is immortal*

The soul that sinneth, it shall die....
(Ezekiel 18:20, KJV).

Mortal means die, immortal means live forever.
Only the righteous live forever.

*And shall be wide awake in Hell, 'alone' in agoney!*

No. They'll be dead, not knowing anything.

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, KJV).
The sinners don't get to live forever, only the righteous do.

If that were true the only people in heaven would be God and Jesus.
Re: Re: The 'soul' that sinneth, shall die!

Originally posted by tony1
*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
Ezekiel 18:20 says: "The soul that sinneth shall die." Is correct! But the soul shall dwell in eternity somewhere,

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Romans 6:23, KJV).

You see there how sinners get death, and the righteous get eternal life?YES!
The sinners don't get to live forever, only the righteous do.
Amen to that! But for the sinners, the wraith of GOD abides on them all, forever!
*ether Heaven in peace,*

Well, no, on earth.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

(Revelation 21:2,3, KJV).Heaven comes down to Earth, the 'New Heaven and the New Earth. But the soul and spirits of the true believers when they die before that day, shall be instantly in the preasents of the Lord when they die. Into Heaven! And shall return to Earth with Jesus at the 'second comming'.

*or Hell in eternal torment,*

Ashes, and smoke.

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
(Psalms 37:20, KJV).AMEN!

*then death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire!*

Hell will be empty at that time...:bugeyed:

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
(Revelation 20:13, KJV).

Then that empty hell (the grave) will be cast into the lake of fire.

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
(Revelation 20:14, KJV).

After that, the (wicked) people will be cast into the lake of fire.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
(Revelation 20:15, KJV).

Then, ashes.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
(Malachi 4:3, KJV).

*The soul of man is immortal*

The soul that sinneth, it shall die....
(Ezekiel 18:20, KJV).

Mortal means die, immortal means live forever.
Only the righteous live forever.

*And shall be wide awake in Hell, 'alone' in agoney!*

No. They'll be dead, not knowing anything.We have to check out the 'Pariables of Jesus about the rich man and the poor man, and some other passages of theBible that says otherwise. But I am open!:)

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, KJV).
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R. vs T.

Originally posted by Xelios
The sinners don't get to live forever, only the righteous do.

If that were true the only people in heaven would be God and Jesus.
There shall be many countless numbers of people that are 'saved' of the Lord Jesus in Heaven! But the wicked shall parrish!
*Originally posted by Xelios
If that were true the only people in heaven would be God and Jesus.

And the holy angels.
You're absolutely correct.

However, we are IN Christ Jesus.

So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
(Romans 12:5, KJV).

*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
But the soul and spirits of the true believers when they die before that day, shall be instantly in the preasents of the Lord when they die.

Well, no.
Jesus has to pick them up when he returns.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
(1 Thessalonians 4:16, KJV).

*other passages of theBible that says otherwise.*

I hope you are not saying that passages of the Bible contradict each other.
If different passages of the Bible appear to contradict, it is because you don't understand them.

The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus takes place at a time when what it describes is true.
Since the dead know not anything, that parable has to be taking place after the resurrection, which is when the righteous will be in the bosom of Abraham and the wicked will be in the lake of fire.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
(Revelation 20:15, KJV).

Originally posted by tony1
*Originally posted by Xelios
If that were true the only people in heaven would be God and Jesus.

And the holy angels.
You're absolutely correct.

However, we are IN Christ Jesus.And the 'Saints of God' that has passed before us, are now at this very time are in Heaven with Christ Jesus and shall return with Him at His 2cd. coming! They are NOT in the grave! ..Well their remains are on the Earth, but not their 'soul and spirits' their with GOD now! But "absent from the body, is to be preasent with the Lord." They are not in some holding zone on the Earth, that would not be Biblical! But soon as a true believer dies, his/her soul and spirit 'is' in the preasents of Amighty GOD and Jesus the Son of GOD at His right hand! The Saints are with Jesus at this moment! Not the 'grave'!:mad: ;)

So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
(Romans 12:5, KJV).AMEN! to that!:)

*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
But the soul and spirits of the true believers when they die before that day, shall be instantly in the preasents of the Lord when they die.

Well, no.
Jesus has to pick them up when he returns.JESUS when He comes again, shall reunite the body of the believers that comes 'with Him' at His 2cd comming! But they comes with him from Heaven! Not the grave! Never! Their souls and spirits are with Jesus when He comes! The 'body' shall be ressurrected to reunite into a 'Gloryfied Body' as of Jesus's Gloryfied body'! All this will happen in a 'twinkling' of an eye!

And there is no 'soul-sleep', NO! But the dead in Jesus the Christ are with Him at their deaths, and are now with Him in 'white' 'robes', awaiting their return to Earth!

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
(1 Thessalonians 4:16, KJV).

*other passages of theBible that says otherwise.*No, Tony1, but it doen't say that their souls are in the 'grave ' awaiting the resurection! No! They are now in the preasents of the Lord and their souls and spirits are not on Earth! But with God, and shall return with Him! Only the body's remainds are on the Earth not the Saints!

I hope you are not saying that passages of the Bible contradict each other. I hope you, I know better then that!:) Your inturpitation of it is differant then what I have learned in a life time. Soul sleep was tought not to be so. And the Saints of God are now in Heaven with Jesus, and shall return to Earth to reunite with their Earthly body to be Glorified body in an instance, at Jesus's return with the Saints! There is no 'soul' sleep! And I look up some passages to point that out.

If different passages of the Bible appear to contradict, it is because you don't understand them.No I understand them, but but some people I have known to have their 'inturpitation' of spcripture!

The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus takes place at a time when what it describes is true.
Since the dead know not anything, that parable has to be taking place after the resurrection, which is when the righteous will be in the bosom of Abraham and the wicked will be in the lake of fire.The "Bosom of Abraham" was where the dead that believed on God went, 'before' the death and resurection of JESUS! Afther JESUS's resurection, all Saints now go directly into the preasents of JESUS untill their return to Earth 'with Him' at JESUS's 2cd. comming!

And the 'Lake of Fire', is where Death and Hell it's self with the Faulse Prophet and the Anti-Christ shall be casted into 'the Lake of Fire' at JESUS's 2cd comming! The dead that are lost, at their deaths, shall go imediatly into Hell!

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.(Revelation 20:15, KJV).AMEN! I doubt not to what I and many others have said of scripture! And "Absent from the body is to be preasent with the Lord!" There is NO soul sleep, we go directly to GOD at our deaths, the Saints of GOD that is!

The 'Rapture' of the Saints comes first. And the Saints of God shall meet Him in the air. The dead in Christ shall rise first, then those who remain shall be caught-up to meet Him (Jesus) in the air! Their souls and spirits (the real you) that comes with Jesus shall reunite with the dead, and will be fashioned like unto His Glorious body, and shall come again to Earth to set up His kingdom on Earth for a 'thousand years' arfter the 'Tribulation' that comes upon the Earth! We that are His, will come with Him in the air at the 'Rapture', and shall come again at the second comming to set up His kingdom!
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Sure I am.
That is called a god-complex.
I wasn't referring to an object.
Then you were just ignorrant when it came to the difference. You quoted the definition of the object, when he used the study form of the word. That you are still fighting this is another sign of your god-complex. But hey, we all know that you are too good for a superiority complex.
Jesus Loves TEG!

Jesus love you TEG! Yes He does! Glory be to GOD! You may know Him one day I hope!:) Beware the End is comming!
Jesus love you TEG
He does? How exactly did you discover this? Did Jesus tell you so? Do you see dead people often? Are you hearing voices? Before I was merely concerned with your mental health. I am not joking when I say that you should seek professional help. I have heard of people that wear signs marked "the end is coming", but did not regard them as truthful until this particualr moment.
Read the Bible!

Your in serieous need of help! You need JESUS! And He is your only real hope in this world and that to come!:)

I have no medical problems at the time and feeling good! Thanks to Jesus! Don't knock what you don't understand! I say that you have life to live in darkness, but come unto the light!

If things get too tought for you are anyone, just come to JESUS He still can save you from what you know or don't know to be overwhelming you! JESUS LOVES YOU! and He saves!:D

And that music your listening to is bad for your mentle health, and 'spiritial' heath! Demon music will distory minds and hearts! Beware of it! IT can kill! Beware!
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I have no medical problems at the time and feeling good! Thanks to Jesus!

Really? Me too! And guess what? Jesus has nothing to do with it!

And that music your listening to is bad for your mentle health, and 'spiritial' heath! Demon music will distory minds and hearts! Beware of it! IT can kill! Beware!

Where is the proof that his music is bad for mental health? Have there been studies on it? Can you give me a link? Oh, you're just assuming. Ok, my mistake.

Who decides whether it is demon music anyway? I must have missed the line in the Bible that says "Thou shall not listen to demonic music".

I realize you are only trying to spread God's good word, and you are free to do so. But you have to realize, to me your position seems, well, rediculous. Sure, you can attribute every good thing that has ever happened to you to Jesus, but that does not make Him any more real than Harry Potter.
Rap music, & Rock & Roll can be DANGEROUS!

Originally posted by Xelios
I have no medical problems at the time and feeling good! Thanks to Jesus!

Really? Me too! And guess what? Jesus has nothing to do with it!

And that music your listening to is bad for your mentle health, and 'spiritial' heath! Demon music will distory minds and hearts! Beware of it! IT can kill! Beware!

Where is the proof that his music is bad for mental health? Have there been studies on it? Can you give me a link? Oh, you're just assuming. Ok, my mistake.There are many, and I am not assuming at all! IT kills families, and peoples! Bad stuff from man's own heart influanced by SATAN!

Who decides whether it is demon music anyway? I must have missed the line in the Bible that says "Thou shall not listen to demonic music".

I realize you are only trying to spread God's good word, and you are free to do so. But you have to realize, to me your position seems, well, rediculous. Sure, you can attribute every good thing that has ever happened to you to Jesus, but that does not make Him any more real than Harry Potter.

JESUS is real as you are and He is GOD! Your rediculous music will destroy you and others, it can! And the music is demonic! And is very poisonous to you and others! Beware!

Now not all music is bad!:rolleyes: But those of vilolance and hate, inwhich you are full of and sodomistic horrorible 'lyrics'! Are sickening to me and many! Other words, it's unclean!

Danger! it will destroy!:eek: JESUS still loves you!
"Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" :rolleyes:

You don't even know what kind of music I listen to. For example, at the moment I'm listening to the techno from the Swordfish soundtrack, this morning I was listening to Project Wyze. If you are not assuming at all, it should not be hard to give me some hard evidence should it?

So what music do you listen to anyway?

Would you say Project Wyze, Puddle of Mudd or Creed makes bad music? Or is it more along the lines of Marylin Manson? If the latter, I would agree with you, people like that are just a little off balance in the head. Even it is not demonic though, only the creation of a very messed up mind.
Xelios, trying to communicate with Loon is...

like talking to a brain washed cult leader!.

Everything is evil, except his worthless book, I mean the liers bible, I mean, well the ancient scriptures that are incoherent, full of nonsence, and plenty of contradictions.

BTW, if you would like to understand these types of personality look at my posts on Xenophobia. :D
Danger!, Danger!, Will Robinson! Danger!?

Originally posted by Xelios
"Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" :rolleyes:

You don't even know what kind of music I listen to. For example, at the moment I'm listening to the techno from the Swordfish soundtrack, this morning I was listening to Project Wyze. If you are not assuming at all, it should not be hard to give me some hard evidence should it?I know not "Swordfish" nor "Project Wyze," But I did not say all other music is all 'bad' I do ocassionally listen to modern music as long as it is in 'good taste' and not offensive!:rolleyes:

So what music do you listen to anyway?I listens to 'Gospel' music, 'Contemporary Gospel (majestic),' 'Country Gospel' (OLD and new), Majestic Clasical music, a taste of jazz (music only not vocal), and some others so - that is not offensive to me! But mostly music that be to the Glory of GOD!

Would you say Project Wyze, Puddle of Mudd or Creed makes bad music? Or is it more along the lines of Marylin Manson? If the latter, I would agree with you, people like that are just a little off balance in the head. Even it is not demonic though, only the creation of a very messed up mind.
Marylin Manson is one of many I had in mind! I only heard bad things about him, and know not his music, and don't want to!:bugeye: Tell me a little more about "Project Wyze" and "Swordfish"? Now not all music is bad, but to that which is like Marylin Manson & Snoopy Doggy or something! And Tony1 was wrong on that all unbelievers don't have immortal souls, you do have a 'soul' and 'spirit' which is the 'real you' that will live forever! The only thing that dies is the natural body! And the 'sin' that separates unbelievers from GOD does not mean that the 'spirit' and 'soul' is dead, but separated from GOD the Creator. Jesus cares, and as long as you live there is hope!:) Your soul is 'immortal'! You were created in the image of GOD!
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I know not "Swordfish" nor "Project Wyze," But I did not say all other music is all 'bad' I do ocassionally listen to modern music as long as it is in 'good taste' and not offensive!

Swordfish is a movie. The soundtrack to it includes mostly techno music, all "instruments" and no words. Project Wyze is a modern rock band. I have no idea what type of lyrics you find are demonic, so I can't really tell you whether they would fit into your devil music folder or not.

But mostly music that be to the Glory of GOD!

Some people find that music offensive, it all depends on your point of view. And remember, no one's opinion is any more important than anyone elses.

You see, it's not that I don't respect your opinion and views. I just can't say I share them. My view is there is no such thing as God, that religion was created to help less advanced people before us explain our existance, and everyday phenomena. The Bible was written to back up this explanation, not as the "absolute truth". It's nothing more than a book depicting a child's view on life, sadly, it's gotten a little out of hand.