Religion vs. Thought

Why would I be jumping off the ESB without a parachute in the first place?
Why, to prove you cannot be harmed by anything of this universe of course.
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
(Romans 5:17, KJV).

See how both sides of the issue are handled in a single verse?
Perhaps if it actually made sence to read... then again, most of the Bible has been translated with enough approximations and guesses that it sometimes takes hours to try and cypher a meaning out of a paragraph or two.

It reminds me of a part of the lyrics to a certain song by Project Wyze:
I am what I am; but nothing's as it seems.
Who said that is how it works?
Bullets hit some people and they miss me.
Oddly enough, I'm satisfied with that.
And oddly enough, the same happens to atheists. I wonder why God would use his mighty hand to deflect bullets from hitting atheists as well as believers. Perhaps they are equal in his view? But that couldn't be right, because atheists are demons from hell condemmed to everlasting death right? :rolleyes:
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The word ambiguity seems to accurately describe most of what the bible says quite nicely. When so written you can derive numerous interpretations from the same statements.

Originally posted by blonde_cupid


***BC I think that to be brave is upon oneself no matter what his creed may be.***

Well, do you agree with Cris that prayer is an avenue for cowards?

It is Cris' theory which I was refuting, that's why I ask.

No! however it would be a waste of time, but if it makes one feel comfortable at a moment of danger or brave, more power to the individual!.

I wouldn't pray, however athiest use "hope" in their vocabulary, So I guess I would "hope" for the best. Though I understand that whatever is going to happen, will happen no matter how much I "hope", or in case of theists praying.

I've seen first hand of what prayer does to an individual, i.e. praying to comfort or cope with grief from a death of a lost one. It seems to help. Though it's a scychological therapy that one goes through with prayer.
*Originally posted by Xelios
Why, to prove you cannot be harmed by anything of this universe of course.

Why would I need to prove that?
I already know that.

*Perhaps if it actually made sence to read... then again, most of the Bible has been translated with enough approximations and guesses that it sometimes takes hours to try and cypher a meaning out of a paragraph or two. .*

That is why it so handy to have God explaining it to you.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
(John 14:26, KJV).

*And oddly enough, the same happens to atheists. I wonder why God would use his mighty hand to deflect bullets from hitting atheists as well as believers.*

It's probably just to confuse atheists.
After all, if all Christians are missed by bullets, and all atheists are hit by bullets, someone would notice.
Let an atheist go for a while without getting hit, and nobody notices.

*...atheists are demons from hell condemmed to everlasting death right?*

Wow, you've either gotten some bad acid, or some bad religion.
Where did that come from?

*Originally posted by Cris
When so written you can derive numerous interpretations from the same statements.

It is amazing how you can zero in on the essentials, Cris.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
(2 Thessalonians 2:11, KJV).

God can send a single book.
Those who believe, live.
Those who don't, die.
And reading the same words, yet.

*Originally posted by Godless
Though I understand that whatever is going to happen, will happen no matter how much I "hope", or in case of theists praying.

You don't know what praying is.
Praying is talking to God.
You can't get to know someone you never talk to.
Why would I need to prove that?
I already know that.
I think you've watched The Matrix one too many times...
That is why it so handy to have God explaining it to you.
I read that quote, and I'm still as confused as before, if not more so. God's not doing a very good job at it :confused:
It's probably just to confuse atheists.
After all, if all Christians are missed by bullets, and all atheists are hit by bullets, someone would notice.
Let an atheist go for a while without getting hit, and nobody notices.
Why would the theists care if atheists noticed? Wouldn't that convince more people that God indeed exists? I'm not sure why you feel the need to try and deceive atheists...
Wow, you've either gotten some bad acid, or some bad religion.
Where did that come from?
From you actually. Not directly, but by piecing together bits of your posts (generally the ones about demons and such) that is the impression I get from you. Of course, your statement that theists, and indeed God himself, are constantly deceiving atheists only strengthens that impression.
You don't know what praying is.
Praying is talking to God.
You can't get to know someone you never talk to.
So what's God been saying lately? Did he tell you where 'bin Laden is hiding out? Or were you just discussing the nice weather with him?
God can send a single book.
Those who believe, live.
Those who don't, die.
I can write a short story about Babalooba the God of all Gods in the next half hour and it would be just as legitimate as the Bible.
It's probably just to confuse atheists."
1 Cor 14:33 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace

2 Thess 2:1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him,
2 Thess 2:2 that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.
2 Thess 2:3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
2 Thess 2:4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.
2 Thess 2:5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?
2 Thess 2:6 And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed.
2 Thess 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
2 Thess 2:8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming;
2 Thess 2:9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,
2 Thess 2:10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.
2 Thess 2:11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,
2 Thess 2:12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

there is the rest of the story behind Tonys verse....he seems to think we are further in to the end prophecy than the rest realize. Any way the verse in context speaks of a specific time when a prophecy is being fullfilled, not of God intentionally deluding everyone but Tony so that they can not chose to be saved.
Poor Tony...

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

That doesn't even make sense. Perhaps when quoting from your book, remember that often there are many errors during translation. The little Goliath issue among them. Is he dead, alive, or is just a relative? Please do not use the quotes that do not lend themselves to the english language or better yet do not use quotes at all. I have read enough that trash to know that no wisdom is to be attained there.

Two inquisitions, the enslavement of populations to build religious establishment, and a crusade.*

Sounds pretty religious to me.
What does all that have to do with Christianity?[

Any historian can tell you that each of these events are threads of Christianity. The main complaint about the bible is that it can take a certain position only take the exact opposite in a different section. I realize that such inconsistancy is the norm for multiple author books that base themselves on rumors and myth. Also it can be tracked the interesting merger the bible had with the Jewish version. Often the old and new testaments are at odds.

So, science is a changeable religion.
That's worse, since you'll never know what's going on.
You'll always be two minutes behind the times.

Two minutes, doubtful. Most of the base discoveries are only slighty added to or altered. Radical changes are few and far between. But what about your book. How can one "know what's going on" if one receives two or more distinctly differing positions that can be diametrically opposed. The god character is vengeful, or is he all-loving? Does he revisit the sins of the father or does he treat the offspring as blank slates? Your book can't seem to decide. In any thought regarding matters of reality we ussually try to agree on one position, at least when trying to present our idea as an accepted value.

In science we call that sort of error unnacceptable. It like saying 2 + or - 1. That gives a range of 1 to 3. This sort of data is ussually thrown out. I propose that all should do the same with your pathetic book of myths and fairy tales.

***But where does that leave us with the courage issue. My original point was based on a specific direct observation by my father, but that view was not comprehensive.***

You sure did fool me! There was no apparent mention previously that you had discerned among "depths of faith" before painting those who pray in the face of death as cowards. In fact, I did not address depths of faith because there was no apparent discernment. What I was addressing was this:

***So what else would they be praying for at such a time? That aunt Gertrudes’s cakes don’t burn again like they did last week?

Come on be serious, they will be begging for their lives as fervently as they have never prayed before. So can you provide a BELIEVABLE, alternative.***

I believe that I provided a believable alternative, you recognized it, and then you decided to retract the sweeping remarks by discerning among "depths of faith". Your current position is certainly more reasonable. However, I really do not want to comment on the accuracy or impartiality of the discernments because most of what you have written seems to have come from suspicion and speculation.

***Do I really mean to say that ALL Christians are cowards, no of course not?***

Are you still asking yourself or did you mean to make a statement?
Approach the Bench, Your Honor?

Originally posted by Cris
When so written you can derive numerous interpretations from the same statements.

Maybe God was a lawyer? Just a thought, please carry on.
Re: Actually!

Actually, he was the second.
The first was Jesus.

My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
(1 John 2:1, KJV).

Satan was the first prosecutor, though, and in the great tradition of Hamilton Burger :)D), loses every case.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser[ of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
(Revelation 12:10, KJV).
Bible vs. evolution

Originally posted by KalvinB

Oh and here's a quote for you:

"It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)." ­ Leading Darwinist Richard Dawkins


Darwinist Richard Dawkins is a 'fool' for saying that! Because he does not believe in God, does not make reality! There is 'ignorance in Richard Dawkin's statement, and evolution is a human theories that mortal man has made! And it is 'put ignorance' to put aside that the universe & life could of came into existence in another way then the slow chance processes of evolution, that parts of matter and time did it by it's self, is absurd!

There IS far more to the universe then what you can see with the natural eyes, and 'ignoring' that, is 'ignorance!' That to which is beyond science is better to say of science: the UNKNOWN! And to displace it all together, (the Bible's account for Creation) would be willful 'ignorance'!

We who are true Christians really do believe Jesus, and His Father GOD is veary real and veary present 'persons', that are one in the same GOD! And that science can only deal mostly in the natural realm, but can point to the Great Desiner and Creator GOD! And atheist and other haters of GOD, try to {use} science against the evidence of the Creator GOD, but GOD is never the less the one and only one that made all that is seen, and unseen, known and unknown to men! All other arguements are of willful ignorance! There will always be a higher 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' then that of Earthly man!
Re: Approach the Bench, Your Honor?

Originally posted by goofyfish

Maybe God was a lawyer? Just a thought, please carry on.

Actually He is the Supreme Judge of the Universe! GOD is GOD!:)
Clean it up!

Originally posted by Bebelina
I can see that you have only been her for two days and have already gotten genuinly pissed off at Tony. :D
And I´m sorry to dissapoint you, but this forum is very much about verbal fencing, I have found out...;) But maybe you will stick around anyway, because verbal fencing has it´s qualities too. :p


Clean it up Bebelina, and behaive your selves!:eek::eek: :)
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Hi Tony!

Well Tony, I sent you a privet message, a little encouragement, I am standing on the Promises of God!:)

God is! And nothing these humans, (created in the image of God their Creator, although fallen) can change reality of God and His existence! We are created and sustained by Him alone!!:mad: ;)

And our Judeo-Christian God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is a good and loving God that Has sent us His Son Jesus to Earth! And He Jesus has now passed into the Heavens and is seated at the Right Hand of God the Father and is our Great High Priest, we have and can have a personal, one on one relationship with Him! And no other 'gods' can compare with the Christian God of the Bible, we are His in Jesus the Christ the Son of the 'Living' God! Our Faith teaches LOVE for your fellow man/woman, even if they are unbelievers or of some other 'religion'! We should still show that we care and to treat them like we want to be treated! No ware in the Bible does it teach us to WAR with someone of another faith, like Islam, or the Teliban are doing to us,(kill because one does not like one's religion, or status in the world)! But we can and will defend our self in times of war! Our God is "no respecter of persons!" He really loves me just as much as someone of higher caliber! Thank God He really cares for us! God speed!:D
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Thank You for that post Sir was very much needed and called for. The simplest things seem to get overlooked in the birage of silly egotistical arguments. it is refreshing to hear a person preach god in exacting terms as opposed to from their pocket book or own tyranical aspirations.
Hi Taken!

[color=dark-blue]And thank you Taken!:) I have read some of your post and the Word of God is needed, even if the wicked denys it, it (the Holy Word of God is absolute Truth and 'wisdom' from on High!) will smash the unjust fabrications with simplicity, as you have stated!:D

All my words come from the heart, well some from self, and I am studying the Holy Word of GOD, (Bible) more so, and have memorized a lot of scripture, but need more cause I am hungry for the Word of God! He the Spirit God has brought all things to my remembrance, like I have prayed for years He would and He did, Glory Be to God! As you can see that some scripture comes with no 'verses' by it, It just comes out of me anyway! Other times I will read: copy from the Bible on to the net like you are doing.

God is with us even when all else falls short! :)

You keep up the good work, and pray for them, they think this is all a game, but is far more serious then they may want to know!

God be all the Glory! See you tomorrow evening , I have to go! Trust Jesus!:)
Re: Hi Tony!

*Originally posted by Sir. Loone
He really loves me just as much as someone of higher caliber!

There is no one of higher caliber.
That's what "no respecter of persons" means.

What God did for Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha and Zerubbabel, he stands ready to do for you.
Only believe.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
(Mark 9:23, KJV).

*Originally posted by Taken
it is refreshing to hear a person preach god in exacting terms as opposed to from their pocket book or own tyranical aspirations.

Now, now.
You know you're just making that up.
"All my words come from the heart, well some from self, and I am studying the Holy Word of GOD, (Bible) more so, and have memorized a lot of scripture, but need more cause I am hungry for the Word of God!"
And from the abundance of a mans heart...... :O)

The word of God is indeed a powerfull and marvelouse thing. Seeing it preached as fact and not hypocrasy makes my heart smile. I, like you, am enjoying growing in His words and gleaming the knowledge and hope that lies with-in them every day of my life. God says what He means and means what He says...and God does business with those who mean bussiness. I could not agree with you more. It is the uplifting and rememberence brought among believers by their brethren that helps sustain them in turbulent times and steadys them in moments of need. You are a fresh dose of the strength and power of His wonders and works in a life that gets bogged down by the trials and trivialities of everyday things.