Religion Vs God

No it doesn't, it explains the change in genetic characteristics of an existing population over time.

But for now, they don't know.

There's no implication.
Evolution and Origins are two different subject matters.


Scientific theories explain the actual evidence discovered through scientific study. This is the theory of evolution explaining the observable indubitable evidence. - In biology, evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms through successive generations. Although the changes produced in a single generation are normally small, the accumulation of these differences over time can cause substantial changes in a population, a process that can result in the emergence of new species.

Abiogenesis is the study of how life on Earth could have arisen from inanimate matter.

Evolution is the study of how groups of living things change over time. Evolution has been accepted by mainstream science and is a fundamental equation in the study of biology and the fossil record.
For twiddlin? :eek:


they are fun. :eek:

but, someone told me that it was because at some point in human evolution, we were all the same gender, or neither we were all hermaphrodites or something.
I think it has more to do with how we develop in the womb. Nipples develop before sex hormones determine their eventual purpose.
(actually its evolution that has a basis in current biological thought, but anyway .....)

I don't follow your line of thought. How does viewing the fact of fossils make for the fact of evolution.

Evolution has become a fact because of the scientific research and investigation providing anaylsis of the unearthed fossils, and then there are the examinations of the published conclusions that are peer reviewed by experts in the field of paleontology is how evolution has become a fact and accepted by mainstream science. You can deny it however the fossil facts remain.
Evolution has become a fact because of the scientific research and investigation providing anaylsis of the unearthed fossils, and then there are the examinations of the published conclusions that are peer reviewed by experts in the field of paleontology is how evolution has become a fact and accepted by mainstream science. You can deny it however the fossil facts remain.
What is it exactly that the analysis of the fossils provides?

And why is it that peer reviewing/acceptance by mainstream science grants something the status of "fact? Do you have a good argument why theories stand outside of peer reviewing/acceptance by mainstream science?
What is it exactly that the analysis of the fossils provides?

And why is it that peer reviewing/acceptance by mainstream science grants something the status of "fact? Do you have a good argument why theories stand outside of peer reviewing/acceptance by mainstream science?

What are you fishing for?

Do you know the subject or not?

The analysis provides all pertinent information such as the date of the soil where the fossils are found. Scientist today date the soil before they dig, because most of the time they are looking for fossils from a specific date range and the practice saves time and work. The skilled analysis of the fossilized skeleton can reveal the particular species in which it belongs. The analysis contains the judgment concerning the fossil by the researchers.

Facts can be identified using a proven method thereby gaining acceptance by mainstream science as fact.
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From the get go, God commands nature, and nature complies. This includes
the time factor also. It may have taken hundreds or thousands of years in human time for the creation of Adam, but for God it would have been less than a moment

This is total BS and you know it. It's a cop out Jan.

Rationalizing away the flaws in the texts. Your just making stuff up to make it fit what we have found, so you can legitimize nonsense.

It's one of the creationist talking points.

In so doing I ask, when did Adam actually arrive and what are all those earlier versions doing in the ground before Adam. As that clearly wasn't what the bible is suggesting is in mans image.

Unless you think this is mans image:
What are you fishing for?
the facts as opposed to interpretations of facts
Do you know the subject or not?

I'm not even contending the facts
The analysis provides all pertinent information such as the date of the soil where the fossils are found. Scientist today date the soil before they dig, because most of the time they are looking for fossils from a specific date range and the practice saves time and work. The skilled analysis of the fossilized skeleton can reveal the particular species in which it belongs. The analysis contains the judgment concerning the fossil by the researchers.
so where do you go from the fact of a fossil belonging to a particular scale on the timeline to saying that it is a key representative of evolution?

Facts can be identified using a proven method thereby gaining acceptance by mainstream science as fact.
Interestingly enough, theories garner support by identical means
so where do you go from the fact of a fossil belonging to a particular scale on the timeline to saying that it is a key representative of evolution?

The key representative of evolution is all the evidence continuing to amass over time.....Human Evolution: The fossil record

Interestingly enough, theories garner support by identical means

Scientific theories apply facts precisely. Unless you provide an example I haven't a clue as to what theories you're talking about.
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Originally Posted by jpappl
Why do any of us have canine teeth ?

we were all vampires!

We still have them, so are we then still Vampires ?

Seriously, why do we still have them.

I understand that you accept evolution or so it seems, which is why we have them at all.

But for anyone who thinks god created humans 5000-10,000 years ago the question remains.

It is pretty much proof the we evolved, beyond any reasonable doubt and like the dinosaur question raises serious doubts about the validity of any religious texts and it's claims.

This is specifically related to all creation accounts, again not suggesting that the texts are supposed to be solely a history lesson. But it does make such claims.

We still have them, so are we then still Vampires ?

Seriously, why do we still have them.

I understand that you accept evolution or so it seems, which is why we have them at all.

But for anyone who thinks god created humans 5000-10,000 years ago the question remains.

It is pretty much proof the we evolved, beyond any reasonable doubt and like the dinosaur question raises serious doubts about the validity of any religious texts and it's claims.

This is specifically related to all creation accounts, again not suggesting that the texts are supposed to be solely a history lesson. But it does make such claims.

yeah, i don't see that religious texts make those claims. i see that some of their interpreters do though.

This is total BS and you know it. It's a cop out Jan.

What is?

Rationalizing away the flaws in the texts. Your just making stuff up to make it fit what we have found, so you can legitimize nonsense.

What are the flaws?

It's one of the creationist talking points.

What is?

In so doing I ask, when did Adam actually arrive and what are all those earlier versions doing in the ground before Adam.

Most probably around 6000 years ago, at the dawn of the kali-yuga, the current age.
I don't get your second question?

As that clearly wasn't what the bible is suggesting is in mans image.

What isn't the bible suggesting? :shrug:

Unless you think this is mans image:

The key representative of evolution is all the evidence continuing to amass over time.....Human Evolution: The fossil record

Scientific theories apply facts precisely. Unless you provide an example I haven't a clue as to what theories you're talking about.
Scientific theories explain facts.

For instance the theory of gravity explains why lighter articles move towards heavier ones.