Religion Vs God


I've already told you;

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Matt 19:4 Mark 10:6

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Try using some common sense. :rolleyes:


And I have already told you that that refers to the Heavens and the earth nothing to do with the creation of MAn nothing you are the one failing to use common sense in this case not me.
You're thinking is from a human POV.
From the get go, God commands nature, and nature complies. This includes
the time factor also. It may have taken hundreds or thousands of years in human time for the creation of Adam, but for God it would have been less than a moment.

He created Eden specifically, without humans, meaning it was pure and uncontaminated. Once Adam had commited the violation, he was expelled, meaning he could not remain in that place anymore.


So GOD commands nature if that is true then why does he continue to kill his children in floods and hurricanes and earthquakes volcanic eruptions. And dont say because they were sinners how do you know they were how do you know every single person that was killed be a natural duster was a sinner. You can not. And if you ask my that does not sound like a loving creator but a mean vindictive being that loves to inflict pain and suffering upon his "Children". In our society that type of "Father would be jailed and or executed.
And I have already told you that that refers to the Heavens and the earth nothing to do with the creation of MAn nothing you are the one failing to use common sense in this case not me.

Forget the "Heavens and the earth" for a moment, what do the text i quoted tell you?

Forget the "Heavens and the earth" for a moment, what do the text i quoted tell you?


The text you quoted says that God created the Heavens and the Earth and said it was good nothing was said about man in that sentence you are taking it way out of context to try an sway people to think that Creation is real and not a myth.
The text you quoted says that God created the Heavens and the Earth and said it was good nothing was said about man in that sentence you are taking it way out of context to try an sway people to think that Creation is real and not a myth.

So what do you make of verses 26-30?

Wait so is the bible a metaphore or is it true it cannot be both.

I'm not going to pretend that I know what went on back then, but that doesn't mean I can't derive truth from it regarding my own life, which I do.

I don't use the bible as a text book, and I don't believe in god and christ because its written. But the bible does provide meaning to what I experience.
Scientific theories explain facts.

Those facts never disappear and are still true while scientists develop theories explaining the facts and what they are telling us. A consensus forms among the scientific community whether any supposed facts along with an accompanying theory is accepted or dismissed.
Ardi is the latest find in paleoanthropology and adds to the continued amassing of evolutionary evidence concerning homo sapiens family tree. There is no creator in the human family tree, only fossils.
So what do you make of verses 26-30?


Well Verse 26
Let us "Plural" make man "singular" in our "Plural" image they are speaking about creating man single if they were talking about men plural. All you have to keep in mind the mind set of thousands of years ago man meant man single. and woman is derived from man and the word woman is actually meaning the woes of man.

And verse 30 I am still not sure what this has to do with the price of eggs but it is explaining that everything created was given to man single for there use and cultivation.
I'm not going to pretend that I know what went on back then, but that doesn't mean I can't derive truth from it regarding my own life, which I do.

I don't use the bible as a text book, and I don't believe in god and christ because its written. But the bible does provide meaning to what I experience.

So you are reading into what the Bible has to say and you are interpreting what it has to say to suit the need you have for piece of mind. As you know as a realistic human being that a lot of the concepts in the bible are just plan wrong as in morally wrong that it is not a credible source of information to glean a hypothesis from then is that a correct statement
Those facts never disappear and are still true while scientists develop theories explaining the facts and what they are telling us. A consensus forms among the scientific community whether any supposed facts along with an accompanying theory is accepted or dismissed.
Ardi is the latest find in paleoanthropology and adds to the continued amassing of evolutionary evidence concerning homo sapiens family tree. There is no creator in the human family tree, only fossils.
Can you recognize how the bit in italics is not a scientific fact?
Originally Posted by earth
Those facts never disappear and are still true while scientists develop theories explaining the facts and what they are telling us. A consensus forms among the scientific community whether any supposed facts along with an accompanying theory is accepted or dismissed.
Ardi is the latest find in paleoanthropology and adds to the continued amassing of evolutionary evidence concerning homo sapiens family tree. There is no creator in the human family tree, only fossils.

Can you recognize how the bit in italics is not a scientific fact?

Now you have become the expert. :)

If there is a creator in the fossil record then show it to me. Science has not identified any such thing. The presentation of the human family tree is done through the fossil record. List of human evolution fossils

One cannot establish a fact on a lack of evidence. However an inference can be drawn from the lack of evidence. The inference is a creator doesn’t exist because there is no evidence to say otherwise. Outline of human family tree.
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Well Verse 26
Let us "Plural" make man "singular" in our "Plural" image they are speaking about creating man single if they were talking about men plural.

Full marks for trying, but you aint foolin no one.
Why didn't you carry on with the rest of the verse namely "...and let THEM...." What part of that didn't you understand?

All you have to keep in mind the mind set of thousands of years ago man meant man single. and woman is derived from man and the word woman is actually meaning the woes of man.

Oh really?
How do you know this?

Now you have become the expert. :)
Not really. I am just measuring your claim against the epistemological standards of the discipline you advocate.

If there is a creator in the fossil record then show it to me.
If there is a creator, explain how you would expect the fossil record to illustrate it?

Science has not identified any such thing.
Or mroe specificially, empiricism .... much for the same reasons microphones do not identify anything about temperature ... namely because they are the wrong tool for the task (if we were discussing sound amplification however ....)
The presentation of the human family tree is done through the fossil record. List of human evolution fossils
Can you recognize that this is a theoretical construct?

One cannot establish a fact on a lack of evidence. However an inference can be drawn from the lack of evidence. The inference is a creator doesn’t exist because there is no evidence to say otherwise.
If one wants to take that path, it behooves one not to reconstruct the epistemological framework that the claim exists in. For instance if I want to cite how there is no evidence for temperature measurement on the basis of extensive studies of microphones (while exclusively disregarding all that we have on thermometers), its more an exercise of one exhibiting one's personal bias (or enormous reserves of ignorance).

Similarly, to hold that claims of god's existence be verifiable through empiricism, as if it has a monopoly on all knowable claims, simply begs the question.
So you are reading into what the Bible has to say and you are interpreting what it has to say to suit the need you have for piece of mind. As you know as a realistic human being that a lot of the concepts in the bible are just plan wrong as in morally wrong that it is not a credible source of information to glean a hypothesis from then is that a correct statement

Honestly, I really don't like to hypothesize or interpret it myself. I'd rather the holy spirit do that for me.
If there is a creator, explain how you would expect the fossil record to illustrate it?

I don't find evidence of a creator in the fossil record, this is the observation. I wouldn't expect to find a fossil record denoting evolution if the creation story were true.

Or mroe specificially, empiricism .... much for the same reasons microphones do not identify anything about temperature ... namely because they are the wrong tool for the task (if we were discussing sound amplification however ....)

How does this relate to the human evolution fossils? How does it relate to the opinions of specialist in their fields of study?

If one wants to take that path, it behooves one not to reconstruct the epistemological framework that the claim exists in. For instance if I want to cite how there is no evidence for temperature measurement on the basis of extensive studies of microphones (while exclusively disregarding all that we have on thermometers), its more an exercise of one exhibiting one's personal bias (or enormous reserves of ignorance).

How does this relate to the human evolution fossils? How does it relate to the opinions of specialist in their fields of study?

Similarly, to hold that claims of god's existence be verifiable through empiricism, as if it has a monopoly on all knowable claims, simply begs the question.

My question to you is from where does one derive knowledge in reality? Be factual.

acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things.

the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension.
I don't think that.
I know it.
Here's one reason.

A more pertinent question would be "Why do you believe telepathy is real (or a possibility)?"

Why not? That link certainly didn't give me a reason.

And I've experienced things that are not explained nor refuted by science.

Why be so close-minded?